While pursuing my own efforts to acquire more information about one New Brunswick group of HARRINGTONs, I've accumulated a lot of information about other Harrington lines. Below, I've put together what I've been able to find out about all the various groups. Perhaps the compilation will answer some questions, or open doors to other inquiries. If you know anything more about any of these families, I'd appreciate hearing from you. I'll continue to revise the page every couple years, or as sufficient new information comes to my attention.
Remember that these are just "bits and pieces"; I've only been studying one of the groups seriously, and everything else is recorded pretty much as found in references or provided to me by others. I have made little effort to verify accuracy. Use it for what it is: a "research aid."
I've arranged the Harrington names in families, which include from 2 or 3 individuals to several dozen. Some of the "families" undoubtedly go with other groups, but I haven't been able to find the connections, yet. At the bottom of the page, I include a number of records that I don't feel confident to include in any specific family .
Information added or amended since the last revision is shown in this color. Note also that some of the individual numbers will have changed. NOTE November 2018: I haven't worked on this page in a long time, and probably won't find time to update it, but there may still be something of interest to you.
These simple indices to first names of HARRINGTON people, and to other surnames noted on the page, may help you find what you're looking for a little quicker than just skimming. The reference numbers are to group, and number within the group. For example, Albert 7-B6 refers to Person #6 in Family B in Group 7. For a citation with a "U" [e.g., Alice 2U], look in the unclassified records at the end of the group [in this case, Group 2].
AARON 2-15; ABIGAIL 1-4, 6-15; AGNES 2-34, 7-B27, 9-12, 10-A8; ALBERT 7-B6; ALEXANDER 2-38; ALICE 2U, 7-B27, 8-U, 10-B; ALMA 7-B20; ALVIE 7-B19; ALVIN 10-B; AMASA 10-B; AMY 2-2, 2-9, 7-B14, 13-1; ANASTASIA 9-27; ANDREW 6-1, 6-2, 6-11; ANN/ANNA 2-6, 2-23, 2-33, 3-3, 3-12, 5-6, 5-13, 6-16, 7-B11, 7-B18, 8-A2, 8-D2, 8-E2, 8-G1, 8-G5, 8-I1, 8-I2, 8-U, 9-9, 9-25, 10-A3, 10-B, 13-1, 13-7; ARTHUR 2-40, 7-B19, 13-1; ATHLINDA 7-B13; AUGUSTA 5-6, 7-B9, 7-B16, 13-5; BEATRICE 13-8; BENJAMIN 4-1; BERNARD 7-B26; BERTHA 7-B14; BESSIE 7-B16; BLANCHE 9-30; BRENTON 2-36; BRIDGET 8-C1, 8-C4, 8-C6, 8U, 13-1; CADY 8-C7; CANDACE 13-4; CAROLINE 2-14; CATHERINE 5-1, 5-4, 5-15, 8-H1, 9-3, 10-B; CHARLES 2-17, 2-41, 3-8, 7-A4, 7-B11, 7-B21, 7-B23, 10-B, 11-1; CHARLOTTE 2-13, 10-A4, 10-B; CLARA 13-1; CLEMENT 2-26; CORNELIUS 9-21, 10-B, 13-3; DANIEL 2-6, 2-24, 8-C8, 8-F2, 10-B, 11-1, 13-6; DEBORAH 5-6; DENNIS 8-A2; DONALD 8-A4; EBENEZER 3-1, 3-2, 5-1, 5-6, 5-16, 10-B; EDMOND 8-C8; EDWARD 2-16, 2-34, 3-6, 5-14, 13-1; ELEANOR 2-12, 9-18; ELLEN 8-U, 9-8, 9-18, 9-31; ELIJAH 6-4; ELIZABETH/ELIZA/BETSY 2-1, 2-3, 2-5, 2-6, 2-14, 2-16, 2-27, 2-32, 3-3, 5-3, 7-B5, 8-D1, 8-D4, 10-A4, 10-A6, 10-B, 13-1, 13-8; ELLEN 8-D5, 8-D7, 9-8; ELVA 7-B26; EMMA 2-39, 10-A8, 10-B; ERNEST 10-B; EUGENE 8-U; FRANCES 2-33; FRED 9-13; GENEVRA 7-B10; GEORGE 2-12, 5-5, 8-H3,10-B; GEORGINNA 2-28; GERTRUDE 2-39, 7-B24; GIDEON 2-10; GRACE 7-B13; HANNAH 8-U, 9-16, 9-23, 10-A2; HARRIET 2-32, 2-34, 3-10, 13-1; HARRIS 2-11, 3-5; HAVELOCK 7-B20; HELEN 8-G8, 9-24, 11-6, 13-5; HENRY 2-16, 3-9, 7-A4, 7-B11, 7-B21, 10-A5, 13-1; HEPSEY 7-B25; HERBERT 10-A12; HONORA 8-C3, 8-U, 9-16, 13-1; HUBERT 2-26; IDA 10-A10, 10-B; IONE 5-14; ISABELLA 3-7, 7-A5, 7-B27; JABEZ 1-4; JAMES 2-36, 3-4, 5-9, 7-A1, 7-A2, 7-B1, 7-B4, 7-B26, 8-H3, 8-U, 9-4, 9-11, 9-20, 9-26, 13-1, 13-7; JANE 2-25, 2-27, 3-14, 5-10, 6-1, 6-6, 6-13, 7-B4, 7-B6, 7-B4, 7-B8, 7-B25, 8-E1, 9-5, 10-B, 11-2, 12-1, 13-4; JANET 2-35; JASON 10-A1; JEAN 7-B21, 7-B23; JEREMIAH 8-B1, 8-G7, 8-I1,12-1, 13-1, 13-3; JOANNA/JOHANNA 1-2, 8-D6, 8-U, 13-4; JOB 3-1; JOHN 6-14, 7-A3, 7-B1; 8-C1, 8-C5, 8-D1, 8-D5, 8-F3, 8-G2, 8-G4, 8-H5, 9-5, 9-15, 13-1, 13-3, 13-6; JOSEPH 1-2, 1-3, 9-1, 9-3, 9-7, 9-19, 9-28, 13-1, 13-3; JOSEPHINE 9-29; JOSHUA 10-A2; JULIA 7-A5, 8-F1, 8-I2, 8-U, 10-B; KATE 8-H1, 8-U, 13-1; KEADY 8-C7; LEMUEL 10-A2; LEO 12-6; LEONORA 2-13, 2-37;LETITIA 3-4; LEVI 10-B; LIDA 7-B15; LILLIAN/LILLIE 5-12; 9-29; LODOWICK 3-2; LORETTA 9-14; LOUIS 13-1; LOUISA/LOUISE 2-16, 2-22, 2-35; LYDIA 1-3, 6-9, 7-B15, 10-B; MAE 10-A10; MARGARET 5-14, 5-8, 7-B20, 8-H3, 9-2, 13-7; MARIA 2-22, 7-B26, 9-6, 13-1; MARJORIE 10-B, 13-7; MARTHA 5-1, 5-10, 7-B3; MARY 2-4, 2-17, 2-19, 2-21, 2-41, 2-U, 3-11, 6-7, 7-A1, 7-B2, 7-B6, 7-B8, 7-B11, 8-B1, 8-C2, 8-D3, 8-D8, 8-E2, 8-G3, 8-G5, 8-H2, 8-I1, 8-U, 9-5, 9-6, 9-17, 9-22, 10-A7, 10-B, 