One Hundred And Forty-two McCully References

   The references that follow were found while looking for something else. Maybe they'll be useful to other McCULLY hunters. They strongly favor Maritime Canada and the Pacific Northwest of the United States, but there are miscellaneous items from all sorts of interesting places. Sorry not to provide an index, but it isn't on my list of priorities, so have fun browsing. I have many of the original references, so if you see something that interests you, don't hesitate to contact me for more information.

1. Anonymous. [McLeod-McCully connections]. Truro, Nova Scotia: Colchester County Museum.
1. Donald McLeod (1794-1876) m. Jessie Morrison (180l-1870)
2. Kenneth McLeod (1821/2-1881) m. MARY H. McCULLY (1834-1883).
2. Christina McLeod (1825- ) m. JAMES McCULLY (1830-)

2. Anonymous. Cemetery records from files of the Lutz Mountain Heritage Museum, Moncton, New Brunswick.
These cemetery records for the Moncton area were provided by student volunteers at Lutz Mountain, from their computer files. The scope of their search area isn't clear, but obviously covers some of Kings County as well as Westmorland Co.
-Annie McCULLY 1854-1928
-Elizabeth McCULLY d. 1869
-George M. McCULLY d. 1873
-G. Lester McCULLY d. 1908
-George Marshall McCULLY d. 1887
-John Good McCULLY d. 1853
-Joseph B. McCULLY
-Mary McCULLY 1823-1879
-Mary E. McCULLY d.1874
-Melbourne McCULLY 1856-1860
-Rachel Anne McCULLY d. 1831
-Samuel McCULLY d. 1859
-Samuel McCULLY d. 1876
-Sarah McCULLY d. 1834
-W. M. McCULLY 1855-1926
-Willard McCULLY 1862-1887

-Bruce B. McCULLY 1909-1913
-George H. McCULLY 1862-1911
-Lulia I. McCULLY 1828-1911
-Myrtle (ROUSE) McCULLY b. 1922
-Samuel T. McCULLY d.1834 [or 1934? poss. b. 1916]
-Shepherd McCULLY 1901-1901
-Shepherd K. McCULLY 1864-1954
-Victoria S. McCULLY 1872-1941

-Charles I. McCULLY 1892-1974
-Charles F. McCULLY 1883-1972
-Francis M. McCULLY b. 1914
-G. Irvine McCULLY 1882-1939
-George Howard McCULLY 1860-1942
-H. Gertrude (LANE) McCULLY b. 1902
-Jessie P. (COLPITTS) McCULLY b. 1887
-M. Emma McCULLY 1874-1970
-Minnie (WILSON) McCULLY 1867-1962
-Norman D. McCULLY 1903-1960
-Shirley Julia McCULLY 1944-1956
-Venetta B. McCULLY b. 1903
-William H. McCULLY 1869-1955

-Dorothy McCULLY 1867-1918
-W. M. S. McCULLY 1836-1918

-Hazel M. McCULLY b. 1887

-Mary J. McCULLY d. 1895

3. Anonymous. [Vital records from Public Archives of Nova Scotia card file]. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Public Archives.
The following vital records were taken from a card file at PANS (Public Archives of Nova Scotia).

Halifax Daily Echo 26 Oct 1891, p. 3, col. 1 - Rev. C. W. McCULLY of Halifax is the new rector of Good Shepherd Church, Houlton, Maine.

Marriage bonds 28 Jan 1847 - Charles McCULLY of Londonderry married Miss Margaret BLAIR.

Marriage bonds 17 Mar 1845 - Elizabeth McCULLY (sister of Jonathan, "Father of Confederation") married Josiah BLACK of Amherst, Nova Scotia. Witnesses: Jonathan McCULLY and William McCULLY of Cumberland Co., N.S.

Novascotian 22 Dec 1851 - Mary, second dau. of the late Samuel McCULLY, married James FREEMAN, at Amherst.

Novascotian 17 Dec 1866 - William McCULLY, age 61, brother of Jonathan McCULLY, of the firm of Patterson, McCully & Co., Liverpool, England, died at Amherst, Nova Scotia, 8 Dec 1866.

4. Anonymous. Cumberland County birth records. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Public Archives.
PANS microfilm #12183, Cumberland Co., N.S., birth records - on Reel 1, Beausejour Museum documents. The tape is very dark, and the first names are partially obscured.
Children of Samuel and Easter [Esther] McColley [McCULLY], all born at Maccan, Cumberland Co., Nova Scotia:
22 Sep 1800, Cyrus
1 Oct 1802, Elizabeth
10 Jan 1805 Will
17 Jan 1807 Sam
25 July 1809 (unreadable)
12 June 1812 Mary
20 March(?) 1813 Robt (?)

5. Anonymous. [Nova Scotia vital records - McCully].
The source of these records was not recorded.
-9 Dec 1851, Mary McCULLY dau of late Rev. S. McCULLY, married James FREEMAN, at Amherst, Nova Scotia.

-11 Oct 1854, Nancy/Mary W. BLAIR died at Truro, wife of James K. BLAIR, and only dau. of the late William McCULLY.

6. Anonymous. 1827. 1827 Census of Nova Scotia. Sheets 95-109, Cape Breton and Cumberland counties.
Samuel McCully in 1827 Cumberland County, Nova Scotia census - Amherst - Methodist - farmer - 7 males and 5 females in his household.

7. Anonymous. 1860. Marriages. Oregon Statesman (Salem, Oregon), 19 Jun 1860: p.2.
3 Jun 1860 - James McCully married Miss Caroline Freeman, both of Douglas County.

8. Anonymous. 1861. Kent County, New Brunswick, census.
P.44, Richibucto Parish shows family of William McCULLY, 80, b. Nova Scotia, Methodist, farmer; Mary Jane, 46, daughter, b. New Brunswick, Methodist; Catherine A., 42, dau., N.B., Meth.; Rebecca, 35, dau, N.B., Meth.; Samuel, 28, son, N.B., Meth., farm laborer; John NEELSON, 5, grandson, N.B., Meth.
In another household (ADAIR), Ann E. McCULLY, 67, b. N.B., Methodist, VI (visitor?)

Also, the Coolie HERD household next door to McCULLY:
Coolie HERD, age 45, b. Nova Scotia; Methodist; engineer
Catherine HERD [note: this is a McCULLY], 45, b. N.B.
Ann E. HERD (dau.), 13, b. N. B.
Tamer HERD (dau), 9, b. N. B.

9. Anonymous. 1864. (Walla Walla city council). Oregon Statesman (Salem, Oregon), 25 Apr 1864: p.3.
George McCully elected city councilman, Walla Walla, Washington.

10. Anonymous. 1864. (Appointees to State Sanitary Fair). Oregon Statesman (Salem, Oregon), 12 Sep 1864: p.1.
Mrs. A.A.McCully, Miss Jeanette McCully, and Miss Ann McCully all appointed to committee for State Sanitary Fair.

11. Anonymous. 1869. Married. Oregonian (Portland,Oregon), 17 Mar 1869: p.2.
Married,near Jefferson, Oregon, 14 Mar 1869, Mr. John McCully and Miss Margaret E. Neal, both of Marion County.

12. Anonymous. 1870. Wasco County, Oregon, census.
East of Deschutes, Scots Postoffice - 1870
-John McCULLEY, 29, PA, farmer
Margaret McCulley, 18, OR
William McCulley, 7 months, OR

13. Anonymous. 1870. Linn County, Oregon, census.
1870 Linn County, Oregon, census
Albany Precinct
JOHN M. McCULLY, 45, farmer, b. Tennessee; Clemantine E., 44, housewife, TN; William, 19, TN; Alfred, 16, farmworker, OR; Susan A., 14, in school, OR; Elizabeth, 12, in school, OR; Irving F., 10, OR, school; Mary J., 8, OR, Josephine, 6, OR; Benjamin 2, OR.
Scio Precinct
AMERICUS McCULLY, 22, clerk in store, b. Tennessee (also shown in John M. household)
Harrisburg Precinct
WILLIAM McCULLY, 53, farmer, b. Indiana; Amanda McCully, 22, Missouri; Merritt, 20, farm worker, MO; Thomas, 18, farm worker, MO; Nancy, 17, Oregon; Mack, 14, school, OR; Otis, 12, school, OR; Mary, 12, school, OR; Rosetta, 8, OR; George, 7, OR; Angeline, 5, OR.

14. Anonymous. 1871. Marriage notice. Daily Oregonian (Portland, Oregonian), 30 Nov 1871: p.2.
Thomas McCully m. 25 Nov 1871 to Mrs. Pamelia Babcock, by Rev. T. L. Eliot, all of Portland, Oregon.

15. Anonymous. 1871. Married (John McCully and Maria J. Livengwood). Pacific Christian Advocate (Portland, Oregon), 16 Nov 1871:
Married: At the M. E. Parsonage, November 3, 1871, by Rev. J. H. Adams - Mr. John McCully and Miss Maria J. Livengwood, all of Walla Walla county, Washington Territory

16. Anonymous. 1871. New Brunswick census 1871. Microfilm F1605 and 16121, New Brunswick Archives.
Sussex Western - #167 - Barbara McCully, servant, 20, Scotch, house servant, Presbyterian.

Robert McCully, 55, born N.B., Methodist, Irish, farmer;
Lavinia 46, Susan 23, Silus C 21, Oscar J. 19, Alonzo D, 17, Frank A. 12, Clement 5.

17. Anonymous. 1880. Idaho census.
Camp Howard, Idaho County, Idaho, June 1880 - Robert McCULLY, 62, farmer; born Tennessee; father born Scotland; mother born Pennsylvania.

18. Anonymous. 1880. Linn County, Oregon, census.
Angy McCully, 15, sister-in-law, student, b.Oregon, father b. Missouri, mother b. MO. [NOTE: this may be in error, some way: when I examined the 1880 census on the LDS site, it has her in the household of James and Amanda HERREN, and is listed as James' sister-in-law]
Americus T. McCully, 32, head of house, farmer, b. Tennessee, parents birthplace unknown.
Nancy E. McCully, wife, 26, housewife, b. OR; father b. Virginia; mother b. Tennessee.
Children: Roma Alton, 7; Irvine Gilbert, 4; Cora Edith, 2.

ALBANY PRECINCT - North Brownsville
Libbie McCully, 21, servant in Jesse B. Irvine household, b. OR, both parents b. Tennessee.

Mollie McCully, 18, laborer, housekeeper for Andrew Loubner; b. OR, parents both b. Tennessee.

J. M. McCully, 55, head of house, farmer, b. Tennessee; father b. Virginia, mother b. Tennessee.
Clementine E., 54, wife, b. TN, both parents b. TN. Children: Frederick, 20; Josephine, 16; Benjamin, 12; Melvin, 7 (all b. OR).

19. Anonymous. 1881. Licenses to marry. Daily Oregonian (Portland, Oregon), 1 Jan 1881: p.2.
marriage license J. McCully, age 25, and Miss E. McCaull, 22.

20. Anonymous. 1892. Judge McCully passes away after a lingering illness. Advertiser (Honolulu, Hawaii), Apr 1892: p.5.
Lawrence McCully died in Honolulu 10 Apr 1892. He was First Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, and a member of the Privy Council of State. Born New York City 28 May 1831, so he was 6l when he died. He had lived in Oswego, NY, during his youth, had gone to Yale, and spent some time in Louisiana and Kentucky. He had been in Hawaii since 1854.
He is survived by a brother Rev. Charles G. McCully of Calais, Maine, and a sister, Miss Anna McCully of Tokyo, Japan.

21. Anonymous. 1936. [Genealogy inquiry re McCully family members]. Boston Transcript (Boston, Massachusetts), 23 Sep 1936:
Notes 1773 will of John McCully/McCulley of Mount Holly, New Jersey. He had sons James and Joseph. James had sons John and Joseph. A large family of McColleys lived in Delaware.
Major George McCully served in the Revolutionary War, was probably from Chester, Pennsylvania. His only child was Eliza McCully, who married Boyle Irwin of Pittsburg.
Daniel McCully in Philadelphia in 1790.
A John McCully established the first pottery in Trenton, New Jersey in 1816. A Samuel McCully married Lydia Esdaile in Burlington Co., NJ, 29 Nov 1787. Edward McColley of Sussex Co., NJ in his will of 1792 named his wife Sarah, dau. Elidia Ellison, dau. Martha, and grandau of his wife, Elidia Lenard.

22. Anonymous. 1958. Arthur Johnston McCULLEY. New York Times (New York, NY), 25 Nov 1958:
"Arthur Johnstone McCulley, creator of 'Zorro', died last night in Hollywood Presbyterian Hospital after a series of operations. His age was 75. Mr. McCulley, a former newspaper man, wrote dozens of books during his career. He created Zorro for a national men's magazine. The fictional character became famous when the late Douglas Fairbanks Sr. portrayed the role in the motion pictures. He had been a reporter for the Los Angeles Herald and Express and began writing fiction in 1908. His novels included 'Iron Horse Town' and 'The Devil's Doubloons'. He also wrote several plays and motion-picture stories. Mr. McCulley lived in Hollywood with his daughter, Beatrice Maureen McCulley, an artist, his only survivor."

23. Anonymous. 1962. Obituary - Tressie C. McCully. Oregon Statesman (Salem, Oregon), 5 Apr 1962: p.Section 2, p.10.
Mrs. Tressie Carlson McCully, 78, former Salem and Aumsville resident, died in Goodyear, Arizona, on 1 Apr 1962. She taught school in Marion County, OR for several years, lived near Aumsville before moving to Arizona. She is survived by her sons Max of Goodyear, AZ, and Irvine of Upland, California; also by a sister and two brothers, one of them Harvey Carlson of Aumsville. (Note: no husband name given).

24. Anonymous. 1963. James H. McCully. Oregon Journal (Portland, Oregon), 30 May 1963: p.Sec. 3, p.6.
Obituary for James H. McCully, 84; resident of Portland, Oregon, since 1907; died 27 May 1963. A native of Texas.
Survived by sons Claude A., Ralph M., Harold K. (all of Portland), Charles D. (Gresham, Oregon); and daughters Mrs. Alma Ell (Portland) and Mrs. Doris Yok (Oakland, CA).

25. Anonymous. 1963. Death notice: Luretta P. McCully. Oregon Journal (Portland, Oregon), 10 June 1963: p.5.
Luretta P. McCully, 73, died; former Portland, Oregon, resident and operator of Hollywood (Portland, OR) McCully Cleaners.

26. Anonymous. 1963. James H. McCully. Oregonian (Portland, Oregon), 30 May 1963: p.6, 7.
Requiem mass for James McCully, 84, of 1407 N. E. Tillamook, Portland, Oregon. Died 27 May 1963 at local hospital. Born in Grayson County, Texas, 1 Nov 1878; lived in Portland since 1907; retired mechanic for Mack Truck Company.Buried at Rose City Cemetery, Portland.

27. Anonymous. 1963. Luretta P. McCully. Oregonian (Portland, Oregonian), 9 June 1963: p.48.
Mrs. Luretta P. McCully, former Portland, Oregon, resident, 73, died in San Rafael, Marin County, California, 6 June 1963. She was a native of Minnesota. She and her late husband Thomas J. McCully once operated the Hollywood McCully Cleaners in Portland. She is buried at Mt. Calvary Cemetery, Portland. In Oregon, she was a member of the Elks Auxilliary in Seaside; Mothers of Veterans of Foreign Wars; Hollywood Business and Professional Women's Club; and Hollywood Lions Club Auxilliary.

28. Anonymous. 1970-71. Polk County Marriage Records. Beaver Briefs (Willamette Valley Genealogical Society) 2 (4):5-10.
Married Polk Co., Oregon, 29 May 1872 - John McCully and S. E. Davidson

29. Anonymous. 1972. Polk County Marriage Records. Beaver Briefs 3 (4):3-6.
Married 9 Jun 1878, Polk County, Oregon - Charles A. McCully (of Benton County) and Rachel I. Damewood.

30. Anonymous. 1972. Marion County Marriage Records. Beaver Briefs 3 (4):7-10.
Married 18 June 1873, Jenette McCully and James H. Reed, Marion Co., Oregon

31. Anonymous. 1973. Levi E. McCully. Oregonian (Portland, Oregon), 3 Aug 1973: p.27.
Levi E. McCully, 74, died in Portland, Oregon, hospital, age 74, on 31 July 1973. Born Chanute, Kansas. Life member of Yakima (Washington) Lodge No. 34, AF&AM. Survived by wife Manila of 6957 Alameda Drive, Portland, and a daughter Mrs. Albert (Irene) Murray of New Jersey.

32. Anonymous. 1997. Passenger list for the brig Ambassador - Londonderry, Ireland, to Saint John, N. B., 1834. Generations 19 (1):4-6.
"Port of Londonderry: A list of Crew and of such persons as have contracted to take their passage on board the Brig Ambassador of Saint John N. B., Thomas Vaughan Master, Burthen p Register 196 tons and bound for Saint John N.B."

On crew list: Dan'l McCOLLEY, 24, seaman, Saint John, New Brunswick

On passenger list:
James McCOLLEY, 30, farmer, County Derry, Ireland
Mary McCOLLEY, 30, wife of James, County Derry, Ireland
Jane McCOLLEY, 3, County Derry
Ann McCOLLEY, 2, County Derry

33. Anonymous. 1998. Oran McCully. (Kelso, WA), Feb 1998:
Oran Leslie McCULLY b. 24 Sep 1922, Ione, WA, to Jesse Lee McCULLY and Ruby CONLEY; moved to Cowlitz Co., WA in 1927; graduated Toutle High School; Marine in WWII; most of his life worked as logger and manager for Weyerhaeuser Company at Kalama and Tacoma, retired in 1987.
His brother Arnold Lee McCULLY died in 1986. Survived by his wife Wyona [___] McCully [married ca 1949]; sister Bettylou (McCULLY) Slape; and children:
-Doug McCULLY (Camas, WA); Les McCULLY (Toutle, WA); Peggy (McCULLY) Spencer (Toutle, WA); Debbie (McCULLY) Gould (Castle Rock, WA); Sandee (McCULLY) Ness (Castle Rock, WA); Colleen (McCULLY) Brady (Longview, WA); Jana (McCULLY) McWilliams (Kelso, WA); and Linda (McCULLY) Snyder (Renton, WA).

