The following article, entitled "For California," was published in the 21 April 1849 issue of the Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania) Gazette. It provides the names of a number of Pennsylvanians headed for California to make their fortunes in the Gold Fields.
"A letter from Independence, Missouri, of date April 7, has the following account of Pennsylvania companies about to cross the plains.
"Pennsylvania has six companies in the field, equipped and ready to move. The first is styled the 'Iron City Rangers,' and is composed as follows: A. W. Brockaway, A. Rudolph, James B. Mitchell, T. B. Kennedy, S. Grubb, Wm. Laury, H. W. Myers, G. Kinsenbach, F. Rockenbaugh, J. C. Risber, Robert Wightman, Lorain Robbins, A. J. Tingle, S. D. Brown, Jos. C. Kennedy, Thos. S. Hart, R. S. Wingham, J. C. McKibben, W. B. Sharp, Robert R. Mart, and Dr. Allen Clark, of Pittsburgh; D. M. Whitehill of Wooster, Ohio; Walter Taylor, Eli Smith, Joseph Smith, Isaac Brecker and George Miller, of Mansfield, Ohio. They are organized into messes of five, are provided with eight light wagons, to be drawn by mules, and each man, in addition has a mule to ride and a mule to pack with. Their object is to seek for gold. In the company is an experienced chemist, and with their outfit all necessary mining implements. They are provided with everything necessary for expedition and comfort, and carry provisions for nine months. Like all other companies that I have met with, they go loaded down with shooting irons of various kinds."
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"The second company is from Centre county, Pa., and composed of John Miller, Samuel Saukey, Geo. M. Wasson, Edward Montilius, Wm. Frederick, G. Miller, Jonathan Moore, Mathias Plaff, and Wm. Bartlett, who go as a joint stock company. They are provided with two wagons, ox teams, one tent, and other necessaries for an outfit, and carry 400 lbs. of provisions for each man."
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"The third company is from Pittsburgh, under the name of Diamond K Company, and composed as follows: Crawford Washington, captain, and C. Kincaid, W. G. Johnston, W. O. H. Scully, W. B. McBride, and Joseph L. Moody, privates. The design moving with Lieut. Paul, on Monday next, but as an independent organization. They are provided with two wagons, mule teams, one large tent, other necessary equipments, and carry provisions for two hundred days, allowing three pounds a day for each man."
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"The fourth company is from Schuylkill county, Pa., and composed of C. S. Cockill, Thomas Small, Rob't. John, H. L. Bird, and ___ Jenkins. They have one wagon, a mule team carrying four hundred pounds provisions for each man, and go as a joint stock company."
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"The fifth company is from Tioga county, Penn., and composed of Norman Andrews, J. B. Hill, J. G. Scuter, N. B. Allworth, Samuel R. Smith, and Philemon Doud. They go as an independent joint stock company, are provided with one wagon and other necessary equipments."
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"The sixth company is composed as follows: Rob't. Faulkner and P. H. Moody, of Erie county, Penn., and J. L. Keefer of Stuben county, Ky. They intend traveling as an independent company, and under no contract or stipulations to each other. So they reach the 'gold diggins' they are satisfied. To accomplish which they are provided with a wagon, tent and other necessary equipments.
"These several small companies, although independent of any other, intend traveling with others for their better security."
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