11-1, 12-1, 12-2, 13-1; MATHALY 5-2; MATILDA 8-U, 10-B, 11-1, 11-2; MATTHEW 12-3; MAY 7-B18; MEHITABLE 4-2; MICHAEL 8-D8, 8-G3, 8-H4, 9-2, 9-8, 12-4; MILTON 5-14; MINNIE 5-15, 13-1, 13-8; NABBY 6-2; NANCY 6-3; NATHAN 10-B; NELLIE 2-40; NOEL 7-B12; OLIVER 7-B19; PATRICK 8-A3, 8-E1, 8-U, 13-1; PEARL/PERLEY 7-B14; PETER 8-H5; PHEBE 2-23, 13-4; POLLY 6-8; PRUDENCE 10-A1; RALPH 7-B14; REBECCA 3-1, 7-B15; REMINA 13-1; RHODA 10-A9; RILEY 13-2; ROBERT 1-1, 2-31, 5-9, 6-3, 6-10, 6-17, 12-7, 13-1; RUDOLPH 2-34; SARA/SARAH 2-8, 2-25, 2-29, 3-2, 3-6, 3-12, 5-8, 6-16, 7-B4, 7-B6, 10-A3, 10-B, 13-1; SIDNEY 2-41; SIMON 6-5, 7-A2; SOPHIA 2-41; STEPHEN 2-1, 2-2, 2-7, 2-21, 3-3; SUSAN/SUSANNA 1-1, 3-13, 5-11, 7-B5, 7-B17; SYLVESTER 10-B, 13-1; TERESA/THERESA 7-B7, 9-10, 12-2; THOMAS 5-7; TIMOTHY 8-B2, 8-C4, 8-D8, 8-F1, 8-G1, 8-H1, 8-U, 13-3, 13-6, 13-8; UDVELLA 7-B24; VICTORIA 7-B9; VINCENT 13-1; WENTWORTH 2-38; WILLAMINA 2-10, 2-29; WILLIAM 2-18, 2-20, 2-30, 2-U, 5-7, 6-12, 7-A3, 7-B6, 10-A9, 10-A11, 10-B, 12-5, 13-4; WINTHROP 5-5
ADAMS 2-40; ALLEN 3-13; ANDERSON 10-A2; ANNIS 3-12; BARNETT 8-U; BELL 7-B7, 7-B22; BIGGAR 7-B5; BOWES 9-27; BOYD 7-B15; BRADLEY 9-16; BRANSCOMBE 7-B13, 7-B14, 7-B17; BRAYLEY 13-1; BRECHIN 2-32; BROWN 3-4; CARNEY 8-U; CARROLL 13-1; CASE 5-6; COONEY 8-B1; CORMIER 8-U; CRABB 10-A1; DALY 13-1; DEE 9-2; DeWOLF 2-6, 2-41; DODGE 2-29; DOHERTY 13-1; DOLAN 10-B; DOUCETT 10-A4; DUNN 8-D8; EARL 13-1; ELLS 13-1; FAHEY 8-U; FAIRWEATHER 5-14; FEAREBAY 5-1; FERGUSON 7-B8; FILAMORE 7-B10; FILLMORE 7-B10; FITZGERALD 13-8; FLANAGAN 10-B; FOLSOM 10-B; FORREST 3-12; FROST 6-1; GARDNER 13-5 GEORGE 1-1; GIMESLEY 13-1; GOLDING 5-6; GOOD 10-A6; GORMELY 13-1; GORNERY 13-1; GRANNAN 10-B; GRANT 10-A9, 13-1; GREEN 7-B14; HACKETT 8-U; HANLEY 8-U; HANNIGAN 7-B27; HARDING 4-2; HARLOW 3-13; HARRIGAN 13-1; HARRIS 2-2, 2-27, 4-2; HARVEY 10-B; HAYDEN 7-B15, 7-B11; HEATH 7-B9; HEATLIE 7-B24; HIERLIHY 2-19; HOWE 7-B3; HUME 3-7; IRVINE 2-33; JAMESON 7-B6; KEARNEY 8-U; KNOWLES 13-4; KOLLOCK 7-A1; LANGDON 2-10; LASKEY 5-1; LINTON 10-B; LOUNDER 10-A1; LUNNIE 7-B16; MADIGAN 13-4; MARSH 7-B14; MARTIN 2-6; McALLISTER 7-B4; McARDLE 9-10; McCAFFERTY 8-U: McCARTHY 9-8, 13-1; McCULLY 7-A5; McDERMOTT 8-U; McDONALD 2-13, 8-I2; McCULISTAN 7-B4; McNALLY 10-B; McNULTY 10-B; MILTON 10-A8; 1-2; MOORE 2-3, 2-10; MORGAN 13-1; MORRIS 3-3; MUNROE 13-7; MURPHY 8-C4; MURRAY 8-U, 10-B; NASH 8-H1; NASON 6-1; NEILSON 8-D5; NOEL 8-U; NOWLAN 7-B1; O'BRIEN 9-3; O'KEEFE 8-D1; O'LEARY 8-C1; PAYNE 8-U; PERRY 10-B, 13-4; PHILLIPS 10-B; PIERS 2-35; PIKE 6-9, 6-9; PINNELL 2-16; RANSON 2-2; RHEINHOLD 13-7; RICHARDSON 3-6; RIDER 10-B; ROGERS 7-B18; SALMON 2-34; SHAW 5-6; SHEFFIELD 2-4, 2-12; SHIPPEL 2-1; SMITH 1-4, 3-2, 8-C6, 8-U; SPENCER 3-1; STANTON 7-B18; STEWART 8-H3; STUART 8-H3; SUTHERLAND 8-E1; TEAHAN 13-1; TREMAINE 2-37, 2-17; TURNER 7-B26; WADSWORTH 2-14; WALTON 2-8; WHIDDEN 2-21; WILLIAMS 10-B; WORDEN 10-B.
This is a one person "group", so far. The only thing I know about him is that he was at Falmouth, Hants Co., Nova Scotia, on 15 Nov 1760 [R. G. Huling. April1889. The Rhode Island emigration to Nova Scotia. Narragansett Historical Register]. He may be covered in John Duncanson's Hants County books; I haven't checked, yet.
This Jabez HARRINGTON may have been a descendant of Robert HARRINGTON of Watertown, Middlesex Co., MA, as follows:
1-Robert HARRINGTON m. Susanna GEORGE 1 Oct 1648
2-Joseph HARRINGTON b. 28 Dec 1659; m. Joanna MIXER 7 Nov 1688 Middlesex Co., MA.
3-Joseph HARRINGTON m. Lydia ______
4-Jabez HARRINGTON b. 21 Sep 1720; m. Abigail SMITH 25 Jan 1753.
[Reference: H. Bond. 1860. Genealogies of the families and descendants of the early settlers of Watertown, Massachusetts. Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society.]
Stephen HARRINGTON Jr. was a grantee at Cornwallis, Kings Co., N.S., in 1764 [A. W. H. Eaton. 1910. The History of Kings County, Nova Scotia. Salem, MA: Salem Press]. According to Eaton, he came to Cornwallis from North Kingston, Washington Co., RI, but he may actually have come from [or at least been born in] Connecticut. Eaton says he was descended from Robert HARRINGTON of Watertown, MA [see GROUP 1], but I haven't been able to make that connection, yet.
From Eaton's "History of Kings County", Kings County township books, cemetery records, and probate records, I've pieced together some of this family. [Joan Peters of Australia, who I "met" on the internet, also provided information on the descendants of Daniel HARRINGTON.]
1-Stephen HARRINGTON Jr. and Elizabeth [SHIPPEL?]
2-Stephen HARRINGTON 3rd. born ca. 1745, probably in CT or RI; m. Amy HARRIS [dau. of Lebbeus HARRIS Jr. and Alice RANSON] 28 May 1771; Amy was born 15 Feb 1750, and died at Cornwallis ca 1834.