34. Automated Archives Inc. 1994. [Ohio marriage records]. computer printout.
Dolly Sainsbury obtained the following McCULLY [and related spelling] marriage records from Ohio, from a CD-ROM [name unknown].
Carroll Co., OH
James McCULLY and Mary BAKER 20 May 1846
Eliza McCOLLY and James BARR 7 Mar 1844
Rebecca McCAULEY and Daniel DRAKE 18 Sep 1834
Lavina McCULLY and Andrew DUNCAN 5 Apr 1849

Jefferson Co., OH
Grace McCULLY and Edward COEN 28 Oct 1827
John McCAULEY and Maria DILLON 19 Jul 1838
Sarah McCAULEY and David S. EVANS 19 Apr 1827
Pamelia McCAULEY and Solomon KNOTT 12 Jun 1817
Elizabeth McCAULEY and Ambrose LEATON 17 Dec 1818
William McCAULEY and Jane PARSONS 25 Jan 1816
James McCULLY and Mary PHILLIPS 5 Nov 1833
Jane McCULLY and Robert SAMPLE 1 Dec 1822
Margaret McCULLY and John SUTHERLAND 30 May 1817
Susan McCULLY and Elias SLEE 16 Apr 1831

Noble Co., OH
Harriet McCAULEY and John BAKER 22 May 1862
McCAULEY and Lydia Ann SPRAGUE 7 Oct 1852
Jane McCAULEY and John MONTGOMERY 20 Mary 1857

Greene Co., OH
James McCULLY and Rebecca JUNKIN 11 May 1809

Stark Co., OH
Rachel McCULLY and Osee WELCH 20 Aug 1836

Tuscarawas Co., OH
F. W. McCAULEY and Elizabeth A. LISTER 12 Apr 1860
Franklin W. McCAULEY and Louisa WELCH 21 Jun 1853

35. E. Berry. No date. Belmont County [Ohio] marriage licenses - Book A & B. Marnock, OH: Self-published. 132pp.
Robert McCULLY and Elizabeth HOLMES 2 Dec 1819

36. I. E. Bill. 1880. Fifty years with the Baptist ministers and churches of the Maritime Provinces of Canada. Saint John, New Brunswick: Barnes and Company.
Pp.246-247 - Rev. Samuel McCULLY's ordination took place at the Baptist Association of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick in Sackville, N. B. June 1820. For years he was associate pastor at Sackville, with Rev. Charles Tupper, but never depended on the church for his living and hence didn't take part in a lot of denominational pursuits. He died after a brief illness at Amherst 12 Aug 1849, age 76.

P.337 - The Hon. Jonathan McCully was born in Nappan, Cumberland County, July 25, 1809. He was the fifth child of the Rev.Samuel and Esther McCully. In 1849 he was baptized by Rev. Charles Tupper, D.D. and united with the Baptist Church in Amherst; and the same year he removed to the City of Halifax. He was married in 1842 to Eliza, youngest daughter of Deacon Richard Creed of Halifax, whose removal by death in 1874 [Eliza Creed McCully], after a long illness, so painfully affeacted here husband that his friends had no doubt it was one of the causes

P.665 - In Nov 1830 Elder Samuel McCULLY visited Prince Edward Island, travelled extensively, and preached 49 times. The Methodists were friendly and let him use their chapels. He established a Baptist church of about 30 members, of which he baptized five.
"Brother McCully mentions an extraordinary excitement among many of the people on Prince Edward Island, especially those that speak the Gaelic language, under the ministry of Rev.Donald McDonald, of the established Church of Scotland. This man professes to have recently experienced a change of heart, and now preaches in a very alarming manner. Great numbers attend his preaching, and the effects produced are unusual. They are seized with convulsive affeactions, and their bodies and limbs are distorted in a wonderful manner. Mr. McDonald informed Brother McCully that upwards of three hundred have been subjects of these unusual bodily affections; and he stated that he judged about one hundred and forty of these have been savingly converted. From one conversation with some of the converts, and from information respecting the improvement of their morals, Brother McCully concluded that, singular as are the exercises attending their conversions, the change in them could not have been produced by any other influence than that of the Holy Spirit."

37. Blaine County-Idaho. 1910. Census index for Blaine County, Idaho.
The 1910 census index has the following McCULLEY representatives in Blaine Co., ID:

Ernest McCULLEY, living at Arco, ID; age 50; b. Kentucky
Delia B. McCULLEY, living at Arco, ID; age 43; b. Kentucky
Fern McCULLEY, living at Arco, ID; age 15; b. Kentucky

38. P. R. Blakeley. 1967. Jonathan McCully, Father of Confederation. Collections of the Nova Scotia Historical Society 36 142-181.
"Jonathan McCully was of Ulster Irish and Yorkshire stock, his father being Samuel McCully (1773-1849), and his mother Esther Pipes (1779-1824). Family tradition says that the first McCully came to Nova Scotia from Londonderry, Ireland, and that his son, Joseph McCully, was born at the Barracks in Halifax...and learned tailoring... Later Joseph McCully moved to Onslow where he purchased a farm. Jonathan McCully's father Samuel was probably Joseph's brother, and he also lived in Onslow. William and Elizabeth McCully had each received five hundred acres of land in Londonderry Township in March 1775. William was still living there with his family in 1791, when Joseph and Samuel were in Onslow." [The reference to Joseph being born in the barracks in Halifax is from Piers 1900]

39. H. P. Blanchard. 1930. Genealogical record and biographical sketches of the McCurdys of Nova Scotia. London, England: Covenant Publishing Co. 228pp.
Page 23 - John Harvey KENT b. 28 Aug 1846, the son of John KENT [b. 14 July 1815] and Sarah Lynds ARCHIBALD; d. 15 Mar 1908; m. 25 Oct 1876 Sarah McCULLY, dau. of Rev. Samuel McCULLY and Nancy BLANCHARD. Nancy BLANCHARD the youngest child of Jonathan BLANCHARD, and granddau. of Jotham BLANCHARD [NOTE: this is a different father than recorded in the Colchester Co. history, but the same grandfather].
Children: Clarence G. KENT, Harry Arnold KENT, George Morrow KENT, Nancy Blanchard KENT, Susan KENT, Edward Blanchard KENT.

40. G. S. Bodine. 1969. [Letter from Gertrude Scudder Bodine to McCully House Doll Museum, Jacksonville, Oregon]. letter. 14 Oct 1969.
Mrs. Bodine, the widow of Justice Joseph Bodine of the New Jersey Supreme Court, traces her ancestry to McCullys who came to this country from northern Ireland in the early 1700s. They were Protestants. One of her ancestors, John McCully, started a pottery business in Trenton, NJ, in the mid 1700s. Her greatgrandfather was Thomas McCully of Philadelphia; her grandfather was Henry Benjamin McCully of Mt Holly, NJ; her mother Gertrude McCully married Joseph R. Scudder of Laurenceville, NJ.

41. L. M. Boyce. 1983. Linn County Early 1850 Records. Portland, Oregon: Boyce-Wheeler Publishing.
Legend: t, territorial state; s, school tax; c, county tax; T, total tax assessment.

H. F. McCully - t, 0.29; s, 0.58; c, 1.16= T3.03.
William H. McCully - t, 0.71; s, 1.42; c, 2.84= T4.97.

42. British Public Record Office. 1816. [Papers concerning a pension for Mary McCulley, widow of Lieut. Samuel McCulley]. London, England: Latter Day Saints Church, Salt Lake City, Utah.
22 May 1816 - Mary McCulley, now residing at Temple Patrick, applying for a pension as the wife of Lieut. Samuel McCulley of the 10th Veterans Batallion who died in Quebec in the War of 1812. Including is a certification letter that she was indeed Samuel McCulley's wife (writer's name not decipherable) - "I hereby certify that there have never been any registry kept in the Parish of [Temple Patrick?] of the marriages which have taken place, but from every inquiry that I have made, and from the evidence of the ________ parishioners, I have no doubt that the said Mary McCully was legally married to Saml. McCully late a Lieut. in the 10th Veterans Batallion by the Riv'd M. Bennett (?) then curate of _____ of the parish _____Temple Patrick in the year 1774. Sent from New Lodge near Antrim, 22 May 1816.
[Note that War Office requests used McCULLEY, but response concerns McCULLY]

43. British War Office. 1811. A list of officers of the Army and Royal Marines on full and half-pay.
Examined this book at the Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT - list dated 15 May 1811:
Lieut. Samuel McCULLY, 10th Royal Veteran Battalion; rank in the Army from 20 Feb 1806, rank in the Regiment from 20 May 1810.

44. H. P. Brooks. 1995. Kent County, New Brunswick, marriage records 1845-1862. Privately published.
Volume 1
Cooley WARD [HURD?] m. Catherine McCULLY, both of Richibucto, 29 Aug 1846. Witnesses: William HUGHES and William McCULLY.

Volume 2
Samuel McCULLY of Chatham, and Mary LITTLE of Richibucto, 15 Jun 1870. Witnesses: J. DesRINEY and Sarah FETHERAN.

45. W. F. Brown and L. E. Brown. 1981. Records of Lone Fir Cemetery from early sexton's records, 1879-1898. Portland, Oregon: Genealogical Forum of Portland.
1 July 1897 - Thomas McCULLY grave in middle of Lot 8 - B9. Listed as suicide. Edward Holman, mortician.

46. J. A. Caldwell. 1880. History of Belmont and Jefferson counties, Ohio. Wheeling, West Virginia: Historical Publishing Company. 611+p.

p.604. John V. McCULLEY was born in Washington Co., PA in 1821; came to Jefferson Co., OH in 1840; one of the leading farmers in the country, raises Merino sheep, cattle and hogs. He was a trustee for Wells Township, and in 1871 an elder in the Smithfield Presbyterian Church.

Another John McCULLEY/McCULLY (both spellings) served in Capt. James Downing's company in the War of 1812, and in 1817 was trustee of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Steubenville.

47. Federal Censuses. 1880. McCullys in Oregon, Washington and California.
Some Pacific Northwest McCullys from the 1880 Federal Census:

Fifteen-Mile, Wasco Co., Oregon:
Robert McCULLY, 29, b. Oregon; farmer; no parental origin info
Jane McCULLY, wife, 24, b. Oregon
Bertie McCULLY, dau., 5, b. Oregon
Benjamin McCULLY, son, 3, OR
Maud McCULLY, dau, 9 months, OR
Cora McCULLY, sister, 16, OR
Charles BYRUM, cousin, 21, OR; farmhand

Albany, Linn Co, Oregon:
James R. HERREN, 38, M0: butcher; parents b. KY
Amanda J. HERREN, wife, 30, MO; parents born MO
Angy McCULLY, sister-in-law, 15, OR; parents born Missouri

1st Enumeration District, Whitman Co., Washington:
Jesse McCULLY, 45, b. IA; farmer; parents both born IA
Emma McCULLY, wife, 37, OR; parents born MO
Lily McCULLY, dau, 13, OR
Robert McCULLY, son, 4, OR
Maud McCULLY, dau, 2, Wash. Terr.

Goose Lake, Modoc County, California:
John McCULLEY, 42, Ireland; farmer; parents both b. Ireland
Margaret E. McCULLEY, 29, OR; father b. MO; mother b. KY
William I. McCULLEY, son, 10, OR.
Francis N. McCULLEY, son, 9, OR
Ada L. McCULLEY, dau, 7, CA
Lithabell McCULLEY, dau, 6, CA
Alameda McCULLEY, dau, 4, CA
John McCULLEY, son, 2, CA
Alexander McCULLEY, son, 9 months, CA.

48. D. F. Christopher. 1987. Cemeteries of Albert County, New Brunswick. Riverview, New Brunswick: Privately published.
Included is cemetery information for all graveyards in Albert County, N. B.McCULLA
-Isabella d. 26 Aug 1892 in 49th yr; Church Hill Cemetery, Elgin

-Elizabeth S. 1888-1944, wife of L. Dalton COLPITTS; Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Elgin.

-John d. 11 Jan 1874, age 68; native of Armagh, Ireland; Curryville Cemetery, Hopewell.

-Alexander 1838-1907; Church Hill Cemetery, Elgin.
-Herbert J. 1881-1966, bro. [husband?] of Susan A. BABINGTON; Church Hill Cemetery, Elgin.
-Lottie J. 1876-1951, wife of Albert W. GRAY; Church's Corner Cemetery, Elgin.
-Margaret d. 18 Feb 1902; wife of William McCULLY; Caledonia Mountain Cemetery, Hillsborough.
-Margaret A. 1848-1941, wife of Alexander McCULLY; Church Hill Cemetery, Elgin.
-Marjorie E. (BANNISTER), wife of Thomas A. McCULLY; 1917-1978; New Elgin Baptist Cemetery, Elgin.
-Murray W. 1913-1913; son of William and E. McCULLY; Church Hill Cemetery, Elgin.
-Susan A. (BABINGTON) wife of Herbert J. McCULLY; 1871-1966; Church Hill Cemetery, Elgin.
-Thomas A. 1914-1971; New Elgin Baptist Cemetery, Elgin.

MacAULEY, Nora Blanche 1879-1949; wife of George M. MacAULEY; Coverdale Wesleyan Union Cemetery, Coverdale.

-E. J., Rev. d. 3 Feb 1907, age 63; New Ireland Catholic Cemetery, Harvey.
-Eakin M. b. 17 May 1935; d. 19 Nov 1956; son of John L. and Orpah E. McAULEY; Hopewell Hill Protestant Cemetery, Hopewell.
-John, d. 13 Dec 1880, age 92; New Ireland Catholic Cemetery, Harvey.
-John L. 1898-1978; Hopewell Hill Protestant Cemetery, Hopewell.
-Mary A. d. 20 Aug 1906 age 52 (murdered); New Ireland Catholic Cemetery, Harvey. [NOTE: Thomas COLLINS, immigrant from England hanged at Hopewell Cape 1907 for the murder of Mary Ann McAULEY at New Ireland, Albert Co.; Lower Cape, Mountain View Cemetery, Hopewell.]
-Orpah E. 1900-___, wife of John L. McAULEY; Hopewell Hill Protestant Cemetery, Hopewell.
-Willena C. d. 6 Apr 1874, age 6 mo 6 days; dau. of James and Sarah McAULLEY; Coverdale Wesleyan Union Cemetery, Coverdale.

49. A. Connolly. 2000. Ornament on old church recalls events of former days. Generations [New Brunswick Geneal. Soc] 22 (2):4.
NOTE: the origin of the following quote is unclear in the article: is it the author of this note speaking, or is it being quoted from some other source? It also isn't clear when the incident occurred.
In 1831 or 1832 St. Johns Church in Chatham, New Brunswick, had a rooster weather vane erected. The vane has been preserved by the Natural History Society.
" interesting bit of information is connected with a bullet hole that is still visible in the body of the rooster. It seems that on one occasion the late Caleb McCulley, father of Col. McCulley of this town, was coming in the Chapel road from a hunting expedition. When mounting the rise of hill beyond the crest he saw the rooster on the top of the spire and he said to his companions 'I wonder if I can hit that.' He brought the rifle to bear and sent a bullet right through the rooster.
"When the church learned of this remarkable feat with the rifle they made Mr. McCulley erect scaffolding to the top and have the hole in the rooster soldered up, so that the shot proved rather an expensive one."

50. J. Custer and D. Wade. 1979. The marriage records of Marion County, Oregon, 1849-1879. Salem, Oregon: Willamette Valley Genealogical Society. 1.
Matthew McCULLY and Miss Martha J. McDONALD (McDANIEL), 28 Oct 1868; John McCully, witness.

51. J. Custer and D. Wade. 1981. The marriage records of Polk County, Oregon 1849-1879. Salem, OR: Willamette Valley Genealogical Society. 113pp.
--John McCULLY and S. E. DAVIDSON, 29 May 1872, at home of Andrew DAVIDSON
--Martha A. DAVIDSON and John CORNELIUS, 1 Jan 1877, at home of Andrew DAVIDSON; witness: John McCULLY
--Charles A. McCULLY of Benton Co., OR, and Rachel I. DAMEWOOD, 9 Jun 1878, at home of Melvin DAMEWOOD

52. M. Dargis. 1996. Sodaville: the story of a mineral spring that created a town. Self-published. 259pp.
This book is unindexed, so there may be more of interest. There are several references to Allie [PARRISH] McCULLY.

53. C. E. Eaton. 1979. The Nova Scotia Eatons 1760-1975. Self-published. 836pp.
p.413. Venetta Beryl MATTINSON, dau. of Robert Wellington and Eva (EATON) MATTINSON: b. 18 Dec 1903 at Beckwith, Nova Scotia; married 29 Oct 1929 Norman Douglas McCULLY, son of Shepherd and Victoria (BURGUS) McCULLY (Norman died 1960). Children: Leonard Norman McCULLY b. 5 Mar 1931, and Robert Douglas McCULLY b. 20 Mar 1938.

p.670. Leonard Norman McCULLY b. Moncton, New Brunswick, 5 Mar 1931; married 12 Jan 1951 Shirley Barbara Ann BRANSCOMBE, dau. of Lloyd Austin and Bessie Louise (TAYLOR) BRANSCOMBE (Shirley born 16 Nov 1935). Leonard was a farmer. Children: Leonard Lloyd McCULLY b. 23 Jul 1951; Doris Venetta McCULLY b. 2 Dec 1953; Isabel Ruth McCULLY b. 12 Mar 1955; Frank Robert McCULLY b. 14 Jan 1957; Darlene Ann McCULLY b. 2 Jul 1959; Paul Kevin McCULLY b. 13 Aug 1960; Lois Jean McCULLY b. 19 Jul 1961; Douglas Norman McCULLY b. 10 Dec 1962; Richard Terry McCULLY b. 11 Mar 1964; and Angela Joy McCULLY b. 10 Feb 1966.

Robert Douglas McCULLY b. Manhurst, New Brunswick, 20 Mar 1938; m. 20 Mar 1964 Marie-Claire _____ (who was b. 28 Apr 1934 at Thornloe). Robert was a Corporal in the Canadian Armed Forces. Children: Marshall Robert McCULLY b. 25 Mar 1960; Christine Janet McCULLY b. 22 Jun 1965; Dennis Norman McCULLY b. 18 Nov 1967; and Daniel Joseph McCULLY b. 18 Nov 1967.

p.783. Leonard Lloyd McCULLY (see p.670 reference) b. Moncton, New Brunswick 23 Jul 1951; m. 20 Jun 1970 Brenda Mae BECK (b. Moncton 2 Jul 1952).

54. P. W. Filby and M. K. Meyer. 1981. Passenger and immigration lists index. Detroit, Michigan: Gale Research Company. 2.
These McCullys were listed by destination, no places of origin given: James, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1853; James, Philadelphia 1799; James, Virginia ; Owen Philadelphia 1832 (all McCULLEY above here, all McCULLY below); Adam, Phila. 1866; Andrew, Phila. 1799; Andrew Phila. 1844; Andrew, New York State 1833-34; Cath., age 48, New York State 1833-34; Danieel, Phila 1856; Danieel, Phila. 1858; Ephraim, Charlestown, South Carolina 1772; Hen., Phila. 1802; James, Phila. 1813; John, Charlestown, SC, 1772; John, Phila. 1850; Joseph, Frederick County, Maryland, 1799; Matthew, New York State, 1811; Matthew, Phila. 1852; Michael, age 23, Boston 1848; Patrick, Phila. 1855; Robert, Phila., 1864; Robert, Phila. 1869; Robert, "America" 1805; William, Phila., 1834; Wm., "America", 1805; Wm., "America", 1805.

55. First United Church Historical Committee. 1960. Two centuries of Christian witness in Truro, Nova Scotia. First United Church 1760-1960. Toronto, Ontario: Ryerson Press. 85pp.
Pp.18-19 - On the list of call Rev. John Waddell to the Truro church 26 Jul 1798 are JOSEPH McCULLY, James Hamilton, Ebenezer Hoar, and Richard Pike.

P.77, on the 1914-1918 Honour Roll (WW I?) is CLAYTON McCULLY.

56. J. L. Flood and D. Flood. 1988. Marriage Records of Linn County, Oregon - Nov 1884 thru Nov 1921. Albany, Oregon: Linn Benton Genealogical Services. V.
Claude B. McCully and Tressie M. Shelton, 20 Feb 1909.
I. G. McCully and Allie Parrish, 1 Jan 1900.

57. Genealogical Forum of Oregon. 1987. Index, Oregon Donation Land Claims. Portland, Oregon:
Following records given as: land office (Oregon City or Roseburg), cert. No., no. acres, TRS:
Isaac McCULLY and wife - OC, #1040, 644.14, 9S 2W Sect. 21,22,28,29.
David McCULLY - OC, #1824, 320.41, 15S 4W Sec.14,15.
Henry F. McCULLEY/McCULLY - OC #1986 (no other info).
John M. McCULLY & wife - OC #3424, 320, 9S 1E, sect. 25,26.
Samuel McCULLY & wife - RB #1178, 320.52, 15S 4W Sec. 3, 10.
William H. McCULLY - OC #819, 158.64, 15S 4W, Sec. 10.
Asa A. & Hannah K. McCULLY - OC, #684, 316.47, 15S 4W, Sec. 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16.

58. Genealogical Forum of Portland. 1970. Yesterday's roll call; statistical data and genealogical facts from cemeteries in Baker, Sherman and Umatilla counties, Oregon. Portland, OR: Genealogical Forum of Portland, Oregon. 1. 364pp.

Helix Cemetery 1/2 mile S. of Helix, Umatilla Co., OR
-McCULLEY, Lewis b. 15 Mar 1902; d. 2 Apr 1903

Olney Cemetery near Pendleton, Umatilla Co., OR
-McCULLEY, Mary Lois b.1852 d. 1906

59. Genealogical Societies of Linn County. 1993. 1910 Census - Linn County, Oregon. Genealogical Societies of Linn County. 2 and 3.
HALSEY PRECINCT - Roma A. McCully, 36, OR; Blanche R., 26, OR.

JORDAN PRECINCT - Americus McCully, 65, TN; Nancy E., 59, OR; Laverne (daughter), 17, OR

60. D. M. Hale. 1985. Cemeteries of Kent County. Fredericton, New Brunswick: Self-published. 2.
Graves in the Richibucto Protestant Cemetery, on the road from Rexton to Richibucto, Kent Co., N.B.
-ANN E. KOLLIC, wife of WILLIAM C. McCULLY, b. 27 Feb 1795, d. 10 Feb 1886.
-CATHERINE McCULLY, wife of COLLEY HURD, b. 26 Apr 1817, d. 17 Apr 1903.
-WILLIAM S. McCULLY d. 27 Jan 1863, age 40.
-WILLIAM C. McCULLY d. 6 Nov 1879 age 98.[NOTE: book may say 1849, but 1879 is correct]
-ANN E. McCULLY b. 1820, d. 1903.
-MARY J. McCULLY b. 1814, d. 1904.
-REBECCA McCULLY b. 1827, d. 1918.
-JOHN N. McCULLY b. 1857, d. 1928.

61. F. Harris. The History of Washington County, Idaho. Weiser, Idaho: Weiser Signal-American.
Chapter 5 - "Weiser [Idaho] began to take on signs of life in the spring of 1881. The board of county commissioners decided that a court house should be built and planned for a frame building 24 by 40 feet, with offices below and a court room above. The contract was awarded to J. W. McCully for the sum of one thousand dollars. Lumber for the structure was hauled from mills north of Salubria, and the doors and window sash were made heere, and they were as neat and substantial as any factory made goods. The floors were surfaced and matched by the hand of the writer [Frank Harris] and the job was pronounced good by the boss who was an expert carpenter."

62. H. Haskin. 1976. Linn County, Oregon, 1860 Census. Salem, Oregon: End of Trail Researchers.
PEORIA precinct -Henry McCULLY, 60, carpenter, origin not listed.

HARRISBURG precinct - William McCULLY, 30, farm laborer, OH; Margaret 24, IL; Francis 2, OR. Personal estate value: $3489.

BROWNSVILLE precinct - Stacy Ellen McCULLY, 19, IA; and Meloies McCULLY, 16, IA (in home of Alexander Crawford).

LEBANON precinct - J. M. McCULLY, 35, sawyer, TN; Clementine, 34, TN; Americus 12, TN; William 9, TN; Alfred 6, OR; Susan 4, OR; Elizabeth 2, OR; Frederick 5/12, OR.

63. H. Haskin. 1981. Oregon State Military Enumeration (1905) of the Inhabitants of Linn County. Lebanon, Oregon: Self-published.
William H. McCully, 75, widowed, b. Ohio, ran a flour mill.

Americus T. McCully, 57, b. Tennessee
wife Nancy E., 50, b. Oregon. Children Roma A., 3l, b. OR; Cora E., 27, b. OR; Claud B., 20, b. OR; Lavenda L., 12, b. OR.
I. Gilbert McCulley, 29, b.OR; Allie P.,25, OR; Opal, 4, OR; Howard A., 2, OR.

64. H. Haskin and H. Haskin. 1983-1985. Linn County Marriage Licenses. Albany, Oregon: Richard R. Milligan. I-IV.
Mary Bryant and Americus T. McCully 7 July 1872.
Alice McCully and Oscar P. Dannels 7 June 1876.

65. L. L. Haskin. 1984. Pioneer stories of Linn County, Oregon. W. P. A. interviews. Albany, Oregon: Linn Benton Business & Genealogical Services. 1. 136pp.
Pp.107-108, interview with Mrs. Martha Dodele, 1938.
Elizabeth MILLER b. 1816 m. Hiram HARDY, who died on the plains. In OR, she married 2nd Richard McCULLY Elizabeth's brother John S. MILLER was from IL and came to OR in 1852, but the article does not say for sure where or when she came to OR.

66. G. H. Hayward. 1997. Lower Lincoln Cemetery, Sunbury Co., N. B. Generations 19 (2):5-9.
This cemetery is near the Fredericton, New Brunswick, airport.
Marguerite I [McCULLY] GELDART 1894- , wife of Donis W. GELDART 1889-1963.

67. M. H. I. Hiday. Eastern Oregon 1870 U. S. census. Salem, OR: Self-published. 141pp.
Umatilla County, OR - 1870, Pendleton
--James McCULLY, age 38, born Missouri, farmer
Lucinda McCULLY, wife, age 25, born Texas
Isadore McCULLY, age 10, born Oregon
James Lee McCULLY, age 8, born Oregon
Benjamin McCULLY, age 5, born Oregon
Louisa McCULLY, age 3, born Oregon
Julia A. McCULLY, age 7 months, born Oregon

68. S. C. Hill. 1988. Gilbert Seaman diary. Amherst, Nova Scotia: Amherst Township Historical Society. 142pp.
Gilbert Seaman was a contemporary of the Rev. Samuel McCULLY of Amherst, N.S. This account occurs on pp.115-116 of the published version of his journal.
"Reverend Samuel McCully, a somewhat noted Baptist Preacher who I remember as a frequent visitor here was a remarkable, energetic, industrious person. The first I hear of him was as the owner and resident at the Roach Farm in Maccan, a large Brick House. Since removed and anew wooden building the residence of Thomas, the son of the late Mr. Roach. Mr. McCully while living there built a Brig and loaded her up for Ireland with timber, under the command of a Capt. Pipes. Some of the timber as prepared for the cargo proved to be hollow trees, these answered very conveniently to hold tobacco. They were nicely plugged and stored with the cargo - other tobacco being taken in other places. She landed her cargo at Belfast, then dropped out on the coast to land the other tobacco, etc. The late Robert Gibson informed me that it was at a place where is father resided who with the neighbors assisted in the run. The Customs Authorities got wind of the operation, the Captain had to run for it - the Brig was seized. Mr. McCully lost his place at Maccan, and it was obtained by Mr. Roach, long the Provincial member of the County. Mr. McCully removing to Amherst Point, then an unsettled place. The Amherst Point marsh then undyked, there by energy and prudence he wrought out a good farm and in conjunction with Father, and under the superintendance of Mr. McCully the title to the salt marsh was obtained and the Amherst Point marsh enclosed.
"Mr. McCully used to take long trips in a waggon or pung to Richibucto and along this route at this time a wild country with mostly French inhabitants. His vehicle would be supplied with wool cards and other yankee notions which were imported here, these he would sell on his mission, and do what preaching was found necessary. In this way he made things pay. He was ready for any thing. Father got an order from St. John for a sett of Masts for a ship. Mr. McCully who knew every thing was employed to get the sticks. They were brought here and the parties at St. John were requested to send a person to examine them. Their foreman came up, and with his axe went nosing around the sticks, and finally cut in about the middle, where he thought he saw a flaw, and found the sticks rottin and hollow in the centre, with a nice plug filled in - and the sticks refused. Father in building his wharf had these eight square sticks built in at the very end and they remained there for many years. They were a couple of pine sticks, very large and long and remaining there so long - they had their history and every one knew it.
"Mr. McCully had sons:
1. Cyrus - who removed to the Western States.
2. William - formerly a ship Carpenter and later of the firm of Patterson & McCully of Liverpool. It was in their time that Nova Scotia employed them to procure a lot of Safes for the different counties, which had their day and are now obsolete.
3. Jonathan - a lawyer in Halifax and afterwards Judge of the Province.
4. Robert - a lawyer in Amherst."

4 Jan 1877 - received word of death of Jonathan McCULLY of Halifax; Judge of Superior Court; 68 yrs old; taught school at Minudie; studied law in Amherst under James S. Morse, and practiced law there several years; formed a law practice in Halifax with H. Blanchard, chairman of Provincial Railway Board; leaves 3 children.

69. C. Hill. 1993. Thomas Weatherbee and his descendants 1682-1993. Windsor Locks, CT: Self-published. 477pp.
There are two WEATHERBEE-McCULLY connections, as follows.
1-Thomas WEATHERBEE/WEATHERBY b. ca 1682, prob. Hampshire, England; came to Boston, MA, prob. before 1700. He m. Elizabeth Freeman 9 Jan 1711; m. 2nd Sarah WARREN 4 Nov 1724 Boston, MA [Sarah baptized 3 Apr 1698 Boston, dau. of Ebenezer and Mary (RIDER) WARREN, granddau. of Peter and Sarah (TUCKER) WARREN. She d. 1 Apr 1760 Dedham, MA] Thomas died 21 May 1752 Dedham, MA, age 70. Probable 8 children with Sarah Warren, including:
2-Samuel WEATHERBY b. 15 May 1726 Milton, MA; d. ca. 1807 in Onslow or Truro, Nova Scotia, age 81. Married 1st Elizabeth Hawes, 5 children. Married 2nd Ruth _________ [b. ca 1732 in USA, d. 29 Mar 1831 Onslow, N.S.], probable 11 more children, including Joseph and Nathan.
3-Joseph WEATHERBY b. ca 1758 prob. Providence, RI; died before 1817 Nova Scotia [NOTE: it is possible that his mother was Samuel's first wife Elizabeth Hawes]. He married 1st Prudence HOAR [b. 29 Jul 1760 Brimfield, MA, dau of David and Abigail (HITCHCOCK) HOAR; d. 5 Jan 1799, Onslow, N.S. age 39]; had 5 children, including:
4-Samuel WEATHERBY b. 24 Jul 1782 Onslow, N.S.; died before 1871 at Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia. He m. Susanna MAILLARD ca. 1802 [b. ca 1782 Bayhead, N.S., dau of Peter and Elizabeth Margareta (GRETTEAU) MAILLARD, granddau of Frederick MAILLARD who emigrated from Switzerland in early 1750s to Lunenburg, N. S.; she died 13 Feb 1871 Tatamagouche, N.S., age 88]. They had 10 children, including:
5-Peter WEATHERBY b. ca 1805-07 Waugh River, N. S., d. 24 Jul 1876 Tatamagouche, N. S. He m. Mary F. MATTATALL [ 1808]. He was a farmer, resided at Bayhead, N.S. They had 11 children, including:
6-Olivia Campbell WEATHERBY b. ca 1841, married Henry McCULLY 17 Jun 1869 Truro, N. S. [born ca 1846, son of Patrick and Elizabeth (____) McCULLY. He was a mechanic] One child:
7-Margaret McCULLY b. 9 Sep 1872
3-Nathan WEATHERBEE b. 21 May 1778 Oslow, N. S.; married MARY HIGGINS 1799, had 9 children including:
4-Ruth WEATHERBEE b. 1 Feb 1809 Onslow, N. S.; m. Samuel McCULLY 22 Dec 1829 Onslow [b. 29 Oct 1797, d. 9 Jan 1875 age 78]; children:
5-Elizabeth McCULLY b. 8 Dec 1830 Onslow; died young.
5-Margaret McCULLY b. 22 Jun 1833; d. 10 Jun 1839
5-Mary McCULLY b. 15 Aug 1835; d. 6 Oct 1837
5-Joseph McCULLY b. 14 Jul 1838; d. 13 Jan 1841
5-Caleb McCULLY b. 8 Sep 1841; d. 1920; m. Margaret Jane ______.

70. W. S. Hoar. 1988. Steeves and Colpitts, pioneers of the Upper Petitcodiac. Vancouver, British Columbia: Tangled Roots Press. 166pp.
McCULLY connection with Colpitts in Petitcodiac area of New Brunswick.

1. Thomas Colpitts (1819-1880) and Ann Margaret Weldon
2. Thomas Albert Colpitts (1854-1899) and 2nd Jane Armstrong (1863-1933)
3. Dalton Weldon Colpitts and ELIZABETH McCULLY.

71. J. M. Holder. 1980. Nova Scotia vital statistics from newspapers, 1823-1828. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Genealogical Committee, Nova Scotia Historical Society. Publ. No. 3.
Free Press, Tuesday 26 Feb. 1828 - W. McCully, 51, died; left widow and 9 children.

72. D. Hurley. 1995. [Information provided on Maria Prior McCully].
Maria Prior McCULLY b. 3 Jan 1845 Ohio; d. 8 Dec. 1920, Holyoke, Minnesota; m. Asa Frances Embree; also lived in Henry Co., Iowa.
Info provided by: Dianna Hurley, 1857 Pepper Tree Court SE, Salem, OR 97306, phone 503-581-5098 [met her at the Oregon State Library, Salem]

73. Idaho County-Idaho. 1910. Census index for Idaho County, Idaho.
There are two McCULLEY names in Idaho Co. ID in the 1910 census index:

Homer F. McCULLEY, living at Fairview, ID; age 23; born Iowa
Robert W. McCULLEY, living at Fairview, ID; age 32; born Iowa

74. G. V. W. s. Institute. 1960. Great Village History. Great Village, Nova Scotia: Great Village Women's Institute. 155pp.
The first burying-ground in Londonderry Township, Colchester Co., was on an island in Isgonish Marsh, just north of Fort Belcher. Buried there were MAHONS, McLELLANS, and others. 1915 - Great Village Cemetery established by a group including Capt. J. W. McCULLY, on land that was part of the Mahon Cemetery on John MAHON's old farm.

75. J. C. Jowsey. 1988. Cumberland County Families, Nova Scotia. Truro, Nova Scotia: Self-published.
Summary of McCULLY information for Cumberland Co, N.S.
William McCULLY - about 1830, settled up the French River in Tatamagouche on the Donaldson/Campbell farm; moved to Ross' Point, and then to New Annan. One son, William, came to Tatamagouche and lived on a hill that bears his name. He was a ship's carpenter at Campbell's shipyard. Another son, James, lived on the old farm at New Annan. Another son, John, also lived at New Annan. Mary (mrs. Kenneth McLeod) was a daughter.
Four generations of McCully who owned the McCully farm at Debert: John b. 1795; Burton b. 1838; Everett b. 1869; and Curtis b. 1907.
Samuel McCULLY received a grant of 500 acres at Fenwick, Cumberland Co, ca. 1815, but may never have lived there, as he had a farm on the "Farm Road" in Nappan. He was a Baptist preacher at Amherst Point for many years. Believed to have married Ester Pipes, children: Jonathan (1809-1877), William (a broker in England), Robert (lawyer in Amherst), Cyrus and Samuel (farmers in Ontario), and Ester (m. John Davison).
Jonathan McCully, son of Samuel and Ester, was born at Maccan, 1809. Married 1842 to Eliza Creed, 3 children: Clarence, Agnes, and Celeste. He was a lawyer, politician, journalist, and judge. Died in Halifax 1877

76. K. Kanner and V. Geldart. 1984. Marriage register, Albert County, New Brunswick 1846-1887. Privately published. 186pp.
-James H. McCULLAH, Elgin and Maggie L. BAZELEY, Hillsboro, 29 Mar 1884.
-Robert McCULLY, Sussex, and Lavinia CLARK, Hopewell, 1 Oct 1846.
-Oliver POWER, Coverdale, and Lydia Ann McCULLAH, Elgin, 5 Jun 1864.
-William BAYLEY, Elgin, and Margaret McCULLY, 4 Sep 1868
-James A. LEEMAN and Lavinia J. McCULLAH, both Elgin, 24 Nov 1870.
-James William/William James McCULLOCH and Elizabeth TARRIS, both Hillsboro, 8 Nov 1874.
-William E. HARRIS, Oromocto-Sudbury Co., and Martha A. McCULLAH, Elgin, 20 Oct 1878.
-William Warner McCULLAH, Elgin, and Martha A.RICKER, Hillsboro, 15 Apr 1877.
-Ralph A. STEEVES and Amanda McCULLAH, both Elgin, 27 May 1882.
-Coleman GARLAND and Lillian McCULLAH/McCULLY, both Elgin, 23 May 1885.
-Jeremiah LEEMAN and Ida Bell McCULLAH, both Elgin, 27 May 1885.

77. K. Kanner and V. Geldart. 1986. Marriage register, Westmorland County, New Brunswick, 1790 - 1856. Self-published. 293pp.
Marriage Records, Westmorland County (including Albert County), New Brunswick, 1790 - 1856.
John McCully/McCullough, Westmorland Parish, and Mary J. Oulton, 23 June 1840

78. J. Kidd. 1997. Residents of Mount Tabor in 1890. Bull.Genealogical Forum of Oregon 41 (1):22-26.
From the Portland, OR, city directory for 1890
-John A. McCULLY, lived on Base Line Road, Mount Tabor Villa, in real estate.

79. N. B. Kings County. 1802. Deed, estate of Richard W. Stockton to Samuel McCully). Kings County Deed Registry H-1 95-97.
2 Jul 1802 - the heirs of Richard W. Stockton, Sussex Parish, sold 500 acres of land in Sussex to Samuel McCully. NOTE: this is Rev. Samuel McCULLY of Cumberland Co., Nova Scotia.

80. N. B. Kings County. 1803. (Deed, Samuel McCully to Thomas Coates). Kings County Deed Registry H-1 297-298.
12 Nov 1803 - Samuel McCully sold to Thomas Coates the 500 acres in Sussex he had purchased the year before. NOTE: this is Rev. Samuel McCULLY of Cumberland Co., Nova Scotia.

81. N. B. Kings County. 1818. (Deed, George and Eliza Pittfield to Samuel McCully). Kings County Deed Registry O-1 121-122.
10 Mar 1818 - George and Eliza Pittfield sold to Samuel McCully 190 acres in Sussex. NOTE: this is the Samuel McCULLY who married Sarah HOAR.