5-Elizabeth/Betsey HARRINGTON b. 20 Feb 1772 Cornwallis
6-Daniel HARRINGTON b. 18 May 1774 Cornwallis; d. 21 Jul1827 Antigonish, Antigonish Co., N. S.; m. Ann Eliza DeWOLF [b. 1778, dau. of Jehiel DeWOLF Jr. and Elizabeth MARTIN] in Antigonish 17 May 1795.
13-Charlotte Leonora HARRINGTON b. 31 Aug1796 Kentville, Kings Co., N.S.; d. 1865; m. Alexander Wentworth McDONALD 1812 in Antigonish.
14-Eliza Caroline HARRINGTON b. 26 Jun 1798; m. Samuel Bartlett WADSWORTH [of Eastport, ME] in 1823.
15-Aaron DeWolf HARRINGTON b. 16 Apr 1800 Kentville, N.S.
16-Edward Henry HARRINGTON b. Halifax 15 Jun 1802; m. at Lunenburg, N.S., 16 Jun 1830 Louisa Elizabeth PINNELL [dau. of John and Frances (RUDOLF) PINNELL. Edward practiced law his entire career. He died in Halifax 24 Jan 1883; Louisa had died there 20 Oct 1874.
33-Frances Ann HARRINGTON b. Halifax 24 March 1832; m. John D'Arcy IRVINE
34-Edward Rudolf HARRINGTON b. 18 July 1834; m. in London, England Harriet Agnes SALMON, dau. of W. A. SALMON, M.D., of Wedmore, Somerset, England.
35-Janet Louise HARRINGTON b. Antigonish, N. S. 31 Aug 1836;m. at Halifax 14 Aug 1866 Henry PIERS
36-James Brenton Halliburton HARRINGTON b. 8 Nov 1838. An attorney.
37-Leonora Wadsworth HARRINGTON b. 20 March 1844; m. Richard Wentworth TREMAINE at Halifax 15 July 1876.
38-Wentworth Alexander HARRINGTON b. 8 July 1843
39-Emma Gertrude HARRINGTON b. 17 March 1846
40-Arthur Inglis HARRINGTON b. 28 June 1847; m. Nellie ADAMS, dau. of Charles ADAMS, at Saint John, N. B. 2 Aug 1871
41-Charles Sidney HARRINGTON b. 8 March 1850; m. 10 June 1875 Mary Sophia Ratchford DeWOLF, dau. of Dr.James Ratchford DeWOLF
17-Charles Fortnam HARRINGTON b. 11 Jul 1804; m. Mary Lee TREMAINE
18-William Moore HARRINGTON b. & d. 1807
19-Mary Dana HARRINGTON b. 19 Dec 1807; m. George B. HIERLIHY
20-William Moore HARRINGTON 2nd b. 24 Apr 1810
21-Stephen Harris HARRINGTON b. 23 May 1812; m. Mary Emory WHIDDEN
22-Louisa Maria HARRINGTON b. 10 Jun 1814
23-Anna Phebe HARRINGTON b. 18 Jan 1816
24-Daniel DeWolf HARRINGTON b. 18 Jan 1816
25-Sarah Jane HARRINGTON b. 12 Aug 1819
26-Clement Hubert HARRINGTON b. 9 Apr 1823.
7-Stephen HARRINGTON b. 28 May 1776
8-Sarah HARRINGTON b. 27 Feb 1779; m. William WALTON 12 Jan 1807.
9-Amy HARRINGTON b. 12 Sep 1781
10-Gideon HARRINGTON b. 1 Feb 1784 Cornwallis; d. ca 1845 Horton, Kings Co., N. S.; m. Willamina MOORE 28 Jan 1812. [dau. of Capt. Thomas William and Anne (LANGDON) MOORE
27-Eliza Jane HARRINGTON b. 2 May 1813; m. Thomas Barlow HARRIS.
28-Georginna HARRINGTON b. 10 Nov 1818
29-Sarah Williamina HARRINGTON b. 9 Oct 1819; m. Thomas Lewis DODGE; d. 3 May 1855
11-Harris HARRINGTON b. 14 Feb 1786; d. 18 May 1851.
12-George HARRINGTON b. 11 Apr 1788; m. Eleanor SHEFFIELD 20 Dec 1820. [dau. of Stephen SHEFFIELD]
32-Harriet Elizabeth HARRINGTON b. 26 Dec 1824; m. 24 May 1844 Perez Martin BRECHIN.
3-Elizabeth HARRINGTON m. Col. William Charles MOORE
Others who probably go with this group are: William HARRINGTON died 21 Apr 1858, age 66; and Mary Alice HARRINGTON died 11 Jan 1872, age 82. Both are buried at Hillarton Cemetery, Cornwallis.
Most of the information on this group was supplied by Janet Heck (Baton Rouge, LA). She also has an ancestral line for this group. Harris Harrington was added to the group based on information in Crowell's "History of Barrington Township."
1-Ebenezer HARRINGTON, son of Job HARRINGTON, b. 1726 Massachusetts; m. Rebecca SPENCER 1743; came to Liverpool, Nova Scotia, before the American Revolutionary War.
2-Ebenezer HARRINGTON Jr., b. 1752 or 1756 probably in Massachusetts; m. Sarah SMITH 3 Aug 1778; d. 1812 or 1818. Lived in Liverpool, N. S. A privateer of this name was operating out of Nova Scotia 1797-1800. Another privateer, Lodowick HARRINGTON, was operating out of Nova Scotia 1799-1801, and may be related.
3-Stephen HARRINGTON married Elizabeth Ann MORRIS 10 Dec 1809
6-Edward HARRINGTON b. 1813; m. Sarah RICHARDSON 27 Dec 1843
10-Harriett HARRINGTON
12-Sarah Ann HARRINGTON m. Francis ANNIS; child Sarah ANNIS m. James FORREST
13-Susan HARRINGTON m. Hugh Huston HARLOW; child Laurence Glen HARLOW m. Henrietta Freeman ALLEN
4-James HARRINGTON b. 1794 Nova Scotia; m. Letitia BROWN; d. 1857 (in Maine?). He was a mariner and ship builder. There were allegedly nine sons and two daughters, but only three are known by name.
James moved from Nova Scotia to Bath, Maine, in 1847.
7-Isabella Allen HARRINGTON b. ca 1825 Nova Scotia; m. John Dawson HUME; d. 1892 in Massachusetts, where they had moved.
8-Charles Brodie HARRINGTON b. 12 Sep 1831 at Sullivan, River John, Nova Scotia; lived in Pugwash, Wallace, and Prince Edward Island.
9-Henry Scales HARRINGTON b. 1832, River Sable, Nova Scotia.
Information on the group came from Carol Vater, who is a descendant. It seems likely that this group ties into Group 2, as both are connected to the Lebbeus HARRIS family.
1-Benjamin HARRINGTON of Liverpool, Nova Scotia.
2-Mehitable HARRINGTON m. 27 Sep 1795 at Liverpool, N. S., Rev. Harris HARDING, son of Israel HARDING and Sarah HARRIS [dau. of Lebbeus HARRIS]. They later lived in Yarmouth, N. S. She died 7 March 1850.
Ann Harrington supplied the beginnings of this family line, partly from information she found in the index of New Brunwick Marriage Records. George T. H. Shaw (from a variety of sources, including work by G. F. Somerville) was able to take some of my "bits and pieces" from elsewhere on this webpage, and make a more substantial family out of it.
1-Ebenezer HERRINGTON b. 1794 New Brunswick; d. 25 March 1850 Saint John, New Brunswick. He was a constable in Saint John. He married 1st Catherine LASKEY 24 July 1816 Kings Co., N. B. (Catherine b. 1797, d. 4 Jan 1823 Saint John, the dau. of Nathaniel LASKEY). No known children. Ebenezer married 2nd Martha FEAREBAY 30 May 1824 Saint John, N. B. (Martha b. ca 1793, d. 24 May 1857, dau. of Thomas FEAREBAY). He and Martha had nine children.
3-Elizabeth Annis HERRINGTON
4-Catherine Laskey HERRINGTON
5-Winthrop George HERRINGTON
6-Ebenezer Rider HERRINGTON b. ca 1828 Saint John, N. B., d. 3 Dec 1903 Saint John. He was a City Marshall. Hem. 1st Anna Augusta/Gusta GOLDING [only dau. of James GOLDING and Susan Ann CASE of Wickham, Queens Co., N. B.]. She was b. 1837 in Wickham, and died in Saint John 28 May 1868. Ebenezer and Gusta had five children.
12-Lillie B. HERRINGTON b. 1861 Saint John, N.B.
13-Annie A. HERRINGTON b. 1863 Saint John, N.B.
14-Milton Edward HARRINGTON b. 1866 Saint John, N. B.; d. May 1903 Brooklyn, New York. He m. Ione Margaret FAIRWEATHER 25 Jan 1894 Hampton Station, New Brunswick. One known child.
-Edward HARRINGTON b. 1899 Brooklyn, New York.
15-Minnie Catherine HARRINGTON [b. ca Feb 1868, d. 2 Aug 1868 Saint John, N. B.]
Ebenezer Rider HERRINGTON m. 2nd 18 Dec 1868 in Saint John, Deborah SHAW (b. 1831, d. 3 Jan 1894 Saint John). They had one known child.
16-Ebenezer K. HERRINGTON b. ca 1869 Saint John
7-William Thomas HERRINGTON
8-Sarah Margaret HERRINGTON
9-Robert James HERRINGTON
10-Martha Jane HERRINGTON
According to Esther Clarke Wright [1982. Planters and Pioneers, Nova Scotia, 1749 to 1755. Wolfville, N. S.], Andrew HARRINGTON had an early land grant at Grand Lake, Queens Co., N. B. [1786?], and later at Deer Island, Charlotte Co., N. B. He owned property at Moose Island [=Eastport], Washington Co., ME, before 1807 [Washington County deeds]. He or his son Andrew owned property there at least until 1838.
The following family information is largely from B. M. Morse [1947. Early records of Eastport, Maine. Brunswick, ME: Topsham-Brunswick Chapter, D.A.R.]. I found the family name of Andrew's wife in an inquiry on the internet from Dr. Kenneth McKeever of New Brunwick, NJ. NOTE: this family apparently spelled their name HERRINGTON at times.
1-Andrew HARRINGTON m. Jane FROST, dau. of James FROST and Sarah NASON
2-Andrew HARRINGTON Jr. b. 6 Dec 1777; m. Nabby _____.
8-Polly HARRINGTON b. 1 Jan 1796
9-Lydia HARRINGTON b. 1 Apr 1798; m. Elisha PIKE in Eastport, ME, 10 Oct 1815.
10-Robert HARRINGTON b. 24 Apr 1800;
11-Andrew HARRINGTON III b. 19 Feb 1805
12-William HARRINGTON b. 28 Apr 1807
13-Jane HARRINGTON b. 7 Feb 1810
14-John HARRINGTON b. 17 Nov 1813
15-Abigail HARRINGTON b. 4 Sep 1815
16-Sarah Ann HARRINGTON b. 17 Nov 1817
3-Robert HARRINGTON b. 30 Sep 1779; m. Nancy _____
17-Robert HARRINGTON Jr. b. 24 Oct 1803; d. 2 Nov 1803
4-Elijah HARRINGTON b. 4 Jun 1786
5-Simon HARRINGTON b. 3 Mar 1788
6-Jane HARRINGTON b. 19 Aug 1792; m. James PIKE in Eastport 26 Nov 1809.
7-Mary HARRINGTON b. 10 Dec 1794; d. Sep 1798
The family of which James HARRINGTON is the currently known head is not yet joined in my records, but the dates, locations and names used make it almost certain that they belong together.
Subgroup A
James HARRINGTON was born ca. 1789. I first found him at Richibucto, Kent [then Northumberland] Co., New Brunswick, when on 23 Nov 1812 he married Mary E. KOLLOCK. His origins are unknown to me, except that the 1851 Kings County (New Brunswick) census identified him as "of English descent". Mary KOLLOCK was born in New Brunswick ca. 1788, and was the granddaughter of Simon KOLLOCK, a Loyalist from Delaware who settled in the Richibucto area about 1785. Her father was probably Jacob KOLLOCK, but Simon had other sons who might possibly have been her father. James and Mary had three known sons and two daughters in Kent County between 1813 and 1825 [the sons were named in a deed in 1820], and a daughter in 1828. All or most of this family later lived in Kings County.
E. McCully and G. McCully. 1990. Descendants of William C. McCully. Sussex, N. B., manuscript.
Richibucto Anglican Church records. Fredericton, N. B., PANB [microfilm F1113].
New Brunswick land, birth, marriage and census records, Fredericton: PANB microfilm.
1-James HARRINGTON [born ca. 1789]; married Mary E. KOLLOCK23 Nov 1812 Northumberland [now Kent] Co., N.B.
2-James Simon Kollock HARRINGTON b. between 1813 and 1820
3-William John HARRINGTON b. between 1813 and 1820
4-Charles Henry HARRINGTON b. between 1813 and 1820
5-Julia Isabelle HARRINGTON b. 1828 [tombstone record]; m. Samuel Thomas McCULLY ca 1862, many descendants in Sussex area, Kings Co., N. B.; d. 1911, buried with husband at Corn Hill Baptist Cemetery.
Subgroup B
Kelly Copeland of Barrie, Ontario, provided me with the initial information on these descendants of a James HARRINGTON and Sarah McALLISTER. Census and birth records added to the families. Lisa Zajkowski provided additions and corrections, from her own family info, and from the book "History of Foreston, Carleton County, New Brunswick" by H. N. Bradley (1984). Joy Harrington provided still more information on the group. That Group B is an extension of the previous group appears likely to me, based on the names used [James and Charles Henry] and the birth of James' and Sarah's children in Havelock Parish, Kings County, where some of the above group were living. James-2 appears to be of the same generation as James Simon Kollock HARRINGTON in Subgroup A, but census records put James-2 birth ca. 1826, and James Simon Kollock HARRINGTON was definitely born before 1821. The 1851 census lists James-2 as John J. S. HARRINGTON; subsequent censuses list him merely as James.
Lisa Zajkowski asserts that John (James) HERRINGTON and Mary C. NOWLAN, m. 30 Dec 1813 in Sussex, Kings Co., N. B., are the head of this group. I have no better suggestion. A problem in my mind with making John and Mary [NOWLAN] the head of this group is that there appear to be no "loose" children who can be assigned to them between their marriage in 1813 and the birth of Mary ca. 1819. This isn't impossible, but seems odd. I put them here tentatively, anyway.
1-John (James) HERRINGTON m. Mary C. NOWLAN 30 Dec 1813 Sussex, Kings Co., New Brunswick
2-Mary C. HERRINGTON b. 1819 Sussex, Kings Co., N. B.
3-Martha Jane HERRINGTON b. 1824 Sussex, Kings Co., N. B. She married James HOWE 2 June 1852 Studholm, Kings Co., N. B.