82. Kootenai County-Idaho. 1910. Census index to Kootenai County, Idaho.
The 1910 Census Index has one McCULLY in Kootenai County:
William W. McCULLY, at St. Maries, ID, age 27, born Oregon

83. R. Lacy. 1984. 1850 Oregon Territory Census. Ashland, Oregon: Ruby Lacy.
Marion County, Oregon, 1850 - Isaac McCULLY, from North Carolina; James McCULLY, age 20, farmer, from Virginia.

84. Latter Day Saints. 1994. (Information from L.D.S. family history computer files).
Americus Taylor McCULLY - b. 5 Mar1848, Knoxville, Knox County, Tennessee; m. Nancy E. Bryant 1872; father J. M. McCully, mother Clementine Humphreys.

America McCULLY - b 28 Mar 1856, Marion Twp., Davies County, Missouri. Father Isaac McCully, mother Mary Frost.

85. J. F. Layton. 1985. Vital statistics from Harris Jenks' journal 1854-1917. Innisfail, Alberta, Canada: Self-published. 72pp.
Judge Jonathan McCULLY died 2 Jan 1877
Laura McCULLY m. Fred LAYTON 15 Sep 1897
Robert McCULLY m. Hattie DOW 7 Feb 1899
Mrs. John McCULLY, age 64, died 13 Mar 1899
William McCULLY funeral attended by Harris Jenks and Sarah Layton

NOTE: these references are apparently all in or related to Cumberland Co., Nova Scotia.

86. Linn County-Oregon. 1876. Probate - Henry F. McCully. Albany, OR: Linn County Courthouse.
Henry F. McCULLY died in Linn Co., OR, on or about 23 Jul 1876; he had personal property amounting to value of $1300 [no real property mentioned]. On 29 Sep 1875, he had made his will. It left everything to his son William R. McCULLY, two-thirds for his own use and one-third for the support of his mother Nancy McCULLY. At both the time of the will and the time of Henry's death, both mother and son were residents of Newton, Jasper County, Iowa.

87. G. Little. Genealogical and family history of the State of Maine.
Pp.1174-1175, Charles Gardiner McCULLY, son of Charles McCULLY of Trenton, NJ, and Jane Emma Lawrence of New York City. Born NYC 29 Dec 1832, spent his early childhood in Oswego, NY. His first church was at Milltown, New Brunswick in Jul 1860. Has been at Calais, Maine in recent years.

88. Marion County (Oregon). 1870. Marion County, Oregon, 1870 Census.
Lincoln Area, Marion Co, OR, 1870 - Isaac McCULLY, 45, farmer, born North Carolina; wife Lydia McCULLY, 41, housewife, born Illinois; child Augustus McCULLY, 19, in school, born Oregon; child Austin McCULLY, 17, in school, born Oregon; child Jeanette McCULLY, 15, in school, born Oregon; child Ramah McCULLY, 11, in school, born Oregon.

Butteville area - J. W. McCULLY, 22, worker on railroad, born Missouri.

89. McAdam-New Brunswick. [McCully burials in Rockland Cemetery, McAdam, New Brunswick].
Percy R. McCULLY 1901-1975
Anne, wife of Percy R. McCULLY, 1900-1976

Charles M. McAULEY 1899-1987
Gladys M. McAULEY 1902-

90. S. McCaullay and J. McCaullay. 1820. [Application for crown lands, Samuel McCAULLAY and John McCAULLAY]. Fredericton, New Brunswick: Provincial Archives.
13 Sep 1820 - Samuel and John McCAULLAY, recently arrived from Ireland, applied for crown land grants on the Nashwacksis River, New Brunswick.

91. W. S. McCulley. 1968. The McCulley family tree, a history of Solomon and Sarah McCulley and some of their descendants to the eighth generation. Self-published.
This booklet covers eight generations of McCulleys mainly in the Midwest (Ohio, Iowa, Nebraska). The earliest members are Solomon McCULLEY b. ca 1759, possibly in PA, and Sarah _______ b. ca 1768. Their first known child, James McCULLEY, was b. 10 Aug 1787 Blout Co., TN; later children were born in Dayton, OH, and Xenia, OH. Solomon and his wife died in Xenia Township, Greene Co., OH, in 1834 and 1846, respectively.
James McCULLY, his second wife Isabelle POMEROY and their children moved from OH to the vicinity of Winfield, Henry Co., IA in 1838. Most of their children appear to have stayed in IA or adjoining states; later generations dispersed widely.

92. D. H. McCulley. 1998. McCulleys from New Brunswick to Massachusetts. e-mail <>. 30 Dec 1998.
Information from Dick and Debbie Hartman McCulley: Most of our McCulleys come from Lynn, Massachusetts. Some settled in Salem
and Peabody. Many married LeBlancs, Belliveaus and other French families
from the region, many of whom came from New Brunswick, Canada.
The oldest ancestor I have on record is Louis J. McCulley and his wife
Matilda. Louis was born in 1858, died in 1918. Matilda (no maiden name
known) was born in 1855 and died in 1914. They had five children.
William born in 1886, Mabel Florence born ?, John Herbert (our relative)
born in 1884 died in 1940 from Leukemia, Mary Enman born in 1889, died in
1922 and Angus born ?.
Our McCulleys were French Catholics who were connected to the first French settlers to the new world, Canada - they settled on St. Jean's Isle, now known as Prince Edward Island. During the Papist Expulsion of the French Catholics in 1755, many French went underground and fled to the woods of New Brunswick to divert attention from themselves, to maintain their religion, customs and language. We know these survivors as Acadiens today. The entire Belliveau family, which consisted of about 140 people, just left in one season from Cap Pele, New Brunswick. This was later, though, but I believe they may have been forced to leave for some reason - possibly another wave of anti-Catholicism. They settled in Lynn, MA, not far from Salem in a very thick, religious French community and even my husband grew up in the 1950's learning to speak French in school.
FOLLOW-UP 12 Jan 1999: I got some new info also. Our Louis J. McCulley was married to a Matilda. Her maiden name might be Hebert because she had a family member by the name of Monsigneur Hebert who used to come down to visit Lynn quite often. There was also a suggestion that the McCulleys moved from Providence Rhode Island around 1896 to Waltham, MA to work in Waltham Watch Factory then they came to Lynn to work for General Electric.

93. W. McCully. [Nova Scotia land records involving William McCULLYand William McCULLY Jr. of Londonderry, Nova Scotia]. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Provincial Archives.
A review of land documents at the Nova Scotia Provincial Archives identified the following land transactions involving William McCULLY, one of the original grantees of Londonderry, N.S, and his son William McCULLY jr.
1775 - among the original grantees who obtained part of the 44,500 acre grant.
12 May 1794 - From William and Isabella McCULLY (Mass House Village, Londonderry) to Frederick WREIGHTMAN (tailor, Londonderry) - for £17 - land purchased from James WILSON (deceased), the original grantee, in Mass House Village - 17-1/2 acres - witnesses: Joseph McDORMOND and John FLETCHER.
7 Mar 1796 - To William McCULLY (farmer, Londonderry) from Joseph W. LANE (or McLEAN) (farmer, Onslow) - for £180 - Mass House Village land, bought by LANE from Archibald THOMPSON who bought it from the original grantee William FLETCHER - 500 acres - witnesses: Elisha BARTON and Charles DICKSON Jr.
16 Mar 1796 - From William and Isabella McCULLY (farmer, Londonderry) to Joseph McDERMOND (farmer, Londonderry) - £60 - Mass House Village land, bought from Joseph W. LANE (or McLEAN) who bought it from Archibald THOMPSON who bought it from the original grantee William FLETCHER [part of the land purchased by William and Isabella on 7 Mar] - 10 acres - witnesses: Samuel McKINLEY and Alexander TEAKLES.
11 Jan 1798 - To William McCULLY (farmer, Londonderry) from John McNUTT (blacksmith, Londonderry) - for £6? - lots near Alexander VANCE, that McNUTT had bought from Joseph SCOTT - acreage not stated - witnesses: William CHURCH and Alexander VANCE.
1798 - To William McCULLY (farmer, Londonderry) from Samuel McKINLEY (farmer, Londonderry) - £30 - land in Mass House Village - 6 acres - witnesses: Alexander VANCE and Thomas FLETCHER.
17 Dec 1805 - From William McCULLY (farmer, Londonderry) to William McCULLY Jr. (farmer, Londonderry) - £150 - lands William Sr. had bought from James WILLSON and John McNUTT - witnesses: Samuel McKINDLEY and Hugh McCULLY.
1 Jun 1808 - From William McCULLY (Londonderry) to Samuel CLARK (yeoman, Truro) - £420 - land in Truro, 3 lots originally granted to KENNEDY, McKEEN and FULTON - 250 acres - witnesses: George DELL and Robert COCK [note: it doesn't seem like William McCULLY would be selling land in Truro at this time; maybe we got the grantor/grantee information reversed]
17 Jan 1817 - From William McCULLY Sr. and William McCULLY Jr. (Londonderry) to James GRAHAM (yeoman, Onslow) - £100 - marshland.
12 Mar 1817 - To William McCULLY Sr. (Londonderry) from James FLEMING (merchant, Londonderry) - £50 - Chigonais Marsh - 3 acres.
15 Mar 1817 - From William McCULLY Sr. (farmer, Londonderry) to James FLEMMING - £50 - several marsh lots.
27 Aug 1817 - To William McCULLY Jr. (yeoman, Londonderry) from David GRAHAM (yeoman, Londonderry) - £40 - land in Londonderry - 1-1/2 acres.

94. S. McCully. [Nova Scotia and New Brunswick land transactions involving Samuel McCULLY of Cumberland County, Nova Scotia]. Halifax, Nova Scotia; Fredericton, New Brunswick: Provincial Archives.
Samuel McCULLY of Cumberland Co., N.S., was a son of William McCULLY of Londonderry.
2 Jul 1802 - To Samuel McCULLY (farmer, Cumberland Co.) from the estate of Richard STOCKTON (Richard S., William, Samuel, and Mary STOCKTON, of Sussex) - £550 - 500 acres of the original Stockton land grant, Sussex - witnesses: George MORTON and George PITTFIELD.
23 Apr 1803 - To Samuel McCULLY (carpenter, Cumberland) from Amasa KILLAM (yeoman, Shediac) - £20 - 50 acres at Shediac Harbor - witnesses: Mansfield CORNWELL and William TOWNSBURY.
12 Nov 1803 - From Samuel McCULLY (yeoman, Cumberland) to Thomas COATS (farmer) - £325 - 500 acres of original STOCKTON land grant, Sussex (purchased 2 Jul 1802 - see above) - witnesses: Wm. PIPES and J. Parkman PIPES.
1809 - Samuel McCULLY (River Macan, Cumberland Co.) petitioned for a crown grant of 300 acres near Black River; apparently not acted on until request renewed in 1815.
1815 - Samuel McCULLY (Nappan, Cumberland Co.), Thomas FORREST (Amherst), John P. PIPES (Nappan), and Robert OLDFIELD (Nappan) petitioned and received crown lands in Amherst. Samuel McCULLY received 500 acres.

95. C. McCully and W. McCully. 1829. [Petition for Nova Scotia crown lands, Cyrus McCULLY and William McCULLY, Cumberland, Nova Scotia]. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Provincial Archives.
1829 - Cyrus McCULLY (Cumberland Co. N.S.), William McCULLY (Cumberland), Samuel CHANDLER, Thomas BEARD, and Samuel BEARD applied for crown lands at Amherst, N. S. The McCULLYs received a grant of 360 acres in 1830.

96. J. McCully. 1877. [Will and probate papers of Judge Jonathan McCully]. Amherst, Nova Scotia: Cumberland County Historical Society.
The following if from a typed summary of Will No. 2407, Halifax County, Nova Scotia, Court of Probate, Judge Jonathan McCULLY
-daughters Agnes E. [McCULLY] FOOT, wife of Thomas FOOT of Moncton, New Brunswick, and Celeste Marie McCULLY, of Halifax, appointed executrices.
-Nicholas H. MEAGHER and Douglas M. STORY, executors
-Celeste to have piano, and the best bedstead and furniture of the best bedroom, and the Cheval glass and silver plate.
-Agnes to have any one of the Pier glasses she may select.
-$500 to the North Baptist Church, Halifax, to be raised to $1000 if the church raises another $500 within a year and pays off the second mortgage on the church.
-$500 to the Foreign Mission Board of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island "in disseminating the Gospel among theTelegus of India".
-$500 to Acadia College
-Gold watch and chain to grandson Harry FOOT, in trust to his mother until he turns 21; also $60 for gold watch and chain for granddau. Ada FOOT when she turns 18.
-Estate to be divided into twelve equal parts -
-5 parts to dau. Celeste Marie McCULLY
-four parts to Agnes [McCULLY] FOOT
-3 parts to son Clarence W. McCULLY, under certain conditions: "Clarence W. McCully, he has thus far made such a shipwreck of it as my Books will show, for his own good, while I forgive and release him from past I nevertheless order and direct that as his three-twelfths share my said Executrices Executors and Trustees have and keep and continue to keep possession and complete control thereof until they each and every one of them are satisfied that it is prudent wise and safe that some portion beyond what is necessary for board clothing and washing shall be advanced by them, in other words, until they are satisfied that he has become thoroughly reformed & sober, man not temporarily but thoroughly such."
-$20 to housekeeper Mrs. BIRKENHEAD, $5 to her son Willie, and $20 to Eliza McKINLAY on condition that continue in his employ until his death.
-$20 each to nieces Eliza DAVISON, Maude McCULLY, Adelaide McCULLY her sister, Bel BLACK, "Lidy and Florence", and Alice SMITH. Herbert McCULLY to get $20 when he comes of age. [NOTE: there are handwritten notes on this copy that say Alice SMITH and Herbert McCULLY were "not paid".]

The Will was signed 26 Jul 1876, F. H. STORY and J. DICKINSON witnesses.
-Codicil 4 Dec 1876 - Pledge of $1000 to North Baptist Chapel revoked, but $500 to the church paid.
-Codicil 21 Dec 1876: "Since the execution of my said will my said son Clarence has married and it is my wish that his wife should be a partaker of my bounty. I do therefore direct my executors and trustees to pay yearly and every year to Agnes, wife of my said son Clarence such portion of the income arising from the 3/12th part of my said property as they in discretion may deem sufficient to suitably maintain said Clarence and his said wife" - not to exceed $800 yearly. - if Clarence dies, wife Agnes to receive his share until she re-marries.

Jonathan McCULLY died 2 Jan 1877, and the will was filed for probate 6 Jan 1877.

Dau. Celeste Marie McCULLY was 18 when her father died. About 1885 she married William JAMES, of Halifax.

On 8 Mar 1877, his estate was appraised at $101,133.66, including $10,200 real estate [brick house on Brunswick Place with nearby lot, Halifax].

97. E. McCully and G. McCully. 1990. McCully Family (Descendants of William C. McCully). Sussex, New Brunswick: Manuscript.
This is a listing of the descendants of William and Anne Elizabeth (KOLLOCK) McCULLY of Richibucto, New Brunswick. This William may be the brother of John and Samuel McCULLY of Sussex, N. B., but the connection cannot be positively shown yet.

1. William C. McCULLY (1781-1879) m. Anne Elizabeth KOLLOCK (1795-1886)19 Mar 1814.
2. Mary McCULLY (1814-1904)
2. Catherine McCULLY (26 Apr 1817-12 Apr 1903); m. Cooley HURD.
2. Anne E. McCULLY (1820-1903)
2. William Shepherd McCULLY (1823-1863)
2. Rebecca McCULLY (1827-1918)
2. Samuel Thomas McCULLY (1833-1916) m. 1862 Julia Isabelle HARRINGTON (1828-1911).
3. George McCULLY (1863-1911)
3. William Shepherd ("S.K.") McCULLY (1864-1954) m. 1890 Victoria Salina BURGESS (1872-1941).

The descendants of "S.K." and Victoria are given in this paper.

98. R. A. McCully. 1995. Descendants of Alexander McCully of Scotland. Mill Valley, CA:
Robert A. McCully, 314 Deertrail Lane, Mill Valley, CA 94941, produced a brief genealogy of the descendants of Alexander McCully, b. in Scotland before 1750. He came from Scotland in 1771, and was in Northumberland Co., PA, by April 1775. His wife's name is unknown, and the names of only 2 of their 5 children are known. There were 4 daus. and 1 son. Alexander disappeared mysteriously ca 1783 in Northumberland Co., PA.
2.Daughter #1 born before 1772
2.Daughter #2 born before 1772
2.Daughter #2 born before 1772
2.Jeannie McCULLY b. before 1772; m. March 1794 Alexander Mears in Columbia Co., PA; 4 children; d. in PA after 1827, approx. 55 years. old.
2.George McCULLY b. 17 Mar 1773; m. Nancy Barton 17 Jan 1799 in Danville, Northumberland Co., PA; died in Wayne Co., OH 4 Dec 1835, age 62. Nancy d. 27 Nov 1836 in Wayne Co., OH, age 59. Children:
3.George b. before Apr 1835; m. Nancy Mensell 19 Feb 1839 in Wayne Co., OH.
3.Thomas b. before Oct 1832; m. Ann Rathbun 11 Oct 1832 in Wayne Co., OH.
3.Sarah b. before Sep 1833; m. Jacob Nye, one child.
3.Alexander b. PA ca. 1799; m. Elsie M. Roseborough 27 Jul 1822 Wayne Co., OH. Alexander d. 4 Oct 1870 in Polo, Ogle Co., IL, about 71 years old. Elsie d. 13 Feb 1872 in Mt. Carroll, Carroll Co, IL, age 66. Children:
4.Clinton b. 12 Nov 1823; m. Mary Anna Spalding in 1860; both died in Maryland.
5.George Young b. 17 Feb 1869 Ellicott, MD; m. Edith Ruth Wathen; both died MD/Wash.D.C. area.
6.Quentin Victor b. 1902 Leonardtown, MD; m. Alice Ruth Bowles 1908; both died Wash. D.C.
7.Robert Quentin b.1927 Wash.D. C.; m. Regina Anne Santos 1948 Md.
8.Robert Alan b. 1949 Wash. D.C.
4.D. Barton b. OH 10 May 1826; d. 7 Nov 1854 Freeport, IL, age 28.
4.Lavinia E. b. ca 1835
4.Louisa M b. Nov 1837
3.Jane b. PA 3 Feb 1812; m. Thomas McKee in Wayne Co., OH; 7 children.
3.Rachel b. PA Oct. 1814; m. Osee Welch 20 Aug 1836 in Stark Co., OH; 6 children.
3.Elizabeth b. PA ca. 1817; m. Hiram W. Foltz in Stark Co., OH; 4 children.

There are more details in the paper.