4-James HARRINGTON b. ca. 1826 possibly Havelock, Kings Co., N. B.; d. after 1902; m. 11 Nov 1847 Sarah Jane McALLISTER/McCULISTEN[b. ca 1830; d. 2 Jan 1893 Biggar Ridge, N. B.]
5-Susan Elizabeth HARRINGTON b. 21 Mar 1849; d. 22 Aug 1927 Foreston, N. B.; m. William Alfred BIGGAR 17 Apr 1867 Havelock, Kings Co., N. B. [William b. 9 Dec 1845 Mount Hebron, Kings Co., N.B.; d. 20 May 1917 Biggar Ridge, N.B.]
6-William Albert HARRINGTON b. ca. 1854 Havelock, Kings Co., N. B.: d. 25 Dec 1919 Hayden Ridge, Carleton Co., N. B.;m. ca 1880 at Hayden Ridge, Carleton Co., N. B., Sarah Jane JAMEISON/JAMESON [b. ca 1857 New Brunswick; d. 1933 Moncton, Westmorland Co., N. B. - although another record says she died 1893]
13-Grace Athlinda HARRINGTON b. 1878; m. 5 Aug 1897 Willis BRANSCOMBE
14-Pearl/Perley Ralph HARRINGTON b. 27 Dec 1880 Havelock, Kings Co., N. B.; d. 2 Nov 1935, buried at Acton, Middlesex Co., MA; m. Bertha May BRANSCOMBE 22 Oct 1901; had nine children born in N.B., including Amy Bertha Pearl HARRINGTON, who married Mr. MARSH. After Bertha died in 1919, he m. 2nd Bertha GREEN in Maine.
15-Lydia/Lida Rebecca HARRINGTON b. 16 Sep 1884 Cornhill, Kings Co., N.B; d. 26 Dec 1959. She m. lst Charles W. HAYDEN 28 Sep 1898; m. 2nd George BOYD 18 Aug 1926.
16-Bessie Augusta HARRINGTON b. 14 May 1886 Biggar Ridge, N. B.; d. 6 Sept 1950; m. 1st William LUNNIE; m. 2nd Jacob LUNNIE (William's brother).
17-Susan E. HARRINGTON b. 27 Jan 1890 Auburn, Androscoggin Co., ME; m. 1st Harvey BRANSCOMBE 15 Apr 1903; m. 2nd Nehemiah BURPEE
18-Annie May HARRINGTON b. 9 Jan 1891 Juniper, Aberdeen Parish, N. B.; m. Sidney STANTON ca. 1903 in Biggar Ridge. They moved to Vancouver, British Columbia in the 1940s, where Sidney died in 1947. She m. 2nd a Mr. ROGERS, and died in Toronto, Ontario.
19-Arthur ("Alvie") Oliver HARRINGTON b. possibly 31 Jan 1895 Blaine, Aroostook Co., ME [but Scott M. Harrington, his grandson, believes he was born at Biggar Ridge, New Brunswick. The 1901 census gives his birth date as 31 Jan 1894, but his tombstone has the date as 3 Jan 1898].
20-Alma Margaret HARRINGTON b. 3 Mar 1898; d. 22 Nov 1912 Hayden Ridge, Carleton Co., N.B.
21-Jean C. HARRINGTON b. 13 Apr 1902; m. Charles HARRINGTON [a 1st cousin - No. 23, below] May 1902; died 1941. Charles' father was Charles Henry HARRINGTON [No. 11, below].
7-Theresa HARRINGTON b. ca 1857 Havelock, Kings Co., N. B.; m. William T. BELL before 1879. William was born 20 Dec 1857 Millstream, Kings Co., N.B.
22-Margaret BELL b. 19 Mar 1879 Gordonsville, Carleton Co., N. B.
8-Mary Jane HARRINGTON b. 9 Feb 1859 Millstream, Kings Co., N.B.; m. 1st___ FERGUSON; m. 2nd John HARRINGTON [John b. ca 1835 Ireland]
9-Victoria Augusta HARRINGTON b. ca 1863 Havelock, Kings Co., N.B.; d. Lynn, Essex Co., Massachusetts; m. Arthur HEATH
10-Genevra HARRINGTON b. 1867 Havelock, Kings Co., N. B.; m. Ezra FILAMORE/FILLMORE
11-Charles Henry HARRINGTON b. 1 Oct 1868 Corn Hill, Kings Co., N.B.; d. 21 Jul 1930 Woodstock, Carleton Co., N.B. ; m. Mary Ann HAYDEN 1 Jul 1893 Hodgdon, Aroostook Co., ME. [Mary Ann b. 18 June 1871]. Lived in Enderby, British Columbia for awhile.
23-Charles Havelock HARRINGTON b. 9 Jan 1900; d. 23 Apr 1939; m. Jean C. HARRINGTON [a 1st cousin, No. 21 above]
24-Gertrude Udvella HARRINGTON b. 3 Nov 1894; d. 3 Jun 1918; m. William Charles HEATLIE 11 Mar 1913
25-Hepsey Jane HARRINGTON b. 13 Jul 1896; d. 12 Nov 1896
26-James Bernard HARRINGTON b. 15 Nov 1905 in B. C.; d. 20 Mar 1986; m. Elva Maria TURNER
27-Agnes Alice Isabella HARRINGTON b. 1903; d. 1970; m. Leo Francis HANNIGAN.
12-Noel HARRINGTON b. 1890 [listed in 1891 census of Aberdeen Parish, Carleton Co., N. B.]
GROUP 8 - Kent and Northumberland Irish/Roman Catholic families
A number of Harrington families came from Ireland to New Brunswick between about 1816 and 1830. Because I have done so little work on this group, this section consists of several short family lines, plus a lot of data on other people who probably go in one of these groups. I leave it to someone else to meld the various mini-families together.
Family A
According to their petitions for land in Northumberland [now Kent] Co., N.B. [microfilms F-4184 and F-4187, PANB], the brothers Patrick and Dennis HARRINGTON were born in Ireland [Dennis ca 1791, Patrick likely a little later]. They came to Canada about 1816. Dennis spent four years in Newfoundland before arriving in Kent County, N. B.; Patrick was in Charlotte County before coming to Richibucto. Other HARRINGTONs from Ireland settled in the area at a somewhat later date.
1-HARRINGTON in Ireland
2-Dennis HARRINGTON b. ca 1791 Ireland; m. Ann _____, who was b. ca 1811 in New Brunswick. Living in Carleton Parish, Kent Co., in 1861.
4-Donald HARRINGTON b. ca 1842 New Brunswick.
3-Patrick HARRINGTON b. say 1795 Ireland. [Note: It seems likely he is the father of John Harrington, Family C-l, below.]
Family B
1-Jeremiah ("Jerry") HARRINGTON b. ca 1821 Ireland (age 40 at the time of the 1861 census); m. Mary COONEY, both of Carleton, Kent County, New Brunswick, 21 Apr 1845.
2-Timothy HARRINGTON b. ca 1846 Kent Co., N. B.
Family C
Kerry E. Price provided some new information on this family in 2001.
1-John HARRINGTON b. ca 1822 Ireland (age 39 at time of 1861 census); d. 22 Feb 1892 Chatham, N. B.; m. Bridget O'LEARY 12 July 1846 Carleton, Kent Co., N. B. [Bridget b. ca 1826 Ireland]. NOTE: Patrick HARRINGTON was witness at John and Bridget's wedding, and also at the christening of one of their children. Patrick (Family A-3) looks like a pretty good fit for John's father.
2-Mary HARRINGTON b. ca 1847 Kent Co., N.B.
3-Honora/Hanorah HARRINGTON b. 28 May 1849 Kent Co., N. B.