99. R. Miller. 1998. [McCully-Colpitts family, New Brunswick]. e-mail <>. 18 Nov 1998.
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 01:40:13 EST
From: PIONEERS OF NEW BRUNSWICK (Canada) "About Colpitts Family"

Jessie Pear[l?] Allen (1) b Feb 21, 1889 married Charles Fletcher MCCULLY (1)(b Oct 9, 1883) on Sept 7, 1913.
-Miriam May MCCULLY (2)b Apr 30, 1915 Married Edward David Shaffer
-Fletcher Allen MCCULLY (2) b Aug 4, 1917 Married Faye Allene Rodenizer June23, 1944
-Winston Spencer MCCULLY(2) b Mar 16, 1919 married Mona McDonald
issue: Esther Lynn MCCULLY (3) b April 7, 1947
Winston Charles MCCULLY(3) b March 21, 1949
Brenda Jean MCCULLY(3) b March 2, 1950
-Dorothy Ethel MCCULLY (2) b Feb 25, 1921 married Stewert Percy Eagles
-Austin Bertram MCCULLY (2) b Nov 27, 1922 married Norma Joyce Clark July 21,1951
issue: Anne Elizabeth MCCULLY (3) b May 18, 1954
Mark Austin MCCULLY (3) b Oct 25, 1955
Nancy Jean MCCULLY (3) b Nov 15, 1956
Norma Jane MCCULLY (3) b Sept 23, 1960
Karen Lee MCCULLY (3) b Aug 21, 1963

-Julia Geraldine MCCULLY (2) b Mar 18, 1925 married Walter Webster Barchard
-Myrtle Irene MCCULLY (2) b March 31, 1927 married George Edward Rouse
-Dana Ellsworth MCCULLY (2) b April 27, 1929 married Edith Maud Marr Oct 15,1949
issue: Bonny Lee MCCULLY (3) b May 12, 1954
Margaret Ann MCCULLY (3) b Oct 16,1959
Larry Francis MCCULLY (3) b Aug 13, 1963

100. Multnomah County Library. Vital statistics card catalog.
The Main Library, Portland, Oregon, maintains a vital statistics card file, most references to newpapers, but a few without any citation.
ISAAC McCULLY - d. 7 Oct. 1899, Salem, OR, age 76; came to OR 1847.
EMILY H. McCULLY - d. 25 Jan. 1906, Portland, OR, age 44.
ELSIE McCULLY - d. 17 Jan. 1886, Joseph, OR; dau. of W. H. McCully.
WILLIAM McCULLY - d. 23 Nov. 1907, Condon, OR, age 78; came to OR 1905.
MRS. PEMELLA McCULLY - d. 17 April 1902, Portland, OR, age 75.
THOMAS McCULLY - d. 28 June 1897, Portland, OR, age 70.
MRS. VIOLET GEER McCULLY - d. 7 March 1924, Sherwood, OR; 1853-1924.

101. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources. Land Grant listings.
Land grants shown for McCULLY and related names:
-Robert McCULLA - 18 Nov 1840 - 100 acres - Cedar Camp Settlement - Sussex, Kings Co.
-Samuel McCULLA - 30 Jan 1815 - 200 acres - Smiths Corner - Weldford, Kent Co.
-William McCULLA - 19 Nov 1840 - 100 acres - Cedar Camp Settlement - Sussex, Kings Co.
-William McCULLA - 28 Jan 1862 - 100 acres - Mechanics Settlement - Elgin, Albert Co.
-James McCULLAB - 1 Aug 1878 - 100 acres - Elgin, Albert Co.
-William M. McCULLAH - 3 Aug 1883 - 100 acres - Coverdale River - Elgin, Albert Co.
-John McCULLAM - 9 Sep 1805 - 160 acres - Beaubears Island - Chatham, Northumberland Co.
-William McCULLAM - 9 Sep 1805 -163 acres - Beaubears Island - Chatham, Northumberland Co.
-William McCULLAM - 27 Mar 1818 - 130 acres - Bransfield - Hardwicke, Northumberland Co.
-Caleb McCULLEY - 9 Feb 1841 - 50 acres - Napan R. - Glenelg, Northumberland Co.
-Caleb McCULLEY - 23 Aug 1847 - 55 acres - Bay du Vin - Glenelg, Northumberland Co.
-Caleb McCULLEY - 6 Nov 1849 - 128 acres - Barnabys River - Nelson, Northumberland Co.
-Caleb McCULLEY - 26 Apr 1852 - 190 acres - Barnabys River - Nelson, Northumberland Co.
-James McCULLEY - 28 Jan 1862 - 100 acres - Mechanics Settlement - Elgin, Albert Co.
-William McCULLUM - 4 May 1798 - 166 acres - Miramichi River - Chatham, Northumberland Co.
-Albert J. McCULLY - 5 Dec 1907 - 89 acres - Anagace Settlement - Salisbury, Westmorland Co.
-Alexander McCULLY - 27 Aug 1867 - 100 acres - Mechanics Settlement - Elgin, Albert Co.
-Alexander McCULLY - 3 Jan 1903 - 100 acres - Mechanics Settlement - Elgin, Albert Co.
-Caleb McCULLY - 12 Jan 1849 - 104 acres - Barnabys River - Nelson, Northumberland Co.
-Caleb McCULLY - 7 Apr 1849 - 50 acres - Bay du Vin - Glenelg, Northumberland Co.
-Caleb McCULLY - 23 Feb 1855 - 100 acres - Napan River - Glenelg, Northumberland Co.
-George McCULLY - 22 Dec 1845 - 83 acres - Block M - Studholm, Kings Co.
-John McCULLY - 7 Oct 1830 - 200 acres - Jeffries Corner - Sussex, Kings Co.
-Robert McCULLY - 2 Sep 1843 - 40 acres - Rockville Settlement - Sussex, Kings Co.
-Samuel McCULLY - 29 Oct 1838 - 50 acres - Mill Stream - Sussex, King Co.
-Shepherd K. McCULLY - 9 Mar 1891 - 97 acres - Havelock, Kings Co.
-William McCULLY - 6 Apr 1857 - 100 acres - Weldford, Kent Co.

102. New Brunswick Provincial Archives. [Records of four Supreme Court cases involving Samuel McCully, Amherst, Nova Scotia]. Fredericton, New Brunswick: Provincial Archives.
Between 1825 and 1827, Samuel McCULLY of Amherst, Cumberland Co, Nova Scotia, filed four actions in court to collect money owed to him.
In 1825 James Mooney of Richibucto, Northumberland Co., New Brunswick, agreed to pay Samuel McCully £316 8 shillings 8 pence. He didn't, and McCully filed suit in 1826. The file doesn't give any details of what the debt was for, nor is the final disposition of the case included.
Also in 1825, McCully sued for payment of £130 from Thomas Powell of Northumberland Co., N.B.
In 1826 McCully sued for payment of £40 from Solomon Trites and William Graham of Richibucto.
In 1828 McCully sued Solomon Trites of Moncton, Westmorland Co., N.B. for £90 owed him since 1827.

103. N. B. Northumberland County. [Northumberland County marriage records]. Fredericton, New Brunswick: Provincial Archives. F1419, F1421, F1422.
- -SARAH McCULLY m. James JOHNSON (no other data).

104. Nova Scotia Archives. 1784-1830. Nova Scotia land record indices, 1784-1800, and petitions offered and granted. Salt Lake City, Utah: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
1. Petition of James Clark, William Cutten, Joseph McCully and Samuel McCully, sent from Onslow, N.S., 4 Aug 1791.
- Memorialists have for a number of years been employed in the shad fishery, about Five Islands, Economy Point, and such places and have gone to great expense. The petitioners had to drill holes in the rocks to support a seine against a tidal current of 5 knots, and they built two huts for curing the shad. Last spring their fishing grounds were taken by certain other men with an order of court which prevents them from fishing this season on their old grounds. Petitioners secured a license of occupation but it did not state the exact place they occupied, which causes disputes, and they requested a license to occupy the spot which they built on and improved.
(There is supposedly a map attached to the original document, which we have not seen.)
Disposition of petition: "His Excellency the Lieut-Governor declining giving an further license refers the memorialists to the magistrates of Colchester to make such legal regulations as may be proper and to annex the rule they make with a plan to the licenses already given." C. Morris.

2. Petition of Mary McCulley, Richard McCulley, and William McCulley, 10 Feb 1815 - Mary, widow of the late Joseph McCulley, claims that her late husband was born and brought up in Nova Scotia, followed farming as a livelihood, never received any Crown lands. He was called to Halifax for militia duty in the winter of 1807, caught a severe cold, was sick about 2 years and then died; left her a widow with 4 sons and l daughter. She has supported herself by cultivating 50 acres of land, but hasn't been able to buy the land because of her reduced circumstances. She asks for the land, and also land for her sons William (23 years) and Richard (24 years), who were born and brought up in Onslow, and have never received any Crown lands.
Disposition of petition: Land for them was ordered surveyed 24 Jan 1819. They repetitioned, asking that Samuel McCully get the land surveyed for his brother Richard, who was drowned in 1815. Land was granted to them, 1,150 acres in the Old Philadelphia Grant, Halifax Co.

3. Petition by Samuel McCully, 1809 - Petitioner was born in Nova Scotia, and has resided the last 5 years on a farm on the River Macan within Cumberland Co. He has a wife and 4 children, and has previously obtained no Crown land. He requests a grant of some "unlocated lands" near the Black River in Cumberland Co.
Disposition of petition: 10 Nov 1815, granted 500 acres apparently [he received a grant, I'm not certain of the actual grant size. Samuel apparently repetitioned in 1815 along with Thomas Forrest, Robert Oldfield, and Jonathan P. Pipes. Together they were awarded 1350 acres, of which Samuel apparently got 500].

4. Petition of Cyrus McCully, William McCully, Samuel Chandler, Thomas Beard, and Samuel Beard 1829. They asked for marshland in Amherst Township, with the aim of draining and diking it. They were listed as natives of Cumberland County.
Disposition of petition: All received land, William and Cyrus together received a 360 acre block near the Nappan River. The grant was registered 21 Apr 1830.

105. I. M. Ochsenbein and C. F. Fedorchak. 1977. Belmont County, Ohio - before 1830. Decorah, IA: Self-published. 235pp.
Marriage Book B
--Robert McCULLY and Elizabeth HOLMES 2 Oct 1819

106. Oklahoma Historical Society. Homesteader's sod house. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma. 4p.
August 1894, Marshall McCULLY constructed a sod house on his property in southern Alfalfa Co, OK. It was occupied as the McCully home from 1894 to 1909. It has been restored by the Oklahoma Historical Society, and is the only building of its type left in Oklahoma. Marshall McCully died in Aug 1963.

107. Oregon Historical Society. Oregon Pioneer Family Card File. Portland, Oregon: Oregon Historical Society.
Americus Taylor McCully. b. 5 March 1848,Tennessee; married Nancy E.Bryant, daughter of John Bryant, Lane Co., Oregon, 7 July 1872. Americus of Scotch-Irish ancestry, merchant; d. 13 Sept. 1921. Left TN for OR August 1852 (1854?), arr. OR October 1852 (1854?)

Asa A. McCully. B. 31 Jan. 1818 (Family Bible), Scotch ancestry. M. Hannah Keziah Waters 1848. Came across plains from Iowa March 1852, arrived Salem Aug. 1852. Purser on Willamette River steamers; Presbyterian; Republican. D. 12 Aug. 1886, kicked by horse.

Mrs. Clementine McCully. B. 15 April 1826, Monroe Co., Tennessee. Married John M. McCully 9 September 1846. Left TN 1853, arrived Linn Co., Oregon. Died 17 May 1903. Methodist. Had 11 children.

David McCully. B. New Brunswick 15 Sept. 1814; M. Mary Ann Scott 7 May 1840. Left New London, Iowa, 15 March 1852, arrived 17 August 1852; d. Salem, OR, 6 Dec. 1906.

Francis Marion McCully. Born in Oregon 1857, Scotch ancestry. M. Emma Carson 1880, Pierce Co., Washington. Newspaper man and teacher. Graduated Willamette U. 1877; Deputy State Supt. of Public Instruction for Washington 1905; State Supt. Public Schools. Active Elk. Died 12 March 1907, Olympia, WA.

Hannah K. McCully. B. 1828, Ashtabula, Ohio. Married Asa McCully 15 Sept. 1848. Died 1 August 1885.

J. D. McCully. B. Kentucky 1820. Came to Oregon from Missouri, arriving 1852. Settled first in Marion Co., OR.

James Cluggage McCully. b. 20 Aug. 1853, Jacksonville, OR. d. 24 Aug. 1903, Fort Klamath, OR. Forest ranger.

Jeanette (Mason) McCully. b. 31 March 1824, Alloway, Scotland. m. Dr. John W. McCully 28 June 1848 (or 1850?). Came to OR from Indiana, arrived Salem 1851, Jacksonville 1852. Presbyterian, housewife, 3 children. d. 22 June 1899. Baptized in same kirk as Robert Burns.

John M. McCully. Married Clementine _____. Came to Oregon from Tennessee 1853.

Henry F. McCully. b. 1799. d. 23 July 1876. Donation Land Claim #1986, Linn Co.

John Wilmer McCully. b. New Brunswick. m. Janet Mason 28 June 1848 (or 1850?). Came to OR from IN 1851. In Jackson Co., OR, 1852. d. Joseph, OR. Physician. Republican. Mason. Five children.

Mary Ann Scott McCully. m. David McCully 7 May 1840. Children: J. W. McC. and F. D. McC. of Joseph; Albert of Butteville; Mrs. M. J. Creighton, Salem; Mrs. A. N. Gilbert, Salem.

Roma A. McCully. Married Blanch Campbell. Lived in Eugene, Oregon. Two children.

Mary Bell McCully Merritt. b. Jacksonville, OR 7 Feb. 1857. m. J. W. Merritt 19 July 1877; Two children - George Hillen Merritt, and ?? d. 17 Jan. 1884.

Alice Jane McCully Crane. m. W. B. Crane in Portland, OR 8 Dec. 1870; d. 11 Dec. 1932 in California. Children: Ethel L. (Mrs. P. P. Dabney), William B., Clarence. Stepmother of Mary L. Crane (Mrs. Samuel W. Church).

108. Oregon State Archives. 1961. Pioneer Families of the Oregon Territory 1850. Salem, Oregon: 64pp.
Isaac McCully, Marion Co., OR - no family noted.

James McCully, Marion Co. - no family.

109. Oregon State Library. 1995. (Oregon Pioneer index card file). Salem, Oregon:
Vital statistics found in the Pioneer card index, Oregon State Library, Salem:

AUG. McCULLY - re-interred 28 Jan 1901, body moved from Maine; arrangements made by Nettie Van Dorster. W. T. Rigdon, Funeral Directors, 299 Cottage Street N.E., Salem.

MRS. H. McCULLY - died 31 Jul 1905. Funeral ordered by F. W. Waters. Buried IOOF Cemetery. W. T. Rigdon Co. Funeral Directors, Salem.

ISAAC McCULLY - died 7 Oct 1899, age 76, funeral ordered by his sons. Buried City View Cemetery. W.T. Rigdon Co., funeral directors.

110. Province of New Brunswick. Williston Family papers. Fredericton, New Brunswick: Provincial Archives. MC216 MS 4B.
A notebook in the Williston Family papers includes the following early marriage records for Northumberland Co., New Brunswick.
-WILLIAM McCALLEY and AMY STIEMIEST, Newcastle Parish, Nov 1792, filed Feb. 1796 James Horton, Q.V. [NOTE: Amy Stiemest m. James Gunn June 1796, so William McCalley may have died]
-Wm. McCULLY [McAULY? in parentheses] and ANNE ELIZABETH KOLLOCK, both of Northumberland Co., m. 19 Mar 1814 by Simon Kollock. Witnesses: Thomas Jann [IAN?] and H. Belding.

111. Province of New Brunswick. [Land petitions involving McCULLEY]. Fredericton, New Brunswick: Provincial Archives.

Film F-4182 - James Bayley, Joseph Bayley, and WILLIAM McCULLEY apply for land grants; Bayleys are natives of New Brunswick; McCULLY born in Ireland, resided in N.B. 18 months, has no family, wants 200 acres of land in Queens County on Salmon River.

112. Provincial Archives of New Brunswick. 1994. Vital statistics: county birth registers, New Brunswick (1801-1899). Fredericton, New Brunswick:
This birth registry is on file at the Public Archives, Fredericton, New Brunswick, report RS141 A2/1.

-Susan Alice McCULLY, dau of Alex McCULLY and Margaret Ann GRAVES, b. 19 Nov 1871, Elgin.
-Ora Ralph STEEVES, son of Ralph A. STEEVES and Amanda McCULLY, b. 14 Aug 1892, Elgin.
-Jonathan Alberton POWER, son of Oliver POWER and Anne McCULLY, b. 15 Apr 1872, Flint Hill. Albert Co.
-Jane McCully LOCKHART, dau of Thomas LOCKHART and Catherine McCULLY, b. 7 Aug 1857, Mechanic Settlement, Kings Co.
-Edith Isabell HOWE, dau of James Levi HOWE and Emma Julia McCULLY, b. 21 Feb 1893, Norton, Kings Co.
-Estella May McCULLY, dau of John McCULLY and Mary PASS, b. 24 Sep 1894, Harvey, York Co.
-____ LEAMAN, dau. of Jeremiah LEAMAN and Ida McCULLY, b. 23 Jun 1899, Turtle Creek, Albert Co.
-____ GARLAND, dau of Coleman GARLAND and Lilly McCULLY, b. 20 Feb 1896, Elgin, York [Albert?] Co.
-Joseph Edmund DALEY, son of James DALEY and Margaret McCULLY, b. 26 Nov 1861, Belledune, Gl(oucester?) Co.
-Mary Alice McCULLY, dau of Sheppard K. McCULLY and Victoria Celine BURGESS, b. 18 Feb 1894, Cornhill, Kings Co.
-Leonard Thomas STEEVES, son of Sanford Boise STEEVES and Mary Jane McCULLY, b. 20 Dec 1890, Coverdale, Albert Co.
-Peter Mitchell JOHNSTONE, son of James JOHNSTONE and Sarah McCULLY, b. 17 Aug 1871, Newcastle, Northumberland Co.
-Mary Halliday JOHNSTONE, dau of James JOHNSTONE and Sarah McCULLY, b. 21 Sep 1875, Newcastle, Northumberland Co.
-Mabel Viola BABINGTON, dau of Beresford C. BABINGTON and Susan A. McCULLY, b. 26 Jan 1896, Cumberland Bay, Queens Co.
-Estella Gladys BABINGTON, dau of Beresford C. BABINGTON and Susan A. McCULLY, b. 7 Jul 1893, Cumberland Bay, Queens Co.

113. Public Archives of Nova Scotia. Cemetery records from Onslow, Colchester Co., Nova Scotia. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Public Archives of Nova Scotia.
Record MG5 Vol 21 No.7 Onslow Cemetery
Charles W. McCULLY 1873-1953
wife Maria WILSON 1882-1944
Cecil R. 1906-1918
Hugh W. 1912-1928
Jessie 1923-1945

Joseph Howe McCULLY 1907-1954

Joseph McCULLY d. Mar 1810, age 48
wife Mary d. Nov 1834, age 83
Richard McCULLY d. 20 Jun 1815, age 25

Caleb McCULLY 1841-1920
wife Margaret Jane 1841-1915
infant children

Samuel McCULLY d. 9 Jun 1875, age 78 yrs.

Ira Eaton McCULLY 1905-1977
wife Leora Fay 1908 -

114. Public Archives of Nova Scotia. 1761-1841. Book of record for births, deaths, and marriages for the Town on Onslow begun in the year 1761. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Public Archives of Nova Scotia. 361 1/2.
This publication was reviewed on L.D.S. microfilm #1376195.
Joseph McCULLY (died 17 Mar 1810) married Mary UPHAM on 23 Apr 1789. Their children were:
Richard Upham McCULLY, b. 22 May 1790, d. 22 Jun 1815 (drowned).
William McCULLY, b. 11 Dec 1791.
Elizabeth Brown McCULLY, b. 14 Dec 1793.
Sarah McCULLY, b. 25 Sep 1795.
Samuel McCULLY b. 29 Oct 1797; h married Ruth WETHERBY (b. 1 Feb 1809) on 22 Dec 1829. Their children were: Elizabeth b. 8 Dec 1830; Margaret b. 22 Jun 1833, d. 10 Jun 1839; Mary b.15 Aug 1835, d. 6 Oct 1837; Joseph b. 14 Jul 1838; Caleb b. 8 Sep 1841.
Caleb McCULLY, b. 30 Nov. 1799.
James McCULLY, b. 15 Mar 1803.

Elizabeth McCULLY married James CLARK 1 Feb 1787.

115. Public Archives of Nova Scotia. 1770-1838. [Censuses and poll tax lists for various Nova Scotia locations, 1770-1838]. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Public Archives of Nova Scotia.
Censuses - microfilm #13580
1770 - checked Amherst, Cumberland, Hillsborough, Horton, Londonderry, Onslow, and Truro for McCULLY and other family names. The only records were for Londonderry:
William McCULLY - 1 boy, l man, l woman; Protestants; 2 Irish, 1 American; 500 acres of land (2 arable, 12 mowing); 1 horse, 4 oxen/bulls, 3 meat cattle, 6 sheep, 2 swine; produced 10 bushels of wheat, 1 bushel pease, 4 bushels barley, and 2 bushels flax seed.

Microfilm #13581 - 1838 Nova Scotia census (Cumberland County not included). No McCULLYs listed in Truro.
ONSLOW - Samuel McCULLY, 1 male under 6, 2 females 6-14, 1 female over 14 (record smeared - might be another male).

LONDONDERRY - John and Margaret McCULLY, farmer: 1 male under 6, 1 female under 6, 1 female over 14.
Sarah McCULLY - 1 male 6-14, 1 female 6-14, 1 male over 14, and 3 females over 14.
Hugh and (Margaret?) McCULLY - 2 males under 6, 2 males 6-14, 2 females 6-14, and 1 male over 14.

POLL TAXES: 1791 - William McCULLY at Londonderry, Joseph and Samuel McCULLY at Onslow. 1792, 1794 and 1795 has the same listings.

116. Public Archives of Nova Scotia. 1800-1850. Londonderry, Nova Scotia, Township Book. Halifax, Nova Scotia:
William McCULLY b. 7 Oct 1802
Margaret PARRY b. 19 May 1807
Married 18 Oct 1827 at Londonderry, Nova Scotia
Robert H. b. 29 Aug 1828
Margaret b. 16 Jun 1830
Eleanor b. 28 Mar 1832, d. April 183_
Richard Barry b. 12 Jun 1834
Sarah b. 9 Nov 1836
Samuel b. 20 Oct 1838, d. 29 Aug 1840
John William b. 16 Dec 1840
Hugh b. 6 Nov 1843
Elizabeth Jane b. 17 (Month?) 1845, died early
Rebecca b. 26 Nov 1848
Burnam G. b. 1850

20 Jul 1907, voucher included showing Amos McCULLY received money acting as Clerk for the overseer of the poor.

117. Public Archives of Nova Scotia. 1880. Will of Samuel McCULLY, Masstown, Nova Scotia, 1880. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Public Archives of Nova Scotia.
Samuel McCULLY, of Masstown, Nova Scotia, appoints Alexander B. Roberts, a friend, of Folly Village, to act on his behalf. 1 May 1880 [This Samuel is in Stacey Culgin's line; we did not copy the probate information]

118. J. W. Ray. 1941. A history of western Pennsylvania. Erie, PA: Self-published. 374Pp.
P.207 - Southwestern Pennsylvania was famous for its glass manufacturers. Thirty-three early glass manufacturers were located in Pittsburgh, including William McCULLY.

119. M. H. Reiner. 1964. Early Oregon wills, Multnomah County (1897-1899). Portland, Oregon: Daughters of the American Revolution, Multnomah Chapter. 8.
p.1, Thomas McCULLEY of Portland, Oregon d. 28 Jun 1897, Portland, OR, age 50 years. No living parents or siblings when he made his will. His widow Pemmelia McCULLY, age 70, of Portland. His step-dau. (Pemmelia's dau), Hattie J. Babcock, now deceased.

120. Richibucto Anglican Church. [Church records]. Fredericton, New Brunswick: Provincial Archives. F1113.
Records from the Richibucto Anglican Church, Richibucto, Kent County, New Brunswick. [NOTE: I originally transcribed data for this record from a very poor microfilm, and it was hard to decipher a lot of it. Since then, the baptism records have been transcribed to the Kent County Rootsweb site [] and I've been able to add to/correct some of them.]

-Rebecca McCULLY, dau of William McCULLY & Anne Elizabeth McCULLY b. Liverpool 19 Feb 1830.
-William Shepherd McCULLY, son of William and Anne Elizabeth McCULLY b. 24 Jan 1823; bapt. 29 June 1825.

121. Ricks College. Western States Historical Marriage Record Index. Internet file.
The following McCULLY/McCULLEY marriage records are included in northern and western Idaho
Emma McCULLY and Charles A. HAYWOOD 5 Dec 1930 St. Maries, Benewah Co., ID
Emma M. McCULLY and Ralph GENTRY 5 Sep 1919 Lewiston, Nez Perce Co., ID
John Milvin McCULLY and [Mrs.] Altha IRICK 22 Aug 1918 Weiser, Washington Co., ID
H. F. McCULLEY and Sarah H. MARSHALL 9 Jan 1912 Clarkston, Idaho Co., ID
H. F. McCULLEY and May HAGAR 19 March 1900 Shoshone, Lincoln Co., ID
R. A. McCULLEY and Hattie M. LAUER 1 May 1916 Grangeville, Idaho Co., ID
Gladys McCULLY and Ralph C. MADISON 22 March 1908 Meadows, Washington Co., ID

These additional McCULLY/McCULLEY records are for other areas of the Pacific Northwest:
Floyd McCULLY and Nellie HILL 9 April 1912 Union Co., OR
G. E. McCULLY and Judith N. SNODGRASS 30 Nov 1904 Union Co., OR
H. L. McCULLY and Alta COOK 15 Aug 1921 Burley, Cassia Co., ID
J. W. McCULLY and Mrs. J. J. OWNSBY 14 May 1883 Union Co., OR
W. D. McCULLY and Martha L. COHOON 24 Dec 1908 Union Co., OR
Emma McCULLY and Charles COX 18 Nov 1888 Baker Co., OR
Mary McCULLY and William H. BURGESS 24 Dec 1903 Albion, Cassia Co., ID
Harold McCULLEY and Lillis M. HUGHES 5 Oct 1919 American Falls, Power Co., ID
Leon W. McCULLEY and Carla MONTROSE 1 March 1929 Mountain Home, Canyon Co., ID
Leonard W. McCULLEY and Eleanor N. CASTLE 28 Apr 1914 Boise, Ada Co., ID
Leroy McCULLEY and Gertrude SMITH 27 July 1925 Union Co., OR

Albany, Oregon, September 1996

1903 - 1920 A - Z
McCULLY, Willard Union 24 July 1918
McCULLY, Wilmer D. Union 19 Dec.1916
McCULLY, Wm. Hamilton Linn 20 Jan.1907
McCULLY, Thos. Brown Umatilla 3 Dec.1917

1921-1930 A - Z
Mc CULLY, Alfred M. Marion 3 July 1925
McCULLY, A. T. Lane 13 Sep.1921
McCULLY, Jennie Wallowa 5Apr. 1924
McCULLY, John A. Coos 20 Dec.1930
McCULLY, Ulliari Patton Hood River 28 Dec.1929
McCULLY, Violet Clackamas 5 Mar.1924
McCULLY, Wm. Wade Clatsop 19 Sep.1925

11931 - 1941 M - Z
McCULLY, Archie Clackamas 12 Apr.1940
McCULLY, Bertha (Sp. Guy) Clackamas 04May 1934
McCULLY, Frank (Sp.Martha) Wallowa 13 Mar.1939
McCULLY, Guy Clackamas 26 June1939
McCULLY, John (Sp. Lillian) Marion 15 Dec.1941
McCULLY, Margaret (Sp.John) Lake 22 Nov. 1934
McCULLY, Nancy( Sp.Americus) Lane 26 Nov.1941
McCULLY, Neal Portland 1939

1942 - 1950 Km - Z
McCULLY, Fred F. Union 28 Dec.1945
McCULLY, Issie Marion 27 Dec.1944
McCULLY, Martha E. Multnomah l8Oct 1947

1951 - 1960 L - Z
McCULLY, Cecelia(Sp.Joseph) Multnomah 29 July1953
McCULLY, Delorma Portland O5 Mar.1952
McCULLY, Ella Multnomah 16 Apr.1956
McCULLY, Irvine(Sp.Allie) Multnomah 14 May 1958
McCULLY, Jolin(Sp. Esta) Clatsop 18 Aug.1951
McCULLY, Margaret Wallowa 10 Mar. 1960
McCULLY Roma( Sp.Blanche) Lane 30 Oct.1951
McCULLY, Russe1l(Sp.Ielleen) Hood River O4Nov. 1954
McCULLY, Thomas( Sp.Luretta) Clatsop 12 June 1957

1961 - 1965 A - Z
McCULLY, Allie (Sp.Irvine) Multnomah 31 Mar.1965
McCULLY, Kermit (Sp. Alice) Wallowa 23Oct. 1961
McCULLY, Roy Multnomah 21May1965
McCULLY, Shawn Deschutes O4July 1961

1966 - 1970 A -Z
McCULLY, Mary Multnomah 27Jan. 1966

123. Salem Pioneer Cemetery. [McCully-Stratton connection, from records of Salem, Oregon, Pioneer Cemetery]. Internet Website.
Information from Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, OR
[From Website: URL]
LAST: Stratton
BORN: 1803
DIED: 15 Feb 1890
BURIED: 18 Feb 1890
DEATH PLACE: Salem, Marion Co., Oregon
OBITUARY: STRATTON--At her home on Center street, Salem, at
3:30 p. m., Saturday, Feb. 15, 1890, Mrs. C. P. Stratton, aged
87 years. Deceased was one of the pioneer women of Oregon. She
came across the plains from Pennsylvania with her husband in the
fall of 1852, and settled near Roseburg, where she remained until
early in the 60's, when she moved to Salem and took up her
residence in the house in which she died. The last few years of
her life were of suffering. She received a fall nine years ago, and
has never been able to walk since. She has a wide circle of
friends who will long remember her as a noble christian woman.
She was the mother of ten children, eight of whom survive her:
Julius Stratton, Horace Stratton, and Mrs. Augusta Whitmore, of
Seattle; Mrs. Victoria McCULLY, of Walla Walla, C. C. Stratton,
of Oakland, Cal., M. A. Stratton, of Oregon City, Mrs. P. L.
Willis, of Portland, and Mrs. D. C, Patton, of this city. Her
remains will be interred in the Odd Fellows' cemetery, by the side
of her husband, who died and was buried there in 1874. DOS 16
Feb 1890, 4:3
SOURCES: LR; DOS 16 Feb 1890 4:3;
LOT: 422

124. M. D. Sinclair and D. J. Sinclair. 1982. Early marriages of Jefferson County, Ohio 1789-1838. Steubenville, OH: Self-published. 232pp.
Grace McCULLY and Edward COEN 28 Oct 1827
James McCULLY and Mary PHILLIPS 5 Nov 1833
Jane McCULLY and Robert SAMPLE 1 Dec 1822
Margaret McCULLY and John SUTHERLAND 30 May 1817
Susan McCULLY and Elias SLEE 16 Apr 1831

125. D. J. Sinclair. 1984. Pioneer collection of Jefferson County, Ohio. Steubenville, OH: Self-published. 189pp.
McCULLY in Jefferson Co. cemetery
--Bloomfield: Thomas McCULLY

126. B. Sistler and B. Sistler. 1987. Early east Tennessee marriages. Nashville, Tennessee: Byron Sistler & Associates.

McCULLA, James; m. Ada V. BLACKWELL 9 Jun 1853
McCULLAH, Alexander; m. Lucy ROBINSON 1 Mar 1819
McCULLAH, J. A.; m. Elizabeth GREEKMORE 6 Oct 1859
McCULLAH, James A.; m. Mary WILLIAMS 26 Feb 1854
McCULLAH, John W.; m. Malunia SHORT 22 or 23 Dec 1841
McCULLEM, Thos; m. Elizabeth Jane MARNOE 28 Jan ___
McCULLEY, Adam; m. Anna Jane FRY 3 Apr 1846
McCULLEY, David; m. Nancy RUDD 18 Feb 1862
McCULLEY, F. P.; m. S. R. HANEY 17 or 18 Sep 1870
McCULLEY, Francis M.; m. Charlotta ROSE 27 Nov 1851
McCULLEY, Geo. M; m. Ann A. PORTER 19 or 20 Aug 1846
McCULLEY, Isaac A.; m. Nancy HITCH 12 Nov 1852
McCULLEY, James; m. Margaret FERGUSON 30 Dec 1818
McCULLEY, Robert F.; m. Elmira V. ELAM 19 or 23 Feb 1868
McCULLEY, W. H. H.; m. Emiline HINDS 28 or 30 Sep 1866
McCULLEY, Wallace; m. Amanda BOWLES 21 or 24 Aug 1873
McCULLOCH, Alex; m. Margaret McNUTT 25 Sep 1795
McCULLOCH, Alexander; m. Margaret McNUTT 25 Sep 1795
McCULLOCH, George E.; m. Mary McKAMY 19 Oct 1847
McCULLOCH, Robert P.; m. Christiana CALDWELL 8 Oct 1835
McCULLOCH, Samuel; m. Eleanor EWING 20 Jul 1824
McCULLOCH, Samuel; m. Margaret PORTER 22 or 23 Oct 1800
McCULLOCH, William; m. Priscilla CUNNINGHAM 24 Nov 1817
McCULLOCK, William; m. Ailey WILHELMS? 26 Dec 1810
McCULLOGH, James; m. Betsy BRANNUM 11 Oct 1801
McCULLUM, John; m. Louvena RIGGS 5 or 7 Oct 1840
McCULLUM, William; m. Dorcas ROBERTS 14 Apr 1842
McCULLUM?, James; m. Polly GRAY 15 or 22 Mar 1847
McCULLY, Andrew J.; m. Sarah Jane BRADS 14 Jun 1869
McCULLY, Granvill H.; m. Sarah E. BEENE 23 Jan 1867
McCULLY, Harvey; m. Rhoda DAVISON 17 or 18 Nov 1877
McCULLY, Henry; m. Rebecca CALDWELL 3 Sep 1827
McCULLY, Henry F.; m. Nancy DELZELL 5 Sep 1826
McCULLY, James; m. Eliza RIGHT 18 Aug 1850
McCULLY, James; m. Elizabeth BOND 4 Feb 1823
McCULLY, James; m. Margaret DIXON 19 Dec 1826
McCULLY, James; m. Mary J. MILLER 18 or 20 Aug 1865
McCULLY, Job; m. Patsy IVY 19 or 21 Aug 1853
McCULLY, John; m. C. E. HUMPHREYS 2 Sep 1850
McCULLY, John; m. Eliza M. HERADIN 23 Aug 1832
McCULLY, John; m. Martha F. GOODLIN 22 Jan 1846
McCULLY, John; m. Nancy DOSSETT 30 Nov 1878
McCULLY, Joseph; m. Elizabeth STINNETT 13 Aug 1850
McCULLY, Joseph; m. Mariam ROYSTON 13 Sep 1838
McCULLY, Samuel; m. Betsy RHEA 29 Sep 1825
McCULLY, Samuel; m. Fanny LANE 9 Jul 1855
McCULLY, Solomon; m. Ann M. HAMMILL 1 Sep 1825
McCULLY, Wm; m. Elizabeth SMITH 23 or 25 Feb 1866

127. D. A. Steele and G. M. Rogers. 1911. One hundred years with the Baptists of Amherst, N. S. Amherst, Nova Scotia: Amherst Baptist Church. 59p.
Pp.30-34: Reverend Samuel McCULLY. His parents were Scottish-Irish Presbyterians. They emigrated from the north of Ireland to the district known as Cobequid about 1770. Samuel was born in Cobequid in 1773. When he was about 20, he moved to Nappan, where he engaged in husbandry and ship-building. "Meeting with heavy losses in the latter, he gave up his property there, and took up residence at Amherst Point." He married Esther Pipes 1799.

128. A. Y. Straw. 1931. Some genealogies and family histories. Clearfield, PA: Clearfield Republican Press.
Descendants of GEORGE and SUSANNAH (NEWCOMER) McCULLEY of Pennsylvania -
STEWART McCULLEY b. Feb 1862, followed farming and lumbering for a number of years, then was rural mail carrier, and in 1931 was retired and living in Kerrmoor, PA. He married MARTHA STRAW (b. 8 Sep 1861, dau. of Christian Straw and granddau. of Christian Straw Sr.). Their children and descendants:
1. BERNARD McCULLEY b. 6 Apr 1884; m. Renie Walls; children Stewart, Stanley, Clifford, Martha, and Ruth; live (1931) in Irvona, PA.
2. JULIA McCULLEY b. Sep 1885; m. 1st Frank Bracken (d. 1912), children Don, Charles, Inez, and William; m. 2nd ____ Johnson, one dau; reside in Clymer, PA.
3. MAUD McCULLEY m. John Petterman, live in Kerrmoor, PA; children Harry, Maxine, Marian and John (twins).
4. CHRISTIAN McCULLEY b. Jul 1889; unmarried; a rancher in ID and MT.
5. RUTH McCULLEY m. Dorsey Michaels, reside in Kerrmoor, PA.
6. NETTIE McCULLEY b. May 1892, m. Ray Wolf; children Dorthea, Augusta, and Geraldine; live in Kerrmoor, PA.
7. HOWARD McCULLEY m. Margaret Hipps, live at Lumber City, PA; three children.
8. STEPHEN McCULLEY m. Vada Barrett, 3 children; live in Kerrmoor, PA.

129. R. D. J. Swoope. 1911. Twentieth Century history of Clearfield County and representative citizens. Chicago, IL: Richmond-Arnold Publishing Company. 981pp.
P.348, George and Isabella McCULLY had eight children in County Derry, Ireland, including Matthew McCULLY who was born in County Derry 20 Mar 1816. George McCULLY died in Ireland, and in 1817 Isabella McCULLY brought their children to Philadelphia, PA, and then overland to Clearfield County, PA, where they settled on Muddy Run. Isabella McCULLY died at the age of 84, and is buried in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Clearfield County. All of the children but Matthew were "long since dead" by 1911.
Matthew McCULLY went from Muddy Run to Tyrone, PA, where he worked in the forges and "on the canal". He was naturalized in Clearfield County 6 Dec 1848; witnesses were Lisle McCULLY and Henry Hagerty. He married Sarah BEYER, a native of Ohio, 30 Dec 1841. They had the following children:
-Isabella, deceased.
-Christiana, widow of H. P. R. BLANDY.
-David, deceased.
-Caroline, who married Alvin FREDERICK.
-Eliza, deceased.
-George, deceased.
-Solomon [see below].
-Lavinia, married to J. B. McFADDEN.
-Lewis, deceased.
-Edith, deceased, wife of H. B. Brown.
-Frank H.
Matthew and Sarah (BEYER) McCULLY were Presbyterians. Sarah died August 1901, and Matthew died 28 Apr 1902, age 86.