4-Timothy HARRINGTON b. 3 July 1851 Kent Co., N.B. Married Bridget MURPHY [of Glenelg, N.B.] 19 Jan 1881.
8-Daniel Edmond HARRINGTON b. 18 May 1896 Kouchibouguac, Kent Co., N.B.
5-John HARRINGTON b. 23 Nov 1853 Kent Co., N. B. This may be the John Harrington buried at Kouchibouguac Catholic Cemetery, 1854-1931 [D. M. Hale (1985), Cemeteries of Kent County].
6-Bridget HARRINGTON b. 20 Nov 1855 Kent Co., N.B. [This may be the Bridget, wife of Henry SMITH, who died 28 Nov 1905, age 48; buried at Kouchibouguac Catholic Cemetery.]
2-Cady/Keady HARRINGTON b. ca 1857 Kent Co., N.B.
Family D
Mary Ellen Farley [Clearwater, Florida] provided information on this family, derived from census records and from the "Dictionary of Miramichi Biographies".
1-John HARRINGTON b. ca1811, Bantry, County Cork, Ireland; d. 22 Feb 1892 Chatham, N. B. He emigrated to Canada with his parents [names not determined] about 1820. He m. Elizabeth O'KEEFE [b. ca 1819 County Cork, Ireland; d. 11 March 1899] at Chatham, Northumberland Co., N. B., 23 Jul 1839. John was a stevedore at Chatham for most of his adult life. In 1869, he received an appointment as the first keeper of the Chatham alms house. He held that position until his death in 1892.
2-Ann HARRINGTON baptized Chatham 30 May 1841, one week old; d. 26 May 1932.
3-Mary HARRINGTON bapt. Chatham 18 Sep 1842, 1 wk old.
4-Elizabeth HARRINGTON b. 24 Mar 1844
5-John J. HARRINGTON b. 15 Aug 1845; m. 28 Feb 1880 at Chatham, Ellen NEILSON, dau. of James NEILSON. He was an attorney in Bathurst, N. B.
6-Joanna HARRINGTON b. ca 1846; d. 12 Feb 1895; became Sister Mary Benedicta of the Sisters of Charity, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
7-Ellen HARRINGTON bapt. 14 Nov 1847, 7 days old
8-Timothy Michael HARRINGTON b. ca 1851; d. 6 Feb 1906; m. 2 Apr 1872 Mary DUNN [who was b. ca 1852, d. 20 Jan 1938]. He was a band leader and music teacher in Chatham, N. B.
Family E
This "mini-family" is noted by W. D. Hamilton (1988), Old North Esk revised. Fredericton: Micmac-Maliseet Institute, page 189.
1-Patrick HARRINGTON b. ca 1808, d. after 1883. He came to New Brunswick from Ireland in 1835, was an established farmer at Halcomb, Northumberland Co., N. B. from 1839 onward. He married Jane SUTHERLAND, a neighbor at Halcomb; she was still living at Halcomb in 1902, a widow.
2-Mary Ann HARRINGTON, b. June 1853, died unmarried in Jan 1912.
Family F
This family is included in the 1851 Newcastle, Northumberland Co., N. B., census:
1-Timothy HARRINGTON b. ca 1820 Ireland; emigrated 1840; m. Julia __, b. ca 1822, who emigrated from Ireland 1841.
2-Daniel HARRINGTON b. ca 1846 New Brunswick
3-John HARRINGTON b. ca 1850 New Brunswick
Family G
This group was brought to my attention by Mary Ellen Farley, and is known on the basis of the 1851 Glenelg, New Brunswick census, and property records. On 10 April 1838, Timothy and Ann HARRINGTON of Glenelg transferred land to John HARRINGTON, with the stipulation that John would pay £6 to Timothy and Ann for the rest of their life. A later transaction showed that the John HARRINGTON involved in this indenture was the husband of Elizabeth O'KEEFE [D-1, above]. This may indicate that Timothy is the father of John HARRINGTON [D-1].
1-Timothy HARRINGTON b. 1783 Ireland; immigrated to Canada Sept 1817; married Ann ____ in Ireland (she died between 1840 and 1851). He was a shoemaker, and lived in Glenelg (with his son Michael in 1851).
2 (probably)-John HARRINGTON [D-1, above]
3-Michael HARRINGTON b. 1816 Ireland; immigrated with his parents Sept 1817; m. Mary _____ by 1840 (she was born 1821). Children probably all born Glenelg.
4-John HARRINGTON b. ca 1840 New Brunswick
5-Mary HARRINGTON b. ca 1842 New Brunswick
6-Ann HARRINGTON b. ca 1844 New Brunswick
7-Jeremiah HARRINGTON b. ca 1848 New Brunswick
8-Helen HARRINGTON b. ca 1849 New Brunswick
Family H
Marlene Graham (Delta, British Columbia) provided info on this family group. The dates and places fit well with Family G, above.
1-Timothy H. HARRINGTON m. Catherine (Kate) NASH in Chatham, N. B., 26 Sept 1870. The service was performed by Father Varrily, and the witnesses were Patrick NASH (Catherine's brother) and Anne HARRINGTON (maybe Timothy's sister?). Catherine was born ca 1846 in Glenelg, Northumberland Co., N. B. After they were married, they lived in Escuminac.
2-Mary HARRINGTON b. 29 Feb 1872
3-George James HARRINGTON b. 18 Feb 1874, baptized by Father Verrily in Chatham, N. B. He died 10 June 1942. He married Margaret STEWART/STUART 24 Oct 1905 Kent Co., N.B.
4-Michael HARRINGTON b. 10 June 1877
5-Peter John HARRINGTON b. 27 July 1879
Family I
Annette Tweedie and "Elaine" (surname unknown) both provided information on this short family line.
1-Jeremiah HARRINGTON m. Mary Ann _______. They lived in the Northumberland-Kent counties area of New Brunswick.
2-Julia Ann HARRINGTON b. ca 1813 New Brunswick; m. 2 Aug 1833 Richibucto, Kent Co., N. B., Randle McDONALD. Randle was b. Antrim, Ireland 1 March 1809. They had eight McDONALD children, most of whom stayed in the Richibucto area.
Other Names that probably go in Families A to I
From New Brunswick Birth Records (PANB, Fredericton)
Chatham, Northumberland Co., N. B.
-Eugene HARRINGTON and Kate HACKETT had dau. Mary Eugene HARRINGTON 31 May 1889
South Esk, Northumberland Co., N.B.
-Mary Ann HARRINGTON and Alexander PAYNE had dau. Alice Jane PAYNE 28 Feb 1891.
From: H. P. Brooks. 1995. Kent County, New Brunswick, marriage records 1845-1862 [copy at PANB], Kent County Marriages 1844-1887, and Index to New Brunswick Marriages 1888-1925.
-Charles NOEL and Honora HARRINGTON, both of Dundas, 16 Jul 1849
-Daniel HANLEY of Carleton and Julia Ann HARRINGTON of Weldford, 15 Feb 1858; Mary HARRINGTON a witness
-Samuel CORMIER and Mary HARRINGTON, both Richibucto, 9 Jun 1861
-James HARRINGTON and Sarah FAHEY, both of Weldford, 10 Feb 1874
-William BARNETT of Richibucto, and Mary HARRINGTON of Carleton 27 Nov 1882; Jane HARRINGTON a witness.
-William G. MURRAY and Alice C. HARRINGTON, Parish of Dundas, married at Bouctouche, N. B. 31 March 1868. Witnesses: James Harrington and Lydia Chapeau.
-Mary HARRINGTON m. Timothy McDERMOTT 30 April 1905 Kent Co., New Brunswick.