Solomon McCULLY was born 23 Mar 1855, Gulich Township, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania. As an adult, he farmed until 1887, then moved to Ramey, PA, where he was a carpenter for 20 years. Since 1909, he has been postmaster of Ramey. He also served as constable, school director, county commissioner, and borough treasurer. He married in 1879 Ella CROYL, dau of Henry and Catherine CROYL of Huntingdon Co., PA. Solomon and Ella had five children: Bertha, L.K., H.H., M. W., and P.S. They are Presbyterians.

P.903, Joseph McCULLY was born in Ireland [no date given], and came to America when he was eighteen years old. He married Eliza EDMUNDSON. They lived at Wheatland, Clearfield Co., PA, then in 1837 bought a farm in Jordan Township where Joseph lived until he died at age 76. One of their children [no others named] was George R. McCULLY.
George R. McCULLY was born 1820 at Wheatland, Clearfield Co., PA. before his family moved to Jordan Township, Clearfield Co. He worked in Jordan Township digging ore and burning charcoal. He married Malinda WOLF (born 1825), and bought a farm ["the old McCully homestead"] in Chest Township, and from there pursued farming and lumbering until 1867. They then moved back to Jordan to help his father. After his parents died, they moved back to Chest, where they lived until George died in 1899. George and Malinda had the following children surviving to 1911 [implying others died earlier]:
-Alfred D. [see below].
-John, living in Irvona, PA.
-George W., a farmer in Chest Township.
-Levi, a miner in Jordan Township.

Alfred D. McCULLY was born 26 Jun 1850 on the old McCully homestead in Chest Township, PA. He went to school until he was 14 years old, worked in the woods until he was 21, and has since been a farmer. He married in 1875 Adelia BARRETT, dau. of Hiram and Susan (MYERS) BARRETT, who came to Jordan Township, Clearfield Co., from Center County, PA. Susan was born in Jordan Township 20 Jun 1854. They are Baptists, Alfred being a deacon at Fairview Baptist church for 20 years. He is politically a Democrat. Since 1905 he has been township tax collector. Children of Alfred and Susan are:
-Minnie JOHNS, adopted, wife of Wiley QUEEN of Irvona, PA.
-Katherine, school teacher at Glen Hope, PA.
-John T., a farmer with his father.

130. G. Toftdahl. 1995. Oregon newspaper death notices 1864-1902. An index to death notices published in Eugene, Lane County, Oregon newspapers. Springfield, OR: Privately printed. 139pp.
In "Oregon State Journal"
-A. A. McCully, 21 Aug 1886, p. 4 (died Salem, OR area)
-J. F. McCully, 24 Dec 1881, p.5 (d. Harrisburg, OR)
-Mrs. Mary McCully, 16 Sep 1871, p. 3 (d. Harrisburg, OR)

In "Eugene Weekly Guard"
-J. C. McCully, 10 Feb 1900, p. 1 (d. Elliston, OR)

131. H. Trueman. 1975. The Chignecto Isthmus and its first settlers. Belleville, Ontario: Mika Publishing Company.
Josiah Tingley came to Sackville, New Brunswick, in 1763. His daughter Mary (b. 180l d. 1881) married Cyrus McCully.

At a Baptish revival in Sackville in 1822, "Father McCully" baptized 25 people

132. U. S. Government. Social Security Index - McCully.
The following are Idaho, Washington and Montana McCULLY records from the Social Security Index:
Altha McCULLY 18 Aug 1881 - Jan 1965
George McCULLY 7 Oct 1907 - Sept 1996; SSN issued in Montana; last residence Wallace, ID
Henry McCULLY 29 Apr 1890 - Oct 1963
John McCULLY 15 July 1903 - Sept 1976 Moscow, ID
Mary McCULLY 23 July 1890 - Dec 1970 Pocatello, ID
William McCULLY 5 Oct 1912 - Apr 1982 Pocatello, ID

Alfred McCULLY 19 Nov 1910 - Dec 1985; last residence Trego, MT
Ernest McCULLY 10 March 1895 - Feb 1968 Bigfork, MT
Louise McCULLY 4 Aug 1890 - March 1977 Kalispell, MT
Mary McCULLY 18 May 1892 - May 1978 Columbia Falls, MT
Robert McCULLY 21 Dec 1888 - July 1976 Columbia Falls, MT
William McCULLY 11 Mar 1878 - Dec 1968 Bozeman, MT

Arnold McCULLY 5 Oct 1918 - Aug 1986 Silverlake, Cowlitz Co., WA
Dennis McCULLY 1 Apr 1922 - Aug 1978 Raymond, Pacific Co., WA
Edith McCULLY 25 Mar 1919 - Feb 1986 Rockford, Spokane Co., WA
Edith McCULLY 30 Jan 1928 - Oct 1982; SSN issued in Missouri; died Raymond, Pacific Co., WA
Elmer McCULLY 18 Apr 1905 - Feb 1981 Endicott, Whitman Co., WA
Glovis McCULLY 22 Apr 1884 - May 1980 Yakima, Yakima Co., WA
Harold McCULLY 10 Nov 1914 - May 1981; SSN issued California, last residence Walla Walla, WA
John McCULLY 19 Dec 1904 - March 1979 Tacoma, Pierce Co., WA
Manuel McCULLY 29 Dec 1871 - May 1963; no locations given
Roscoe McCULLY 2 Aug 1909 - Oct 1984 Selah, Yakima Co., WA
Ruby McCULLY 28 Apr 1895 - July 1975 Castle Rock, Cowlitz Co., WA
Thais McCULLY 10 Dec 1904 - May 1981 Seattle, King Co., WA
Virgil McCULLY 1 Dec 1911 - Apr 1987 Rockford, Spokane Co., WA

133. J. Underwood. 2002. Jonathan and William McCully. e-mail <>. 4 May 2002.
Jay Underwood of Elmsdale, Nova Scotia, wrote:
"I am writing a book on the life of J. R. Forman, engineer of the Nova Scotia Railway, who had occasion to come into contact with Jonathan McCully, the Father of Confederation from Amherst, NS, with disastrous results.
The railway dealt with one William McCully as its purchasing agent in Liverpool, England I am unable to make a direct link between the two McCullys, but I suspect they were related."

NOTE: I told Jay that the William McCully in England was indeed Jonathan's brother.

"By the way, a popular song of the 1860s in Nova Scotia said of Jonathan McCully (who was then railway commissioner):
I am the king of all I survey,
My will there is none to dispute.
The trains will run when I tell them to run,
and toot, when I tell them to toot."

134. Union Cemetery Association. 1994. Cemetery records, Union Cemetery, Steubenville, Ohio.
Archie McCULLY, age 3, interred 7 Oct 1873
Frank McCULLY, age 3 mo., interred 27 Nov 1873

135. G. Vincent. 1998. McLeod-McCully connection, Nova Scotia. e-mail <>. 30 Dec 1998.
Gerald Vincent response to this inquiry:I have just a scrap of information on two McLEOD-McCULLY marriages in the Tatamagouche area. I can't place the McCullys in any of my known groups. Does anyone know who they were, or anything about the descendants of either family?
1. Donald McLeod (1794-1876) m. Jessie Morrison (180l-1870); children:
2. Kenneth McLeod (1821/2-1881) m. MARY H. McCULLY (1834-1883).
2. Christina McLeod (1825- ) m. JAMES McCULLY (1830-)

Both the McCullys and the McLeods were next-door neighbours of the George Vincent family of West New Annan about 1900. Donald and Jessie (Morrison) McLeod had also Nancy, 1827-1875; Alexander, who m. Geddis Ross, 1830-1857; Mary, 1836-1923, who m. Alex Munro, 1834-1917; William, 1839-1899, who m. Elizabeth ______, 1852-1934, and possibly Roderick.
Kenneth McLeod and Mary McCully had: Henrietta S., 1859-1880; John P., 1860-____; Donald, 1861-1864; Rosa Jane, 1863-1883; and William A., 1864.
William McLeod, son of Donald, and his wife Elizabeth had: Mary,
1864-1908; Jessie, 1865-1909, who m. John W. Grace, 1872-1955; and James, 1877-1909.
Aside from those McLeod women who m. in New Annan, and those members of the family who had previously left home, the last of the McLeod family removed from the Florida Road in West New Annan to Campbell River on Vancouver Island, BC, sometime before 1930 (I think), after a fire which destroyed their home in New Annan. I believe there are descendants of James(?) McLeod still living there.
The McLeods were original grantees in New Annan in 1819: the Vincents purchased a piece of that grant about 1830 and still hold it. The Vincent family also purchased 150 acres of land adjacent to the McLeod Grant: it was part of the 500 acres originally granted to the Rev. William Patrick of Pictou County in 1819, was sold to the McConnel family about 1829 and from them passed to the Vincents in 1836: at about the same time, James McCully purchased an adjacent portion of the Patrick Grant.
The Rev. William Patrick was a great promoter of New Annan in its earliest days (about 1815) and encouraged others to come from eastern Pictou County to the Tatamagouche/New Annan area. These probably included the McLeods and the McCullys: they certainly included the Vincents.

136. M. Vinyard. 1995. [McCULLY family of Ken Vinyard].
Ken VINYARD was b. Urbana, OH. His mother was Leva McCULLY of Springfield, OH. She had a twin sister, Eva McCULLY. [NOTE: Ken's widow, Marie Vinyard, is one of our "neighbors" in Coos Co., NH.]

137. D. P. Wade. 1985. Genealogical abstracts of the first 2,500 probate records in Marion County, Oregon. Salem, Oregon: Willamette Valley Genealogical Society.
p.161 - Isaac McCulley/McCully died 7 Oct 1899, intestate. Heirs: R. D. McCulley, son, Goldendale, Washington; A. A. McCully, son, Snohomish, WA; Mrs. Nettie VanDorston, daughter, Tacoma, WA.

138. P. B. Waite. 1998. Jonathan McCully biography. Cumberland County Genweb.
"The Family Registry" by Scott C. Miller
McCully, Jonathan, lawyer, journalist, senator, and judge; b. on a farm in Cumberland County, N.S. (probably at Maccan), 25 July 1809, fifth in a family of nine children of Samuel McCully and Esther Pipes; d. at his home in Halifax, N.S., January 2, 1877.
Jonathan McCully attended the usual one-room school until he had exhausted what it offered, then began work on his father's 150 acre farm. from 1828 to 1830 he taught school to earn money to study law, which at that time meant a five-year apprenticeship to a lawyer. He was admitted to the bar in 1837 at the age of 28. McCully enjoyed fighting his cases and put much hard work on them. He was not without elements for success in a colonial society: ambition, thoroughness, and perhaps one can add, poverty. Yet he wasone of those who succeed by grit rather than by brains. He was always a slow, rather unoriginalthinker. Nor was he a great orator. He spoke with force and directness, oftenwith homely allusions laced occasionally with slang, but neither in force nor in metaphor, nor in his public presence, was he the equal of Joesph Howe, whom McCully seems much to have admired.

By 1837 McCully was a convinced Reformer, despite Cumberland County's Tory preponderance, and had begun to write political articles in the Halifax Acadian Recorder in much the same terms as he conducted his law practice. He was a vigorous, slashing writer, who spared nothing and no one. Under the pseudonym, "Clim o' the Cleugh," he made some
savage comments in the Recorder on Alexander Stewart in 1839. His support of Howe in 1847 election was repaid with his appointment in 1848 to Legislative Council, a position he continued to hold until 1867. McCully was appointed judge of probate in 1853, an office he
held until after the change of government in 1857, when he was duly fired. He then opened a law practice with Hiram Blanchard, MLA, Inverness, a partnership which lasted until McCully left the bar for the bench.

In 1842 McCully married Eliza Creed of Halifax; they had three children, a son and two daughters. The son, Clarence, was ultimately to go into the Anglican Church, but it was a berth rather than a vocation; he was a continued disappointment to his father.

While in the probate court McCully had supported Howe's railway projcts, one of which was to build, as a government work, a line from Halifax to Truro with a branch to Windsor. His reward was membership on Howe's railway commission from 1854 until Howe's government was replaced by the James W. Johnston-Charles Tupper government in 1857.

It is remarkable that McCully acquired so many offices; in 1855, for example, he was a member of the Legislative Council, a judge of probate, and a railway commissioner.
He was by now beginning to write for the Halifax Morning Chronicle, the Liberal party's lighthouse in the capital. He rapidly became its leading editorial writer, a position he was to retain until 1865.

McCully had the pleasure of seeing some of his efforts on behalf of William Young, Howe,and the Liberals bear fruit, for in 1860 the liberals (the name "Reformers" was falling out of use now) returned to power. McCully was promptly appointed solicitor general and also made sole railway commissioner, while still keeping his hand on the editorial desk of the Morning Chronicle. McCully ran the Nova Scotia Railway from 1860 to 1863 with a ruthless eye to saving money. This, rather than that other touchstone, efficiency, guided him He was in an excellent position for creating enemies and, blessed with neither tact nor taste, made good use of his opportunities.

A doggerel of the time ran:
I am monarch of all I survey,
My will there is none to dispute,
Trains run when I want 'em to run
And toot when I tell 'em to toot.

McCully's railway interests had also ramified into the Intercolonial Railway project. He had urged this in the Chronicle as early as 1855 and periodically afterwards. In September 1861 he was in New Brunswick for negotiations on the Intercolonial; parlty as a result of these
negotiations and partly as a result of reaction to the American Civil War, a conference on the Intercolonial Railway between Canada, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia was held at Quebec in October 1861; there McCully again represented Nova Scotia. At similar conference in September 1862, McCully was replaced by William Annand, the owner of the Morning Chronicle. .

It is fair to say that McCully was a difficult man for Howe's liberal government to carry.He had little popular appeal; there is good reason to doubt whether he could ever have been elected for a constituency, a fact that Howe was to throw at him in 1867. Howe blamed him, in part at least, for the Liberal defeat at polls in the general election of 1863, especially because of his bullying administration of government-owned railway. "Jonathan, " said Howe, "is the kind of fellow that cost more than he comes to. I carried him as long as I could stagger under him."

In August 1864 the Tupper government chose both Liberal and Conservative delegates to represent the province at the Charlottetown conference. McCully was the leader of the Liberals in the Legislative Council; nevertheless his name was omitted. Only at the last minute, as a result of the withdrawal of John Locke, was McCully's name suggested by Adams G. Archibald, leader of the Liberal party. McCully's contribtion at Charlottetown and at Quebec was inconspicuous; it can be roughly documented, but it seems to have been
unimportant. His real importance in the confederation movment was his attempt to popularize the Quebec resolution in Nova Scotia, and to expand the political horizons of Nova Scotians to include the idea of a united British North America.

Up to this time union had not been a particular theme of McCully's. The Morning Chornicle in 1856 had praised colonial union as "a measure that every thinking man feels is essential....We cannot remain as we are." But even Howe in those days would have agreed with that. By 1860 McCully was raising massive doubts about the value of a colonial
union, as if he were already following Howe's idea about some new reorganization of the empire. For McCully, Canada's expenditure on such projects as canals and the Grand Trunk Railway and her burgeoning population had, by 1860, made it obvious that this province was outdistancing New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, to say nothing of Prince
Edward Island and Newfoundland; although the Morning Chronicle would not say flatly that it opposed a colonial union. it felt, on the whole, that Nova Scotia should leave well enough alone (1 December 1860). In any case that project was soon over-shadowed by the more immediate prospects (so it was thought) for the Intercolonial Railway, and by the American Cival War. When colonial union appeared again in the Chronicle's editorials, in 1864, it was still being regarded with distrust, especially so with Canadian talk of federal union being noised abroad (30 June, 4 Aug., 1 Sept. 1864).

Within three weeks after 1 September 1864, the position of the Halifax Morning Chronicle radically changed. The Charlottetown conference had converted McCully, and not a few others, to confederation. Howe made bitter sport of McCully's conversion. After Charlottetown, Howe said, McCully returned to Halifax as full of glory of confederation as a
girl newly proposed to. Indeed, St. Paul, said Howe, had been converted by a flood of light; Danae was converted from a vigin to a strumpet by shower of gold: "you...can judge whether McCully was converted after the fashion of Danae or St. Paul." All through the
autumn of 1864 (though editorials languished somewhat during McCully's absence at Quebec) the Morning Chronicle threw its heavy weight behind confederation, and especialy so in the critical period after McCully had returned to Halifax from Quebec on 10 November. Then on 10 January 1865 came the announcement that McCully was fired from the editorial
desk of the Chronicle. At once the Chronicle swung over on its anticonfederate tact. McCully
bought out the old Morning Journal and Commercial Advertiser, christened it Unionist and Halifax Journal, and for over two years laboured to sell confederation to the Nova Scotians. It was uphill work; and after confederation was approved by Nova Scotia legislature,
in April 1866, McCully gradually eased off. He was a delegate to the London conference of 1866-67, but his strength, as before, lay in his pen. In the pamphlet battle he and Tupper's government had taken in London in January and February 1887.

Jonathan McCully was appointed to the Senate of the dominion of Canada later that same year. From this point he is gradually overshadowed politically by Tupper, Archibald, and in 1869, Howe was bound to support Tupper and better terms of 1869, but he seems not tohave been influential in the negotiations for Howe's entering the John A. Macdonald government in 1869. McCully was shrewd enough how ever to perceive that Canada's acquistion of the North-West would impose tremendous task upon the new confederation. "It has come upon us," he said in the Senate, "before we are fully prepared for it. We are
scarcely organized ourselves. Our own house is not [yet] set in order...."

In 1870 McCully was appointed puisne judge on the Nova Scotia Supreme
Court; he had obivously made his peace with Howe, since it was to Howe
as well as Tupper that he owed his appointment. McCully comfortably to
rest on the bench. Here his forthright manner and natural instincts for dispatching business crossed the penchant of Halifax lawyers for talk. McCully won. The backlog of court dockets was thus dispatched with some celerity, which did not endear him to legal fraternity but
won him golden opinions-a refreshing change for McCully- from public at large. This firmness was joined, as it seemed appropriate it now should be, to a newer impartiality, something for which McCully had not always been conspicuous.

He died at his home on Brunswick Street, Halifax, at the age of 67, leaving a substantial estate of $100,000. He is buried in Camp Hill Cemetery.

McCully was not a remarkable man; one of those people who could not do things by halves, he climbed, not very elegantly, up through colonial society. He disliked humbug or pretence; he had none of those arts himself. He cared little for public opinion; his course on
confederation took courage: there were not many who would have done what he did.Yet somehow he remains an unlovely figure. With McCully, instincts answered for ideas, and his advocacy did not always help a good cause. He was in this respect like Charles Tupper, but without Tupper's cleverness or agility. McCully's stubbornness and pugnacity, his capacity for work, took him a long way- father perhaps than his talents really deserved. He was a succesful man before confederation became an issue; but it was confederation that made him famous, and gave him right to this long essay here.

Related Family Genealogiy

m. Rev. Samuel McCully, Sr. March 7, 1799
d. about 1824
fa. William Pipes, Jr.
mo. Elizabeth Oldfield
1. Cyrus McCully
2. Elizabeth McCully
3. William McCully
4. Samuel McCully, Jr.
5. Jonathan McCully
6. Mary McCully
7. Robert McCully

138. Washington State. 1920. [McCully and related names in 1920 Soundex for Washington State].
-John C. McCULLY, age 15, in household of Rudolph H. Krause (unrelated) Whitman Co., WA; born in WA.
--John C. McCULLOUH, age 47, boarder at Hotel Lake View, Soap Lake, Grant Co., WA; born in WA.
-John D. McAULEY, age 39, b. MA; Bellingham, Whatcom Co., WA; wife Rachel, 28, b. WA; son John, 2, b. WA.

139. T. Weston. 1906. History of the town of Middleboro, Massachusetts.
"Among the prominent families in the last century" in Middleboro were the McCULLYs; "tradition" says that they were Scotch-Irish Protestants who fought with the British in the 1690 siege of Londonderry, and were rewarded by the British Crown with land in New England; probably came to Boston in 1718, settled in Lakeville, Massachusetts.
John McCULLY purchased a house and land in Lakeville from Elkanah Leonard 23 Jan 1735. Andrew McCULLY from Lakeview was a 2nd Lieut. in th MA State Militia in 1778.

140. S. R. Wilbur and S. H. Wilbur. 1995. Miscellaneous McCullys in the State of Oregon, U.S.A. Gresham, OR: Symbios.
NOTE: I have additional info on some of these families that has not been yet been added to this paper.


1. John M. McCULLY Father born in Virginia, U.S.A., name unknown; mother born Tennessee,
name unknown. John M. (possibly Melvin, as he named a son
J. Melvin) b. 1825, Monroe County, Tennessee. Married Clementine Elizabeth Humphreys 9 Sep 1846, Belttown, Polk County (records say Monroe County; county boundaries may have changed),Tennessee. He died after 17 May 1903, probably in Pollock, Idaho County, Idaho. He could not write - signed documents with an x".

WIFE: Clementine Elizabeth HUMPHREYS. Father and mother both born in
Tennessee, names unknown. Clementine b. 15 Apr 1826, Monroe County,
Tennessee; d. 17 May 1903, Little Salmon River, Idaho County, Idaho. Since
1853, she was reportedly a "consistent member" of the Methodist Church.

Both John and Clementine were raised in the Great Smoky Mountains near the Tennessee - North Carolina border. If Americus McCully's birth record (see below) is correct, the family moved north to Knoxville, Knox County, Tennessee, some time between Sep 1846 and Mar 1848. They had a second child while in Tennessee (William, b. ca. 1851), and possibly a third. (Later records say they had 11 children, but only 10 can be accounted for, so far. The only logical times to fit this child in would be before Americus was born, or between Americus and William. The child could have died in infancy.)

John, Clementine, Americus, and William left Tennessee in 1853, crossing via the Oregon Trail, and arriving in Oregon 19 Sep 1853. (One record says they left Tennessee in Sep 1852, which would imply they over-wintered somewhere along the way; that seems unlikely, considering the usual schedules of Oregon Trail followers.) They were granted a 320 acre Donation Land Claim (cert. no. 3424, notification no.7582) in Linn County, Oregon (Sec. 25-26, T95 R1E), on which they lived for about 20 years. The location is shown on later maps as "McCully Mountain". John reportedly raised Percheron horses on the property.

During the 1870 census, the family was shown in the Albany voting precinct.
We haven't yet determined if "McCully Mountain" was in that voting precinct
(it is some distance from the city of Albany), so the family may have moved by
1870. A map prepared in 1878 shows the McCully Mountain property owned
by M. I (or M. T., or M. J. - printing unclear) McCully and E. C. Brown.
During the 1880 census, the family was located in the Harrisburg precinct of
Linn County. Some time prior to 1903, John and Clementine moved to northern
Idaho, near some of their children.

2. Americus Taylor McCULLY - First (possibly second) child of John M. and Clementine McCully, b. 5 Mar 1848, possibly in Knoxville, Knox County, Tennessee. (Other records say Nashville, Tennessee, but this seems unlikely considering other family history.) He was of Scots-Irish ancestry.

Americus came to Oregon with his family in 1853, and spent his early years on the Linn County donation land claim at McCully Mountain. At the time of the 1870 census, when he was age 22, he was working as a clerk in the Harrisburg voting district. He married Nancy E. BRYANT in Linn County 7 Jul 1872. In 1878, he was farming on 115 acres east of Scio, Oregon, on the Thomas Fork of the Santiam River, and was shown there during the 1880 census. (This property, shown on an 1878 map, was probably part of the original donation land claim of James Johnson.)

At various times, Americus had stores in Albany, Halsey, and Jordan Valley (all Linn County), and for some time he drove a stagecoach from Salem to Coburg, Oregon, delivering mail at Eugene en route. The trip is said to have taken 3 days, with the coach pulled by a 6-horse team. In 1903 and 1905, he was known to be living in Halsey City. Some time later, he retired to Eugene, Oregon, and died there at the home of his son R. A. McCully on 13 Sep 1921, age 73. He is buried in the IOOF (odd Fellows) cemetery in Eugene, Lane County, Oregon.

Wife Nancy E. BRYANT b. 1854, Linn County, Oregon. Her father John Bryant was born in Virginia, came to Oregon in 1852, and received a 321 acre donation land claim in the Franklin Butte area of Linn County. His claim was surrounded by six donation land claims granted to the BILYEU family, which probably helps explain his marriage to Lucinda Bilyeu! She was born in Tennessee. Her parents are unknown at this time, but her father was one of the six who had donation land claims in the area (J.G., John M., Hubbard B., John B., George W., William B., or W. H. Bilyeu). An 1878 map shows John Bryant owning property just south of McCully Mountain.

In the 1880 census, she was listed as a housewife, age 26. In 1905, she was living in Halsey City, age 50. She died in Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, at age 87 (1942?). Children of Americus and Nancy were (all born in Linn County, Oregon):

12. Roma Alton McCULLY - b. 1873, Linn Co., Oregon. Living with parents in Halsey Butte area, Linn Co., at time of 1880 census (7 years old). Married Blanche CAMPBELL 1908, had 2 children, Alton and Roland. Roma was in mercantile, and at one tune owned over 2000 acres of land in Linn County. A 1905 census showed him living in Halsey City (31 years old). In 1921, he was living at 2081 Fairmount Blvd., Eugene, Lane County, Oregon. Children:

17. Alton McCULLY

18. Roland McCULLY

13. Irvine Gilbert McCULLY - born c. 1876, Linn County, Oregon. Shown living with parents at Franklin Butte in 1880 (4 years old). Married Allie PARRISH 1 Jan 1900, Linn County. (Roland Parrish was one of earliest Linn County settlers, probably relative.) They were not shown in the 1905 Linn County census. At some point, they moved to Portland, prob. Multnomah County, Oregon.

14. Cora Edith McCULLY TOLLE - born c. 1878, Linn County. Shown living with parents at Franklin Butte in 1880 (2 years old), and shown in parents' household in Halsey City 1905 (27 years old). Married Mr. TOLLE, later lived in Prescott, Arizona.

15. Claude B. McCULLY - born c. 1885, Linn County. Shown in parents household in Halsey City 1905 (age 20). Married Tressie M. SHELTON 20 Feb 1909 in Linn County. (A. W. Shelton was one of earliest settlers of Linn County, probably related.) They later lived in Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon.

16. Lavenda L. McCULLY SCOTT - born c. 1893, Linn County. Shown in parents' household Halsey City, in 1905 (age 12). Married Mr. SCOTT, later lived in Eugene, Lane County, Oregon.

3. William McCULLY - born c. 1851, probably Knoxville, Knox County, Tennessee. Came to Oregon with parents in 1853. He was shown living with his parents in the Albany, Linn County, Oregon, voting district in 1870. He died before May 1903.

4. Alfred C. McCULLY - born c. 1854, Linn County, Oregon. In the 1870 census, he was listed as 16, farmworker, in his parents' household in the Albany voting precinct. In May 1903, he was living in Tobacco Plains, Montana.

5. Susan Alice McCULLY DANIELS - born c. 1856, Linn County, Oregon.
In 1870, she was 14, in school, and living with her parents in Linn
County. She married Mr. DANIELS, and was living in Albany, Linn
County, Oregon, in May 1903.

6. Elizabeth ("Libbie") McCULLY BILL - born c. 1858, Linn County, OR. In
1870 she was 12, in school, and living with her parents in Linn County. The 1880 census showed her age 21, North Brownsville, Linn County, a servant in the household of Jesse B. Irving. She married Mr. BILL, and was living in Oakland, Alameda County, California, in May 1903.

7. Irving Frederick McCULLY - born c. 1860, Linn County. In 1870 he was
10, in school, and living with his parents in Linn County. In the 1880
census, he was with his parents at Harrisburg, Linn County, age 20.
He was living in Horse Plains, Montana, in May 1903.

8. Mary J. ("Mollie") McCULLY - born c. 1862, Linn County. In 1870, she was in her parents' home, age 7. In 1880, she was 18 and a housekeeper for Andrew Loubner of Halsey, Oregon. She died prior to May 1903.

9. Josephine ("Josie") McCULLY LEACH - born c. 1864, Linn County. Shown in the 1870 census as 6 years old, with her parents in the Albany voting district, and in the 1880 census as age 16, with parents in Harrisburg, Linn County. She married Mr. LEACH, and was living in Portland (prob. Multnomah County), Oregon, in May 1903.

10. James Benjamin McCULLY - born c. 1868, Linn County. Shown with parents in 1870 (2 years old) and 1880 (12) censuses. He was living in Pollock, Idaho County, Idaho, in May 1903.

11. J. Melvin McCULLY - born c. 1873, Linn County. Shown during the 1880 census as being 7 years old, in parents' household in Harrisburg, Linn County. He was living in Pollock, Idaho County, Idaho, in May 1903.



1. Isaac McCULLY - Born 1824, Lincoln County, North Carolina, parents unknown. Came to Oregon 1847, route unknown, and was granted a donation land claim on which he settled 1 Sep 1850 (cert. no.1040, 644.14 acres, Marion County, T95 R2W sect. 21, 22, 28, 29). He married Lydia STOUT in Marion County 2 Mar 1851. They later divorced. He died in Salem, Oregon, 7 Oct 1899, at age 76. He died intestate.

WIFE: Lydia STOUT, daughter of Richard and Sally G. (Osborn) Stout, who came to Oregon in 1849 (Donation land claim cert. 1042, Marion County, 536.05 acres, T65 R1E, sect. 19, 20). [Richard Stout was b. 24 Dec 1796, son of Joseph S. and Rachel (Monds) Stout. He married Sally G. Osborn 27 Mar 1817.] Lydia Stout was born 21 April 1830, location not certain at this time. (one reference says Missouri, one says "probably Roane County, Tennessee"). She died 12 Feb1902.

Not much information on these people yet. It was reported in an 1854 Salem, Oregon, newspaper that Isaac had been appointed a petit juryman on the Marion County District Court. An 1878 book of maps shows the original donation land claim divided into two parts: one under the name of Isaac McCully, and the other in the ownership of "Mrs. McKully". An 1878 Marion County business directory has a listing for Mrs. L. McCulley as a farmer and stock raiser in the same township and range of the original donation land claim.

Isaac and Lydia's children were:

2. Augustus McCULLY - b. 14 Dec. 1851, Marion County, Oregon; d. 8 Mar

3. Alvetus A. McCULLY - b. 3 Jun 1853, Marion County, Oregon; living in Snohomish, Washington, in 1899.

4. Janette ("Nettie") McCULLY VAN DORSTON - b. 16 Apr 1859, Marion County, Oregon; married Mr. VAN DORSTON, and in 1899 living in Tacoma, Washington.

5. Remus D. McCULLEY - b. 13 Apr 1859, Marion Co., Oregon; in 1899 living in Goldendale, Washington.



1. William McCULLY - born c. 1817 (53 years old in 1870 census) in Indiana. At some point, moved to Missouri where three children were born. He and his family moved to Oregon in about 1853. They apparently did not get a donation land claim. In 1860 and 1870, they were in Linn County, but only one daughter appears in the 1880 Linn census, so they had apparently moved on by then.

WIFE: Unknown, probably born in Missouri (In 1880 Linn County Census,. Angeline McCully's parents are both listed as born in Missouri). No wife is shown in the household during the 1870 census, when the youngest child was 5 years old. Apparently, the wife died between 1865 and 1870.

Children were as follows:

2. Amanda McCULLY - born c. 1848, Missouri; was 22 and living at home at the time of the 1870 census.

3. Merritt McCULLY - born c. 1850, Missouri; age 20, farm worker, at
1870 census.

4. Thomas McCULLY - born c. 1852, Missouri; age 18, farm worker, at
1870 census.

5. Nancy McCULLY - born c. 1853, Oregon; 17 and at home, 1870 census.

6. Mack McCULLY - born c. 1856, Oregon; 14, in school, at 1870 census.

7. Otis McCULLY - born c. 1858, Oregon; 12, in school, at 1870 census.

8. Mary McCULLY - born c.1858 (twin with Otis?), Oregon; 12, in school, at time of 1870 census.

9. Rosetta McCULLY - born c. 1862, Oregon; 8 at time of 1870 census.

10. George McCULLY - born c. 1863, Oregon; 7 at time of 1870 census.

11. Angeline ("Angy") McCULLY - born c. 1865, Oregon; age Sat time of
1870 census. In 1870, she is recorded as living in the household of Americus T. McCully, as a student and "sister-in-law", age 15. If not an error, that would indicate she was married to either William, AlfredC. or Irving Frederick McCully, sons of John M. and Clementine McCully.


1. Henry F McCULLY - Born 1799, location unknown; m. Nancy ______ 5 Sep
1820, Blount County, Tennessee; died 23 July 1876, location unknown. He received a donation land claim in Linn County, Oregon (cert. no.1986, T125 R4W, Sect 26). His name shows up on an 1854 Linn County
tax assessment list and on the 1860 Linn County census, but he was not recorded in Linn County or elsewhere in Oregon in the 1870, 1880, or 1905 censuses. In 1878, his original donation land claim was owned by the estate of F. Simpson.

2. James McCULLY - Listed as an early pioneer to Marion County, Oregon. On the
1850 census of Oregon Territory, he was listed as age 20, a farmer, from Virginia. No later records have been found.

3. J. D. McCULLY - One records lists him as born 1820 in Kentucky, coming from Missouri to Oregon in 1852, and settling in Marion County. The 1860 census includes a "J. McCully" in Marion County, who may be him, or James McCully, above.

4. Robert McCULLY - Born in Scotland, came to Oregon in 1859. In Lebanon, Oregon
1863. In 1878 business directory for Linn County, listed as a merchant, residing inTl2S ~W.

5. Richard McCULLY - married Elizabeth Miller Hardy, who was born in 1816; they possibly lived in Kings Valley area of Linn County.

6. James H. McCULLY - Born in Grayson County, Texas, 1 Nov 1878, lived in
Portland, Oregon, since 1907. Wife unknown. Died Portland, Oregon, 27 May
1963, age 84. Had been a mechanic for Mack Truck Company. Catholic.
Children: Claude A. McCULLY, Portland, Oregon; Ralph N. McCULLY,
Portland, Oregon; Harold K. McCULLY, Portland, Oregon; Charles D.
McCULLY, Gresham, Oregon; Mrs. Alma ELL, Portland, Oregon; and Mrs.
Doris YOK, Oakland, California.

7. Thomas J. McCULLY - Lived in Portland, Oregon, at one time; he and his wife operated the Hollywood McCully Cleaners in Portland. Mrs. Luretta P. McCULLY (maiden name unknown) was a native of Minnesota, died in San Rafael, Marin County, California, 6 June 1963, age 73. While in Oregon, she had been active in the Elks Auxiliary, Seaside; Mothers of Veterans of Foreign Wars; Hollywood Business and Professional Women's Club; and Hollywood Lions Club Auxiliary.

8. Levi E. McCULLY - Born Chanute, Kansas; died Portland, Oregon, 31 Jul 1973, age 74. Wife Manila _________, daughter Mrs. Albert (Irene) MURRAY, of New Jersey. He lived in Yakima, Washington, at some time, as he was a life member of the Yakima Lodge No.34, AF & AM.

141. M. Wood. Elgin area scrapbook. Moncton, New Brunswick:
The Moncton, New Brunswick Public Library has a scrapbook prepared by a Mrs. Wood, who lived in Elgin, N.B., and collected a variety of newspaper notes and articles. Most of the articles lack complete citations, and many are undated.

January 1928 - marriage of Miss Gertrude M. BISHOP to Walter J. McCULLY, at the bride's home at Harvey. She was the dau. of Mrs. P. M. Geldart and the late Allan BISHOP. Walter was the son of Robert McCULLY of Cambellton, N.B., and currently was living in Elgin.

1954 - Shepherd K. McCULLY, died at his home at Petitcodiac, age 90, after a long period of failing health; born in Rexton, N. B., son of the late Samuel and Mrs. McCULLY. Survived by six sons and five daughters: Norman McCULLY of Mannhurst; Seymour McCULLY of Rothsay: Charles McCULLY, Ross McCULLY, Gordon McCULLY, and Grant McCULLY all of Petitcodiac; Mrs. George SCOTT of Levittown, PA; Mrs. James NEARING of Egg Harbor, PA; Mrs. William McILVEN, Petitcodiac; Mrs. Robert McKNIGHT, Mannhurst; and Miss Ena McCULLY. Also one sister: Mrs. Albert GOUGH of Millville, York Co. He was buried at Corn Hill Cemetery. Among those who came from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McCULLY of Chatham, N.B.

Wedding 24 Aug 1957 at Petitcodiac - Joyce Ina McCULLY, dau of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McCULLY of Petitcodiac, to Leonard LEWIS, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Atkinson, of Calhoun, Westmorland Co., N.B.

Undated - Norman McCULLY fell from a truckload of hay at his Mannhurst farm, and was killed. He fell 15 feet, apparently after losing his balance when the truck moved. His wife is Venetta [MATTINSON] McCULLY; children Leonard McCULLY of Mannhurst, and Robert McCULLY of Rockcliffe, Ontario (with Royal Canadian Air Force). NOTE: This was one of Shepherd K. McCULLY's sons.

142. A. Wood. 1947. Middleboro, Massachusetts, deaths.
-John McCULLY d. 28 Jul 1787, in 81st year
-Jane McCULLY, wife of John, d. 3 Jun 1787, age 77 yrs
-Andrew McCULLY, 23 Aug 1790, in 48th yr
-Lois McCULLY, wife of Andrew, 8 Nov 1799, in 48th yr.
-Andrew McCULLY, 3 Jun 1843, in 55th yr
-Obed McCULLY, 11 Jun 1838, age 43
-Abigail McCULLY, wife of Ezra, 22 Sep 1843, age 41
-Hannah McCULLY, wife of Ezra, 30 Aug 1837, age 35
-John McCULLY, 1 Jul 1829, age 85
-Judith McCULLY, wife of John, 18 Oct 1834, age 64
-Ezra McCULLY, died in Lakeville, MA, 25 Mar 1870, age 77


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