From: D. M. Hale. 1985. Cemeteries of Kent County [copy at PANB]
At Kouchibouguac Catholic Cemetery:
-Patrick HARRINGTON 1891-1957
-Hannah HARRINGTON 1848-1934
-Bridget HARRINGTON, m. Henry SMITH, d. 28 Nov 1905, age 48 [Maybe Person 8-C6?]
From: Kent County, New Brunswick, census 1861
-Johanna HARRINGTON, age 28, native of Ireland, Richibucto, servant, Roman Catholic
-Patrick HARRINGTON, age 35, native Ireland; Carleton Parish, farmer, Roman Catholic; wife Bridget age 39, born N.B.
-Matilda HARRINGTON, age 16, England; lodger, Wellington Parish; Roman Catholic.
From Mary Ellen Farley [Clearwater, FL]
-Ellen HARRINGTON b. ca 1824 Ireland; m. William KEARNEY/CARNEY; in Douglastown, Northumberland Co., N. B. in 1851. Ellen died 1888 in Douglastown. Children: Joanna KEARNEY b. ca 1856; Daniel J. KEARNEY; William J. KEARNEY; Mary KEARNEY.
From St. Lous de Kent Roman Catholic Church Register
Timothy HARRINGTON, son of Patrick HARRINGTON and Bridget McCAFFERTY, b. 28 May 1864 Kouchibouguac, Kent Co., N. B. [NOTE: these folks almost certainly go with Family C, above. Honora HARRINGTON and Timothy O'LEARY were witnesses at the baptism; both are Family C names.]
This family group is first identified by me in the 1861 New Brunswick census when they were at Havelock Parish, Kings County. Some of the family was later in Saint John County. The first in this line, Joseph, was probably born in Ireland, but I don't know when he came to Canada. The family was Roman Catholic.
1-Joseph HARRINGTON b. ca. 1789, presumably in Ireland; he was a widower by 1861
2-Michael HARRINGTON b. ca 1821; m. Margaret DEE 20 Jan 1856 [Margaret b. ca 1840]
6-Mary/Maria HARRINGTON b. ca 1857
7-Joseph HARRINGTON b. ca 1859
8-Michael HARRINGTON b. ca 1861; m. Ellen McCARTHY
28-Joseph R. HARRINGTON b. Saint John, N. B., 24 Jun 1894
29-Lillian Josephine HARRINGTON b.Saint John, N. B., 15 Oct 1895
30-Blanche E. HARRINGTON b. Saint John 13 Oct 1896
31-Ellen HARRINGTON b. Saint John 29 Jun 1899
9-Anna/Anne HARRINGTON b. ca 1865
10-Teresa HARRINGTON b. ca 1867; probably m. Patrick McARDLE
11-James HARRINGTON b. ca 1869
12-Agnes HARRINGTON b. ca 1870
13-Fred HARRINGTON b. ca 1876
14-Loretta HARRINGTON b. ca 1879
3-Joseph HARRINGTON b. ca 1831; m. Catherine O'BRIEN [born ca 1837]
15-John HARRINGTON b. 6 Nov 1860 Havelock Parish, Kings Co., N.B.
16-Honora/Hannah HARRINGTON b. ca 1863; m. Daniel BRADLEY 9 Oct 1881
17-Mary A. HARRINGTON b. ca 1865
18-Ellen/Eleanor HARRINGTON b. ca 1867
19-Joseph D. HARRINGTON b. ca 1870
20-James P. HARRINGTON b. ca 1872
21-Cornelius HARRINGTON b. ca 1875
4-James HARRINGTON b. ca 1834; wife Mary ____ b. ca 1838
22-Mary HARRINGTON b. ca 1860
23-Hannah HARRINGTON b. ca 1862
24-Helen HARRINGTON b. ca 1864
25-J. Ann HARRINGTON b. ca 1868
26-James M. HARRINGTON b. ca 1870
5-John HARRINGTON b. ca 1835; m. Mary Jane ____ [b. ca 1842]
27-Anastasia HARRINGTON b. ca 1871; m. Frederick L. BOWES ca 1892.
GROUP 10 - Westfield-Greenwich Families
Lloyd Webber (Cloverdale, New Brunswick) helped me sort out some of this group into one family, with Jason HARRINGTON and Prudence CRABB as the earliest identified generation.
Family A
1-Jason HARRINGTON b. ca 1818, place undetermined; married Prudence CRABB (dau. of Lemuel Jenkins CRABB and Sarah Margaret LOUNDER) 28 Dec 1844 at Greenwich, Kings Co., N. B. Jason d. 23 Jan 1896 at Cloverdale, Carleton Co., N. B. Prudence d. ca 1906 at Cloverdale.
According to Lloyd Webber, Jason Harrington moved his family from Greenwich, Kings Co., N. B. to what is now Bright Parish, York Co., N. B. Jason's father-in-law, Lemuel Crabb, moved his family there, also. In 1877 Jason and his family were among the first settlers of what is now Cloverdale, Brighton Parish, Carleton Co., N. B. Jason had an 1884 Crown land grand at Brighton.
2-Joshua Lemuel HARRINGTON b. ca 1847, probably at Greenwich, Kings Co., N. B.; m. Hannah E. ANDERSON; d. before 1824 at East Cloverdale, Carleton Co., N. B. He had a Crown land grant at Brighton, N. B. 1884.
3-Sara Ann HARRINGTON b. ca 1849; d. before 1924 East Cloverdale, N. B.
4-Charlotte Elizabeth HARRINGTON b. ca 1852; m. Morris DOUCETT.
5-Henry Allen HARRINGTON b. 24 Apr 1856; never married; d. 18 Oct 1924 East Cloverdale, N. B. He had a Crown land grant at Brighton, N. B. 1884.
6-Eliza A. HARRINGTON b. ca 1858; m. Hiram GOOD.
7-Mary M. HARRINGTON b. ca 1859; d. before 1871.
8-Emma Agnes HARRINGTON b. 31 Mar 1864; m. Thomas J. MILTON 1 Sep 1900 Cloverdale, Carleton Co., N. B.; d. 27 Oct 1949 East Cloverdale, N. B.
9-William E. HARRINGTON b. 10 Apr 1865; m. Rhoda A. GRANT in York Co., N. B. 3 July 1889. [Note: in another record, his middle initial is given as "M."]
11-William Edison HARRINGTON b. 30 Apr 1896 Royalton, Carleton Co., N. B.
12-Herbert Sterling HARRINGTON b.28 June 1897 Cloverdale, Carleton Co., N. B.
10-Ida Mae HARRINGTON b. 28 Aug 1868.
Family B
This group, all of which spelled their name HERRINGTON, was in Kings County, New Brunswick, in Westfield and Greenwich parishes at least as early as 1816. From censuses, birth records, marriage records, and family names used, the following are tentatively included in the same tree. as the Jason HARRINGTON family, above. I don't have enough information to connect many of the individuals, so I've put them in chronological "generations"; their individual relationships within "generations" are often still unclear to me.
Earliest Generation
-Mary HERRINGTON m. James FOLSOM 9 Aug 1819
Second Generation
-Eliza Ann HERRINGTON m. Jessie HARVEY 2 Feb 1836
-Charlotte HERRINGTON of Greenwich, Kings Co., N. B.; m. William B. WORDEN 31 Aug 1837 Kings Co., N. B. William was b. 1814, son of Anderson G. WORDEN and Elizabeth WILLIAMS. Charlotte and William had children [WORDEN] William Allen 1841, Amelia 1843, and Albert Amasa 1846. Charlotte apparently died by 1848, as William married again 26 Oct 1848.
-Matilda Jane HERRINGTON m. Ebenezer PERRY 17 Oct 1837
-Amasa HERRINGTON b. ca 1824; m. Mary J. ____ [b. ca 1826]; children:
-Charlotte HERRINGTON b. ca 1848
-Julia HERRINGTON b. ca 1851
-George HERRINGTON b. ca 1853
-Emma HERRINGTON b. ca 1857
-Amasa HERRINGTON b. ca 1859
-Levi HERRINGTON b. ca 1826; m. Catherine McNULTY/McNELTY 24 Oct 1849 [Catherine b. ca 1828, dau. of James McNULTY b. ca 1786, Ireland]; children:
-Charles HERRINGTON b. ca 1852
-Nathan HERRINGTON b. ca 1859
Probable Third Generation
-Charles HARRINGTON and Emma E. LINTON had dau. Alice Marjorie HARRINGTON 17 Feb 1899 Westfield, Kings Co., N. B.
-Levi William HARRINGTON and Catherine Jane McNALLIE had dau. Ida Bell HARRINGTON 13 Jan 1873 Westfield.
-Charles E. HARRINGTON and Lydia A. MURRAY had son Alvin Jarvis HARRINGTON 11 Mar 1892 Kingsville, Saint John Co., N. B.
-Daniel HARRINGTON and Sarah FLANAGAN had sons Cornelius HARRINGTON 20 Apr 1889, and Ernest Sylvester HARRINGTON 1 Apr 1891 - both Carleton, Saint John Co., N. B, and a daughter Catherine HARRINGTON.
GROUP 11 - Daniel Gravis HARRINGTON
1-Daniel Gravis HARRINGTON and Mary Matilda PHILLIPS m. 3 Feb 1851 [Mary Matilda b. 1826 Queens Co., N. B., daugher of David PHILLIPS of Dungiven, Londonderry, Ireland, and Elizabeth RIDER]
2- Matilda Jane HARRINGTON b. 1851 or later, Coles Island, Queens Co., N.B.; died 29 May 1942 in Massachusetts. Married Robert John PHILLIPS, her first cousin.
Frank Horgan helped me move some folks out of the "unassignible" list to start another family group.
1-Jeremiah HARRINGTON m. Mary Jane GRANNAN. They had eight children, including:
2-Mary Theresa HARRINGTON b. 4 Feb 1871, d. 14 May 1933; m. Martin F. DOLAN. They had ten children between 1894 and 1910 (listed in the Harrington Bibliography).
1-From New Brunswick birth records [PANB, Fredericton]
Hainsville, York Co., N.B.
-Mary HARRINGTON and Ichabod GRANT had son Abram GRANT 15 Apr 1880
Chipman, Queens Co., N.B.
-Amy B. HARRINGTON and Jeremiah DOHERTY had son Jeremiah DOHERTY 12 Oct 1889
New Ireland, Albert Co., N.B.
-Bridget HARRINGTON and James TEAHAN had son Joseph TEAHAN 10 Dec 1891
Alma, Albert Co., N. B.
-Jeremiah HARRINGTON and Sarah DOHERTY had child ___ HARRINGTON 10 Aug 1895
Saint John area, St. John Co., N.B.
-John H. HARRINGTON and Marie GIMESLEY [possibly the same person as Mary GORMELY/GORNERY, below] had dau. Honora C. HARRINGTON 11 Jul 1888
-John HARRINGTON and Clara Ann BRAYLEY had children:
-Arthur Vincent HARRINGTON b. 24 Jul 1889
-Clara Elizabeth HARRINGTON b. 20 Nov 1890
-Henry Sylvester HARRINGTON b. 1 Aug 1892
-Mary HARRINGTON b. 26 Mar 1896
-Louis Edward HARRINGTON b. 15 Oct 1897
-Robert HARRINGTON b. 24 Sep 1899
-John HARRINGTON and Mary GORMELY/GORNERY [possibly the same person as Marie GIMESLEY, above] had children:
-Julia HARRINGTON b. 19 May 1892
-Michael Charles HARRINGTON b. 28 Jun 1895
-John HARRINGTON and Eunice ELLS had dau. Adelaide Amelia HARRINGTON 13 Jan 1853
-Mary/Minnie HARRINGTON and Timothy DALY had children:
-Clara Elizabeth DALY b. 30 Aug 1889
-Thomas Daniel DALY b. 12 Dec 1891
-Edward Michael DALY b. 15 Nov 1894
-Nora DALY b. 9 Feb 1897
-Hayden Patrick DALY b. 1 Nov 1897
-Mary E. HARRINGTON and Thomas CARROLL had dau. Anna Gertrude CARROLL 6 Feb 1899 [NOTE: Rayenne Sperbeck (San Diego, CA) thinks this may be Mary Elizabeth HARRIGAN - info from Catholic Archives in Saint John, N.B.]
-Katie HARRINGTON and Michael McCARTHY had son Daniel Valentine McCARTHY b. 14 Feb 1899
-Remina HARRINGTON and John E. EARL had children:
-Lilian Melicent EARL b. 29 Mar 1892
-John Ernest EARL b. 8 Jun 1894
-Joseph HARRINGTON and Harriet MORGAN had children:
-Joseph Patrick G. HARRINGTON b. 17 Mar 1895
-James M. HARRINGTON b. 8 May 1898
2-From David Christopher's "Cemeteries of Albert County, New Brunswick"
-Riley R. HERRINGTON buried at Five Points United Baptish Church cemetery, Coverdale; b. 1859; no death date on stone.
3-From New Brunswick Grantbook Database [PANB, Fredericton]
-John HARRINGTON 1815 land grant - Hampton, Kings County
-Cornelius HARRINGTON 1815 land grant - Hampton, Kings Co.
-Jeremiah HARRINGTON 1835 land grant - Liverpool, Kent Co.
-Timothy HARRINGTON Jr. 1843 grant - Bathurst, Gloucester Co.
-Timothy HARRINGTON 1854 grant - Burton, Sunbury Co.
-John HARRINGTON 1870 grant - Chipman, Queens Co.
-Cornelius HARRINGTON 1874 grant - Chipman, Queens Co.
-Joseph HARRINGTON 1786 grant - Lower Musquash Island, Queens Co.
4-From Kings County Marriage Registers
-Joannah HARRINGTON and John MADIGAN, both Studholm Parish, 9 Feb 1847
-Phebe HERRINGTON and William PERRY, both Studholm Parish, 11 Nov 1847. According to Carol Perry they were still in Studholme Parish in 1871 with 7 children listed in the census.
-William A. HARRINGTON and Candace Jane KNOWLES, both Studholm Parish, 17 Apr 1869.
5-From Carole Gilfedder
Helen Augusta HARRINGTON b. Brooklyn, Queens Co., N. B., 21 Dec 1857; m. 28 March 1875 Edward W. GARDNER.
6-From Don Van Arnam
John HARRINGTON b. ca 1790 Ireland; Irish Roman Catholic. Among his children were Tim HARRINGTON b. ca 1828 Nova Scotia, and Daniel HARRINGTON. The family relocated from Canada to Wisconsin, perhaps about 1863.
7-From Marian Munroe
Marg HARRINGTON m. Moses MUNROE 10 July 1846, Guysborough or Antigonish county, Nova Scotia. Another record (not necessarily related to the above): James HARRINGTON m. Ann RHEINHOLTH 1802 Nova Scotia.
8-From Louis Belanger
Timothy HARRINGTON and Minnie FITZGERALD had dau. Elizabeth Beatrice HARRINGTON, b. Kouchibouguac, Kent Co., New Brunswick 18 Feb 1902. The family is believed to have moved to Maine for some time, but eventually back to New Brunswick (St. Margaret?)
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